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| Bob's wife, Leny, had her cancer return at the start of this year, and wound up staying at hospital when she went with him for his open-heart surgery in January. She passed away within 3 months while in hospice at home.
In May of this year, after selling his house on Landa Street, Bob drove to TX to live with daughter Elsa in the Houston area. He went to work fixing up her house. Here are a few journal entries: 7/24/09 Elsas house is 10 feet above storm tide on 12 pilings. The ground floor has been used as a garage,with curtain walls and double rolling doors and a cement slab exactly at ground level, subject to minor flooding on about annual occasions. My project is to convert the ground floor to living space by building a wood deck on top of the slab. I start this by rushing out to rent a transit, and I discover its almost as cheap to buy a used one,so I bought a Dietzgen half vertical circle type complete with rod and tripod, a facinating toy which I hoped would help make this floor level,with Elsa holding the rod.The slab has settled differentiallly more than an inch in spots, and I set up the instrument in the dark garage, and discover that my eyesight is absolutely incapable of focusing on the crosshairs. Elsa says she can see the crosshairs,but I can't . Meanwhile, Elsas stuff, treasures which she has placed in many plastic boxes neatly fill much of the space,some stuff too big for boxes included a tumblers set of spring pads, one of which serves nicely for siestas, another laying on its side got involved with a pile on 2x4s. Moving this stuff around to make a sighting on the level rod a 2x4 accidently pried the tumblerspad over so it fell on the tripod, crashing the transit to the cement slab. My new equipment is now safely stowed in a plastic box, and our project is proceeding, largely with the aid of a carpenter's level. 7/28/09 The last time I went shooting was with Tim Goorlein. Tim was a machinist who made his own Long Rifle. Flossie, his wife, made him a leather suit , complete with moccasins and a raccoon skin cap. he also brought a cows horn to pour powder down the barrel which was involved with a pan ,flint and ramrod We went to the end of a road up a desert canyon and shot lead balls, which he had made with his do-it-yourself kit, at rocks and also picked up lead to take home to make more balls.I wonder what happened to all that stuff? 7/29/09 This week we fixed the fence gate,which had , due to last years hurricane,come out of alignment so the latch did not latch. To correct this, we put an ugly 2 x 4 across the posts to hold the posts together,and decided to camouflage the arch after looking at it. Numerous conferences later we agreed upon a design by Elsa using the logo of the City of Dickinson(three pines sticking out of a field of grass) where we put the brass house number across the pines cut all out of a scrap of plywood with the Dewalt jigsaw we paid $110 for, painted green(picture Elsa coming home from a hard day at the office and finding her dads hands all green and him fuming because he refused to buy a gallon of paint thinner when he bought the green paint,and she being inspired to celebrate by immediatly going to a French Restaurant!!!!!! (ps...This was in our "not sent" for 2 weeks, dropped because we have been busy,not busy at this moment because of the arrival of bug time, and Elsa insists that I send it). Today I set 8 cement piers on Elsas existing ground floor slab. each pier has an top indentation to receive 2 x 4 joists that will support a 3/4 inch thick plywood floor, I now must install 156 more piers which will be on 24 inch centers. All this stuff is waiting out in the threatening weather with tarps protecting . We are playing a game similar to musical chairs with all of Elsas stuff stored on the slab being proposed moved onto the new floor as we progress.. 7/30/09 Elsa has her highly prized job as a supervising engineer with Verizon Telephone and enjoys working about 60 hours a week. We live in a gated luxury apartment, ground floor with her Dalmatian who is 16 years old. Elsa has , 5miles away in the village of Dickinson, a most unique fixer upper. An acre of tall old trees, a lawn mowing job, poorly drained flat land,but with all the improvements,paved street, sewers, water, telephone and power,etc. A block away from the Bayou.The house, bought cheap, had termites and rot. It consists of 2nd story living quarters with ground floor slab at flooded ground level used as storage and garage. I am occupied with a project to raise the ground floor level so it can be used as additional living space.This week I installed 132 cement piers,to be topped with joists and plywood deck, temperature in the 90s, threatening thunderstorms, and if sweating is good for you, I am fast on the road to recovery from my zipper operation. 7/31/09 Elsa has her 60 hour per week job, and I while-away my retirement commuting to her "fixer-upper" unique house in Dickinson and planning, shopping and sweating-out the details of making the place more habitable.The downstairs 900 square feet garage & storeroom has a concrete slab floor level with the outside flood-plain.Priority is to raise the floor. This week I am installing 167 concrete piers on the slab and criss-cross floor joists tied into the outer walls. Next week I hope to install the plywood floor.When Elsa comes by at 6 PM she pounds some nails.The days are hot & humid & I use "Deet" & have a cot with an electric fan and a refrigerator to help cope. The store room is quite crowded with the accumulated treasures of our long lives and we are playing a game similar to "musical chairs" moving this stuff around...next week onto the new floor. 8/3/09 WE are busy having installed 3 Plywood sheets on the raised floor and are moving the stuff out of the way of progress off the concrete slab and up onto the new raised floor,similar to the game called "musical chairs".We must install the substructure and 25 more sheets of plywood in order to continue with the next stages of this improvement. August 5......Hiroshima Bomb Day...It appears that it will take 3 more weeks to finish raising the floor. |