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The next tournament will be the weekend of April 16 - 17, 2005. Although at the end of the flower season, since this year has been the best wildflower display in many year, you will need to get lodging reservations as early as possible. If you are planning to play, you must sign up by 7:30 p.m. on the eve of the tournament. Signup at clubhouse, or contact Jef: phone 760-767-4544, e-mail: jef@znet.com, or Dave Quimby: phone 760-767-4283, e-mail: dmquimby@cox.net. If all else fails, call the tennis center at 760-767-0577 the Friday night before the tournament (before 8 p.m.). The draw will be completed by 9:00 P.M. and play will begin on Saturday at 8:00 A.M. If you want us to call you with the start time, add your phone number with your name when you sign up. If you want to share and consume goodies, there will be a Goody Bar in the clubhouse on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
APRIL BANQUETThe happy hour/banquet will occur 6:30/7 p.m., Saturday night, April 16, 2005, at the tennis center. If you want to contribute to the door prizes, remember to place them in the door prize area before dinner. If you plan to partake, you should have paid Marilyn by now, otherwise contact her to see if it's not too late. Here is the menu (Italian cuisine) for the April 16 banquet, catered by Bernard's Restaurant:
Hors d'oeuvres (tomato salad, cheese, salami)
Green Salad with two dressings
Meat Balls in Spaghetti Sauce
Two different lasagnas - 1 veg. 1 meat
Two desserts - Apple Tatin and Blueberry TatinWine, soda, coffee and dinnerware will also be provided by the club.
$100 DRAWING14 members have participated in all 6 tournaments this year, and are eligible for the $100 drawing during the April tournament: Pete Azar, Marilyn Bean, Jim Gilloon, Peg Lieb, Barbara McClure, Tatiana McClure, Tom McClure, Jan McNamara, Gary McNamara, Jack Minkel, Lorlei Petersen, Rosalyn Smyth, Don Wilson, Bonnie Wilson.
The women's rain-delayed December final for the Blitzen division should be completed in April. If all contestants are not in Borrego in April, the finals will be completed with substitutes.
Francis Gilloon - Vicki Anderson
Harriet Lisak - Peg Lieb
Due to the Dows moving further away, Fred has stepped down as president. Gary Edwards was elected to fill the vacancy at the last tournament. He won by 2 votes. The Dows will still come down for some tournaments in the future. Ken gave the Treasurer's report, and said the club was in good financial health, with over $4000 in the bank, after the $1039.13 taken in at the last rummage sale.
New president, Gary Edwards, with departing president, Fred Dow
BORREGO NEWSFlowers continued blooming just as some of the alien weeds died back. Painted Lady butterflies started appearing in ever increasing numbers. Wierd black crawling bugs started appearing. They can be over 2" long, and resemble earwigs. Apparently they can bite, eat other bugs, and are always on the move and wind up indoors by crawling thru door cracks, but are slow enough to deal with. Hopefully they are keeping other bugs in check. They may be larval beetles. April has started with very pleasant weather. Birdwatchers report a larger variety of migrating birds in the area.
MARCH TOURNAMENT We had a good turnout of 48 contestants for the March 12 - 13, 2005 mixed doubles tournament. Weather was good with highs in the mid to low 80s, but with some wind in the early afternoon. Gary Edwards made a cameo appearance, and assisted Jef in the draw. Jef took these pictures of the winners. Harriet Schultz won the $50 drawing -- after 21 years of trying!!!. Congratulations, Harriet!
Harriet getting prize from Jim Perez
WINNER![]() Barbara McClure - Tom McClure (Barbara Trakas) | WINNER![]() Susan Dow - Pete Azar | WINNER![]() Paula Santopadre - Neal Gobar | |
RUNNER-UP![]() Francis Gilloon - Ken Shallahamer | RUNNER-UP![]() Kersti Garthwaite - Gary Edwards | RUNNER-UP![]() Marilyn Bean - Tom Freed | |
Al Lieb - Jan McNamara | Bill Pinto - Tatiana McClure | Jim Gilloon - Carmen Perez | |
Fred Wantland - Harriet Lisak | Borden Granger - Mimi Hartman | Derrick Mortimer Lamb - Erica Savage | |
Dick Trakas - Barb McClure | John Wilcox - Gloria Gobar | Henry Huber - Sherry Huber | |
Fred Dow - Roz Smyth | Don Wilson - Louise DeNeve | Sheldon Baker - Lorlei Petersen | |
Peter DeNeve - Peg Lieb | Tom Haskins - Rachel Edwards | Gary McNamara - Harriet Schultz | |
Val Schultz - Mary Marchese | Doug Baker - Bonnie Wilson | Jack Minkel - Trish Azar |
MARCH POTLUCKTatiana McClure was the MC at the March potluck. She did an excellent job over-seeing the event. Here she is costumed to match the upcoming Irish party day, St. Patty's. Juliana provided some entertainment with some bellydancing. Thanks, Tatiana and Juliana!
BAJA PLANTS TOURJef Johnson will lead a tour of the grounds of "El Divisadero", which belong to the author of Baja California Plant Field Guide, Norm Roberts. Norm recently wed former BSTC member, Sandy Hanna. Norm has successfully transplanted a number of plants native to the deserts of Baja California, in addition to a good collection of native plants. Count on hiking about 1 mile. Meet at the clubhouse on Friday, April 15th at 9 a.m.
El Divisadero from below
MEMBER HEALTHJohn Schultz, according to Harriet has thrown away his walker, and is getting by with a cane. His 2nd knee replacement has been delayed to June due to the fiasco of his last surgery. Dave Quimby missed the March tournament to help his mom, who recently had a hip replacement.
SAN CLEMENTEOur annual campout at San Clemente State Beach is set for September 23 - 26. Some of us arrive a day or two earlier, and stay later. If you haven't made reservations at the campground, it is probably too late, but other accommodations will be available.
We hope to see you in San Clemente for a weekend of camping, tennis, beach, and fellowship. We usually plan a group potluck on Saturday night, also.
BSTC SCHEDULE FOR 2005 - 2006 SEASONBetty Minkel, after clearing this with the Grangers, has produced next season's schedule:
Oct. 29-30 Feb. 18-19 Dec. 3-4 Mar. 18-19 Jan. 14-15 Apr. 22-23
RECYCLED E-MAIL JOKE circulated Dec 12, 2003 from Liz SEYE TEST
Newsletters online can be found at (NO LONGER) http://jef.itforsb.net/bstc.