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Jef and Kathy have a few dozen 2009 calendars with pictures taken in the Borrego area. January starts at the Salton Sea at -220', and ends in December atop Dawn Peak at +6582'. These are of higher quality than last year, and has the Borrego Springs Tennis Club schedule for the first part of the year. Contact Jef at jef@znet.com to reserve your calendar. They can be mailed to you, or picked up at Sandi's or our 1st tournament of 2009. Cost is $15. If one calendar isn't enough, a nice Borrego Physical Therapy calendar will be added for free. Here are the pictures: Mar, Jul pix were taken in 2003, May and Feb were taken in 2007, and the rest were taken this year. All but Dec was taken by Jef:
The next tournament will be the weekend of January 10 - 11, 2009. The usual double-elimination seeded format will continue, with possible round robins thrown in.This is the season, and so it is a good idea to make reservations early. If nothing can be found, call Jef or Kathy at 760-767-4536. If you are planning to play, you must sign up by 7:30 p.m. on the eve of the tournament. Sign-up at the clubhouse, or contact Jef or Kathy: phone 760-767-4536, e-mail: jef@znet.com, or if all else fails, call the tennis center at 760-767-0577 the Friday night before the tournament (definitely before 8 p.m.). The draw will be completed by around 9:00 P.M. and play will begin on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. If you want us to call you with the start time, add your phone number with your name when you sign up. Also, if you are just joining the club, please provide contact information, preferably an e-mail address, if you wish to receive a newsletter, and if you want to be listed in the club's directory. If you want to share and consume goodies, there will be a Goody Bar in the clubhouse on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Jim Ruggles has proposed a "Team Tennis" format for a future tournament. During the potluck in January, the membership will vote on whether the next straight doubles tournament will be in this format, and if so, vote on team captains. Here is one possibility of how it will play out:
- Team captains will be voted on during the previous tournament. The tournament director will determine how many teams there will be on the night before the tournament, based on the number of sign-ups and number of captains present.
- The draw happens the night before the tournament. Team captains choose who will be on their team by taking turns picking from the list of players. After that, captains will choose pairings for the 1st round.
- During the tournament, team members must play as equally as possible (hopefully each player plays exactly as many times as each other player, but some will play 1 less match in case of odd numbers or other special circumstances, such as drop-outs). The details for all special cases will be agreed to by team captains prior to the draw.
- Men's and Women's divisions will alternate to provide rest periods: 2 hours men, 2 hours women, 2 hours men, 2 hours women, for example.
- The gong will be used to keep matches on time (matches are also over when one team has 8 more wins than the other team). On all but the finals round, the time for matches will either be 1 hour, 45 min, 30 min, or even less with a large group.
- Each team will play each other team the same number of times (either 1 or 2, probably). Scores will be number of games won (on ties, keep track of number of matches won).
- PRIOR TO when 2 teams meet, their captains will choose (in order) which pair plays which other pair -- nobody has to keep playing with the same partner, but could, at the discretion of the captains.
- The final round will be between the 2 teams with the best score (in case of ties, there will be a short tie-break match)
- The time limit of each final round match will depend on team size, so that it can be completed in 1 - 2 hours. 1 hour matches are a possibility.
- The winner of the final round wins, the loser comes in 2nd
SATURDAY POTLUCKAs usual, we will have a potluck on on saturday after the first day of play. If you wish, you can drop off door prizes, which will be awarded at the end of the dinner. Happy hour (BYOB) is at 6:30 and dinner is at 7 p.m.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR ALL MEMBERSThe following comments were made by Don Wilson and Marilyn Bean at the December tournament. These comments and clarifications are a result of issues brought up by some club members. These are meant as a reminder for long-time members, and educational for new members.Don's comments...
Since a lot of people missed the December tournament, and for the benefit of new members, I will reiterate the charter of BSTC.
The club is governed by a "board" of duly elected officers--currently, Marilyn Bean, President, Don Wilson, V.P. and Ken Shallahamer, Treasurer. A vote for new officers is held every year, and anyone may become a candidate.
BSTC rents the club from Borden and Sandi Granger (Anza Borrego Tennis Club) six weekends a year starting in October and ending in April.
We arrive on Friday to an immaculate facility that should be left in the same condition when we leave on Sunday. Obviously, this involves all members to do their part. Also, tables and chairs need to be set up for the Saturday night potluck and we shouldn't rely on the same few people to do that.
The tournament "draw" is done on Friday night prior to 9:00 PM. This unrewarding job is done by Jef Johnson, whom we cannot thank enough. Joanne Cohen and Harold Plett assist Jef in this difficult project. They also call the members that night to give them their starting time. In addition, Jef established a website for our club and publishes the newsletter.
Another unsung hero is Harold Plett, who collects the tournament fees. It is not up to him to "chase" you down for money. Pay him when you arrive on Friday.
In some cases, the draw does not suit everyone and has caused frustration among some members. Rest assured that this issue is being addressed and different formats are being considered.
