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The next tournament will be the weekend of April 21 - 22, 2007. This is near the end of the season, but it is still a good idea to make reservations early. If nothing can be found, call Jef or Kathy at 760-767-4536. If you are planning to play, you must sign up by 7:30 p.m. on the eve of the tournament. Sign-up at the clubhouse, or contact Jef or Kathy: phone 760-767-4536, e-mail: jef@znet.com, or if all else fails, call the tennis center at 760-767-0577 the Friday night before the tournament (definitely before 8 p.m.). The draw will be completed by around 9:00 P.M. and play will begin on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. If you want us to call you with the start time, add your phone number with your name when you sign up. Also, if you are just joining the club, please provide contact information, preferably an e-mail address, if you wish to receive a newsletter, and if you want to be listed in the club's directory. If you want to share and consume goodies, there will be a Goody Bar in the clubhouse on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
APRIL 21 - ANNUAL BANQUETSince the weather will be nice and warm, and hopefully the wind and rain will leave us alone, we will use the larger outside area for the April banquet. If you plan to attend, and haven't done so yet, please give Ken $15 per person and tell him steak or salmon by April 15. Email him at jkshalla@yahoo.com, tell him your choice of steak or salmon and that the check is on the way. Make check out to Borrego Tennis Club and mail to:
Ken ShallahamerIt all begins Saturday night at 6:30 at the tennis center with Happy Hour, and dinner begins at 7:00. If you want to contribute to the door prizes, remember to place them in the door prize area before dinner. Also, a $100 drawing will take place, either at the awards presentation, or at the banquet for all members who have paid to be in all 6 tournaments this season. So far, these are the only members in the running:
2331 Basswood Circle
Tustin, CA 92780
Barbara Ash Al Lieb Harriet Lisak Gary McNamara Jan McNamara Harold Plett Ken Shallahamer Jackie Shallahamer Michael Shoemaker Roz Smyth Don Wilson
MARCH HIKE5 people attended the Friday, March 23 hike to Fonts Point. Weather was cloudy, but Fonts Point is always spectacular. The group was surprised to find a film crew from KFMB TV in San Diego, who interviewed the group, even seeing Peg's reaction to seeing the view for the first time. Hikers included Peg Lieb, Carole Stadelbacher, Harriet Schultz, Bonnie Wilson, and Jef Johnson. As Harriet was using a cane, they hiked only about 1 mile along the rim.
![]() Jef at edge | ![]() Hikers scattered along trail | ![]() Bonnie and Carole with 7 others scattered along trail |
![]() Harriet | ![]() Ocotillo blooming at edge | ![]() Bonnie, Peg, Carole |
BORREGO NEWSThe Schultz's took the following photographs at the January tournament:
Enjoying the new Jacuzzi
Don Wilson under waterfall
Actual animals at new Gilloon residence -- note the 2 birds in flight - and their shadows!
TENNIS RANKINGSGary and Jef are having trouble determining which division to put most people. They have decided to break tennis players into groups of 6. Please help them keep it accurate. E-mail jef at jef@znet.com with suggested corrections. The list can be found on the website under RANKINGS. Denny Bean has suggested a tennis round-robin where players can find their own level by going up / down the ladder. We may do this in the next tournament.
PRE-TOURNAMENT HIKEJef will show up at the tennis club on the Friday before the tournament at 9:00 a.m. If any are interested in a little hike (with transportation to/from club and the hike itself not to exceed 3 hours), please show up in the parking lot between 9 and 9:10. If Jef forgets again, and is not there by 9, call him at 760-767-4536, and remind him. Jef will show up at the tennis club on the Friday before the tournament at 9:00 a.m. If any are interested in a little hike (with transportation to/from club and the hike itself not to exceed 3 hours), please show up in the parking lot between 9 and 9:10. If Jef forgets again, and is not there by 9, call him at 760-767-4536, and remind him.
EMAIL CHANGESThe Grangers have a new e-mail address and new Cel numbers. As you know all emails and phone numbers are always on the tennis club website and kept up to date.
NO MORE SNAIL MAIL?Jef is running out of time, and so will discontinue mailing the newsletter to the 6 people (both former and current members) who don't have e-mail. For the past 10 years, both e-mail and snail mail have been used. Jef re-formats and usually compresses the printed newsletter, so as to keep each newsletter under 1 ounce, and this takes about 3 hours of time each mailing. If anyone wants to do a mailing, just tell Jef, and he will provide the mailing information. The current newsletter will be mailed with a note saying as much.
MARCH 2007 TOURNAMENT We had a huge turnout of 68 contestants for the March 24 - 25 mixed doubles tournament. Weather was perfect. Barry Frahm was the M.C. for the Saturday luau. Nancy Shoemaker sang for us and Elaine Tone showed her expertise at Hula. Jim Perez was again eloquent in his emceeing elocution, as always, in summarizing the tournament, teaching us some new facts regarding the ocotillo, and presenting the awards. Harold Plett won the $50 drawing. Congratulations, Harold!
Harold with prize
Elaine leading a Hula as Nancy sings
Emcee Barry awarded club president Gary Edwards this shirt to recognize his contributions to the club
WINNER![]() Brian Worthington - Birgitta Tegelberg | WINNER![]() Al Lieb - Pam Muno | ||
RUNNER-UP![]() Harold Plett - Joyce Finch | RUNNER-UP![]() Carol Gottlieb - Bob Harper | ||
Ray Notholt - Betty Minkel | Don Wilson - Laurel van Gilder | ||
Lee Lisak - Harriet Schultz | Craig Goodrich - Bonnie Wilson | ||
Ed Ghiorso - Karen Worthington | Barry Frahm - Helena Voracek | ||
Ron Romeo - Nancy Harper | Gary Edwards - Carmen Perez |
WINNER![]() Jim Sheble - Pat Muno | WINNER![]() David Figg - Mary Quimby | WINNER![]() Tom McClure - Jackie Shallahamer |
RUNNER-UP![]() Wes Vorcek - Mary Marchese | RUNNER-UP![]() Jack Minkel - Barbara Ash | RUNNER-UP![]() Ursula Hawkins - Bill Linder |
Curt Hawkins - Dulcie Wanganich | Duke Dukarski - Mary Kay Romeo | Fred Wantland - Jan McNamara |
Tom Freed - Carole Stadelbacher | Gary McNamara - Anne Sheble | Mike Shoemaker (Ken Shallahamer) - Roz Smythe |
Harold Larson - Sally Beiderbecke | Keith Delancy - Kerry Armstrong | Ken Shallahamer - Harriet Lisak |
Borden Granger - Marilyn Bean | Richard Frank - Linda Notholt | Al Gottlieb - Elaine Tone |
Tom Haskins - Kersti Garthwaite | Jef Johnson - Jacque Goodrich | |
Sheldon Baker - Peg Lieb |
Sep 15 - 16 2007 San Clemente Campout Oct 27 - 28 2007 Mixed doubles Feb 16 - 17 2008 Straight doubles Dec 8 - 9 2007 Straight doubles Mar 15 - 16 2008 Mixed doubles Jan 12 - 13 2008 Mixed doubles Apr 12 - 13 2008 Straight doubles
RECYCLED EMAIL JOKE submitted by Kim, 7-21-98Consider this...Newsletters online can be found at http://www.borregotennis.com.Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both were shot in the head.
Now this is interesting...
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln.Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners.
Both successors were named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy was born in 1939.Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names comprise fifteen letters.
Booth ran from a theater and was caught in a warehouse.
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
And here's the kicker,
A week before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot he was in Marilyn Monroe.