Bob's Adventures, 2018
No pictures at this time.
Bob continued living in Houston this year. He received another box of wine from Jef and Kathy this spring. He briefly went on the wagon as he thought the vino might be adversely affecting his BP, but continued to drink (half a glass per nite) after he found out that his BP varied without consuming any alcohol.

Bob seems to be inspired to invention. In June of this year, he mused:

Why does a falling leaf auto-rotate?

Some falling leaves do not rotate because their center-of-gravity is located below the center of air resistance and therefor fall close to the tree.. Other leaves with a CG nearer the center of air resistance are seen to automatically rotate as they fall more slowly. Aside from the effect of either insulating tree roots from winter's cold or restoring nutrients to the mother tree's root ball, slower falling farther wandering auto rotating leaves are a natural accident having no significance except that they might provide inspiration to inventors who seek to harness the force of wind to benefit humanity.

Examples of uses of such auto rotation are 1. The bull roarer, 2. the ancient Persian windmill and 3. Juan de Cierva' Autogyro. These and the falling leaves all use the same aerodynamic principle, the Bernoulli Effect, wherein air forced around a moving surface moves faster than the surrounding air and causes unequal air pressure to be exerted on opposite sides of such surfaces and accelerates rotation of the surface's mass about the mass's center. These machines make use of wind energy to disperse leaves, to create music, to grind seeds or to provide lifting force to falling objects.

Cierva's machine uses a wing that pivots around a vertical axis, the inner part of the wing being driven by wind blowing upward through the disk formed by the wing's rotation, the outer part of the wing using that energy to provide the lifting force. The others use a wing that moves in the pattern of a rotating cylinder like the blades of a reel-type lawn mower whose blades are parallel to the central axis of rotation.

One of the things Bob wondered about a few decades ago came to his mind in the middle of this year, and he wrote on longevity:

You are born with 2 important structures in your body. First is called DNA, the other is the container for DNA. The function of DNA somewhat varies between species, but in general is understood to supervise its container to grow (As the next generation) and to survive in its hostile environment and to propagate a following generation. The DNA container has a limited time to find a place in the environment and contend with its own survival while arranging for the propagation of the following generation. Since some births are frustrated in attaining this goal, enough multiple births assure a sufficient number pf propagations of the next generation will prevent extinction of the species.

Many species are programmed in their DNA mechanism to contend precociously with their environment with little or no parental help beyond the time of birth but the human species survives only if the parent protects the vulnerable child from environmental hazards for a period of between 10 to 15 years after birth.

Considering the foregoing conditions, the human species mut rely on a duration of life of about 40 years in order to continue its future generations. When the human DNA containment structure enjoys its life the structure can persist to double that duration of enjoyment. Such persisting is limited by the fact that the DNA molecules residing in that containment structure (not the ones delivered to the next generation) are gradually destroyed by the hostile environment and as a consequence, the containment structure dies. .This slow death may be caused by extraterrestrial bombardment of the DNA's molecular structure during the longer lifetime, which time is lengthened by the habit of nightly sleep during which time the numerous DNA molecules each attempt to repair such damage. We call this process our 'biological clock'. The cognitive human might have means to tamper with his biologic clock, further extending his enjoyable lifetime.

My thought is to deceive the biologic clock, as follows: Avoid the fast lifestyle, Program your daily life by extending each 24 hour day to 48 hours. You possess only a certain number of days to live...Lengthen each day and you will add years to your life!