Anyone can play one tournament for the nominal fee of $10. However, if you play again, you must join the club for the nominal fee of $75.(equivalent to one round of golf). There are no exceptions to these rules except for the "Snowbird' clause that allows them to play once for $10 and twice more for $15.
Prizes for first and second place winners are usually shirts or hats and are awarded on Sunday. The $50 drawing for those in the tournament is done at that time and you must be present to win.
Marilyn's comments...
We need to be more conscientious and considerate of others when going through the buffet line. If we are light on dishes, we should take appropriate portions and think of those who are behind us in line. Tell our visitors that we are having a potluck and they are expected to participate as well. Don't rely on the same people to always bring a gift. If you haven't brought a gift in a long time, then it's time to do so. And, always do your part as a member of the club. There are lots of ways to help out. In addition to the usual setting up and cleaning up, I rely on people like Sheldon who is always willing to climb up and help me get down the kitchen supplies. When Sheldon isn't around, I always find another guy to help and nobody has ever turned me down. Thanks, guys.
Don, Ken and I hope you take the above comments in a constructive way so that our club can continue to be special. We are always available and willing to hear your comments.
Thank you, Marilyn
DECEMBER 2008 TOURNAMENT We had a moderately good turnout for October of 44 contestants (20 men, 24 women) for a weekend with good tennis weather -- cool and cloudy at times.
Festivities included Santa (played by Harold P) and his elves at the potluck
Harold Plett won the $50 drawing. Congratulations, Harold!
Harold receiving prize from president Marilyn
Ken Shallahamer made this sign for the club years ago, but Sandi finally remembered to display it for the December tournament.
WINNER![]() Harold Plett - Gary McNamara | WINNER![]() Ursala Hawkins - Bonnie Wilson | WINNER![]() Curt Hawkins - Jim Ruggles | WINNER![]() Sandi Granger - Mary Marchese |
RUNNER-UP![]() Tom Freed - Kareem Nikravan | RUNNER-UP![]() Mary Kay Romeo - Jan McNamara | RUNNER-UP![]() Mike Shoemaker - Barry Frahm | RUNNER-UP![]() Kerry Armstrong - Barbara Ash |
Ed Ghiorso - Lee Lisak | Peg Lieb - Eileen Childress | Fred Dow - Bryan Worthington | Harriet Lisak - Terry Moy |
Ron Romeo - Rick Gehring | Jackie Goodrich - Mary Quimby | Al Lieb - Borden Granger | Marla Anderson - Lorlei Peterson |
Roz Smyth - Joanne Cohen | Gary Edwards - Don Wilson | Marilyn Bean - Kathy Gehring | |
Susan Dow - Vicki Koerner | Sheldon Baker - Hal Cohen | Sandy Kean - Liz Speth | |
Oct 25 - 26 2008 Mixed doubles | Feb 14 - 15 2009 Straight doubles |
Dec 6 - 7 2008 Straight doubles | Mar 14 - 15 2009 Mixed doubles |
Jan 10 - 11 2009 Mixed doubles | Apr 18 - 19 2009 Straight doubles |
The valley got a good soaking on the morning of November 26, which is a good sign for next year's flower season. Then a huge soaking on December 17!!! A small rain over Christmas... Looks like a wet winter! Hopefully, we can get all the tournaments in, but there is a chance for a rain-out or 2.Changes in the business in the valley include the (perhaps temporary) closing of Perry Tire and the opening of another great new Mexican restaurant, the "El Borrego" (formerly Mi Tenampa and the Java Iguana). Kathy now prefers the Borrego Mexican Restaurants in order of preference: El Borrego, Carmelitas, Jilbertos, Pablitos, but that's just one opinion. The Red Ocotillo is no longer in the quonset hut, and is now integrated with the Crazy Coyote -- BOTH MENUS ARE AVAILABLE, NOW, AT THE KRAZY COYOTE! Jef thinks this is in contention for the best restaurant in town.
10 MilNewsletters online can be found at http://www.borregotennis.com.Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper has screwed him for ten million bucks. This bookkeeper is deaf. It was considered an occupational benefit, and why he got the job in the first place, since it was assumed that a deaf bookkeeper would not be able to hear anything he'd ever have to testify about in court.
When the Godfather goes to shakedown the bookkeeper about his missing $10 million, he brings along his attorney, who knows sign language. The Godfather asks the bookkeeper: "Where is the 10 million bucks you embezzled from me?"
The attorney, using sign language, asks the bookkeeper where the 10 million dollars is hidden.
The bookkeeper signs back: "I don't know what you are talking about."
The attorney tells the Godfather: "He says he doesn't know what you're talking about."
That's when the Godfather pulls out a 9 mm pistol, puts it to the bookkeeper's temple, cocks it, and says: "Ask him again!"
The attorney signs to the underling: "He'll kill you for sure if you don't tell him!"
The bookkeeper signs back: "OK! You win! The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed in my cousin Enzo's backyard in Queens!"
The Godfather asks the attorney: "Well, what'd he say?"
The attorney replies: "He says you don't have the guts to pull the trigger."