Robert A Johnson
1970 - 1979
compiled by Jef



Bob's Uncle Luther passed away in early January 1971, but here he is visiting him.


Bob took this pic of son Jef giving validectory speech at Borrego Springs High School this June

In the Spring of this year, Robert and Leny made a trip to Arizona, as described by Bob:

"Ruth’s friend and business partner, Don Lynch, had a daughter Kathy who went to a private school. It was a visit to this school to see Kathy that sparked Elsa’s interest in the school. Don, Ruth, and Elsa picked Kathy up at the end of the school year. While there, California Governor Ronald Reagan was there to give the graduation speech for the class of his daughter, Patty Reagan. The Orme School is a prep school on a 40,000 acre working cattle ranch in the mountains of northwestern Arizona. Jhe school sent Ruth their advertisements, including a descriptive film narrated by actor Jimmy Stewart. The tuition was beyond our family means. Ruth filled out an application for financial aid, but Elsa was not accepted for 9th grade. Six weeks into her semester at Mineral Wells High School, someone was expelledfrom Orme. Elsa was then offered midyear entrance with the necessary financial aid. My $75 per month child support obligation certainly fell short of the cost of her maintenance and tuition. Elsa told me that she did not mind doing the school and ranch chores expected of all students. One year, when Elsa was on vacation, I met her at the Los Angeles airport. While we were helping her pick up her luggage, her classmate and traveling companion, Carole Riordan, contemplating a Taxi ride, was offered by Leny and I a ride to her house which she accepted. We were quite flabbergasted to be directed to the sumptuous residence of her mother in Bellaire, none other than that of J. Paul Getty’s son’s widow. J. Paul was the world's richest man. We were met by a uniformed butler at the door who greeted us, saying, "Welcome home, Miss Carole" whereupon Leny and I hurriedly departed, waving Good Bye! Elsa was the valedictorian speaker at her graduation from Orme. The invited speaker was William F. Buckley."


Jef in black walnut tree on visit to Landa Street home


Julie, Bob, Judie & Thor on garage roof - Thor is missing a leg and will pass away the following year

Judie, Leny & Bob

Julie & Bob



At Julie's graduation from UCSD Bob greets Julie's neighbor hitting on Elsa

Graduate Julie and sister Elsa

Bob taking pic of Julie (below his elbow)

Ruth, Don Lynch, and Bob at Elsa's graduation from Orme High School in AZ

Elsa giving her valedictory address

By this time, Bob showed guests how to summon Blue Jays. According to him:

"The bird that dominates Southern California backyards is the Scrub Jay (aphelocoma californica). I became acquainted when one day my bantam hen's chick was snatched away by this blue monster and carried to the top of a nearby utility pole. BB pistol handy, I winged the Jay who dropped the chick which I returned to her mama. Once I saw a Jay flying with a long dangling intestine from some piece of carrion. It was a common sight to see a Jay mercilessly bullying some smaller bird caught intruding in the Jay's territory. While visiting my father one day, he introduced me to his neighbor who, while walking on the sidewalk, had a Scrub Jay fluttering around him and occasionally landing on his shoulder, when the Jay would then be fed crumbs out of the neighbor's coat pocket. The neighbor and his jaybird aroused my curiosity.

"Later, visiting my brother-in-law, Francis at his home,sitting in his living room in Goleta,on a fine Thanksgiving afternoon awaiting dinner, Francis with peanuts lured a Jay through the open double doorway and each of us was allowed to give the bird nuts, which the bird would eagerly snatch out of the hand, fly away and soon return searching the room for anyone else offering another peanut. Francis admitted that this bird had been so-trained by one of his neighbors.

"So, at home on Landa Street, Leny and I often rested on lounge chairs on our patio,and I began luring the ever-present jaybirds with crumbs from our snacks, Soon the birds would land on our knees, and if not immediately fed, would snatch food out of our hands or off of our plates,and even out of our mouthes.

"Leny often baked cookies in her kitchen, which had a big window left open. When she was kneading the cookie dough she would hold her hands out the window, where she enjoyed letting the waiting Jay nibble at the cookie dough sticking to her fingers."


Leny in downtown LA

By this time, Bob and Leny undertook a strenuous hiking regimen, hiking several dozen miles each week. Bob recalled:

"Tante Lena and I spent a large portion of my retirement hiking in the San Gabriel Mountains, apportioning half of the days for our housekeeping, the other days, getting in the car early to avoid traffic and to do our climbing before the mid-day heat. Another hiker,whom we frequently had met on our favorite trail asked us,one day, "Why do I see you every second day?" (I had read in a scientific journal some stuff about the "Human Body Clock" being everyone's preprogrammed genetic inheritance, and this gave me a clue as to how to answer.) I said, "My body clock that I have inherited is programmed for me to live a certain number of days and I am trying to deceive this clock by lengthening the 24 hour day to 48hours,so I can double my life-span."


Leny by H in Hollywood sign - torn down and replaced following year
This year, Bob & Leny realized Bob's dream of some day visiting the Galapagos. They flew into and stayed in Quito before taking a prop plane to the islands.

Bob & Leny at the Intercontinental Hotel, Quito

May 8, 1977, Quito

May 9, took VW Bus to Ambato - this city is well over a mile in elevation

Yarn vendor, Ambato

On May 10, flew Tame Airlines to Baltra Island in the Galapagos, and on May 11, took a boat to visit the small North Seymour Island to view the wildlife. They wound up in Puerto Ayora at the Nelson Hotel on the island of Santa Cruz.

Taking boat (The Delfin) over to N. Seymour

Frigate bird, N. Seymour Island

Hiked to top of Bartholomew Island

The high point of the trip was probably going to the small southern island, Hood, to see the ocean going lizards

Bob & Leny on Delfin

A sunset, May 13th on Delfin boat ride to Hood Island from Santa Cruz

Bob with his Hasselblad camera(at left, camera dangling way down from his neck) on Hood Island, now known as La Española

Colourful crab

About a half dozen colourful fishing lizards at the beach

Back in Puerto Ayora at the Darwin Research Center, Bob touching a giant tortoise

Leny with a giant tortoise

Out of focus, but Bob has a small bird eating out of his hand. He later trained local bluejays at his home in LA to do the same - perhaps this was his inspiration to do so

Leny with others in tour group in Floreana Island on May 15th


Leny at Post Office Bay

May 16, on South Plaza Island, did a lot of wildlife viewing:

Land Iguana


Bob & Leny returned to the mainland the following week, visiting Ecuador's major port, Guayaquil

Leny with some in tour group waiting to fly from Baltra back to mainland

Downtown Guayaquil

Leny in front of a major church in Guayaquil, May 18

Inside the church


Thanksgiving gettogether at Marian's house

Leny by the California surf - unknown location

Bob clowing around - NOT a banana, but a starfish

Bob by a seal sunning itself

Bob by a Palmdale reservoir dam, perhaps a project he was associated with

By this time, Bob and Leny undertook a strenuous hiking regimen, hiking several dozen miles each week. Bob recalled:

"Tante Lena and I spent a large portion of my retirement hiking in the San Gabriel Mountains, apportioning half of the days for our housekeeping, the other days, getting in the car early to avoid traffic and to do our climbing before the mid-day heat. Another hiker,whom we frequently had met on our favorite trail asked us,one day, "Why do I see you every second day?" (I had read in a scientific journal some stuff about the "Human Body Clock" being everyone's preprogrammed genetic inheritance, and this gave me a clue as to how to answer.) I said, "My body clock that I have inherited is programmed for me to live a certain number of days and I am trying to deceive this clock by lengthening the 24 hour day to 48hours,so I can double my life-span."

Leny somewhere in the desert

Bob on a promontory which he labeled "Devils Slide"

Leny hiking in dunes in Death Valley area

Dad hiking in mountains with Hidden Spring fire in back ground
