
April 6 to April 9, 2006


...waiting to edit...

THURSDAYApril 6, 2006
Mark was the first to arrive, and, by his account, walked around nude until McD arrived. Jef and Kathy arrived late that night.

Jef after arrival

FRIDAYApril 7, 2006


Only 3 cars Friday morning

Morning coffee

Mark by target frame after digging hole and firming with large rocks

After frame had been firmed by burying bottom platform with dirt

Tools used in installation

Cannon party gothic

View towards cannons

Heyob arrived just after completing frame installation, so we walked back to camp for a break

Jef had put sleeping bag by fire after ice chest leaked on it on way up, and so had a hole that was patched up this day.

Mark by target just after installing (see installation video)

Fresh target

Target by other long-range target
Later that day, many more arrived.

Mara and Mika arriving

They brought a few sticks of firewood

3 cannon in place after Flaco arrives

McD shooting cannon when darkness was fast approaching

Later that day, with about 15 vehicles in camp, much cannon shooting was done. Mark did final assembly of his cannon stand.


View of snow-capped peak at the tunnel

At the junction to get to 14

Before taking spur trip to Last Chance Canyon, we looked at mining equipment and wildflowers

Cut in white rock on hilltop is borax mine (see pix below)

Starting down Last Chance

We talked with this gnarly offroader at Last Chance Spring -- he had just come up from down-river!

Bypass road seems worse than creek, but may be easier!

Farewell, Last Chance Creek. Back to pavement now.

Tom saw this abandonned mine, so we checked it out. Note the moon above, and footings for probable mine headquarters

Kathy's Jeep -- Note Joshua tree, and Hwy 14 in distance

Perhaps some can't read these signs?

Tom H thinks this water tank was dynamited open

Shafts in this borax mine were impressive

Looking out a shaft at Tom and Kathy

This is intersection of 2 tunnels

New furniture at Jawbone Canyon Store

Dino pizza?

Cannon party as seen from road

SATURDAYApril 8, 2006

Around the camp...

A few bowling balls and dozens of cannon shots were heard this day.

Later that night, Jef put his flashlight and one of Mark's light sticks on target at night. One nighttime cannon shot was tried by Paco, and Jef and Raymo tried their luck with rifle. Sometimes you could see the flash of bullet relative to illuminated target - but no hits.

Tootsie Pop target

Reindeer targets

Note: Alex corrected the following, which mistakenly had the wrong person's ashes going up:

Randy Rose -- still alive and well ;) -- an original cannon partyer from the '70s, shot the ashes of Ed Gomez, saluting him with McD's cannon -- the barrel of which, was formerly Flaco's, and was originally used in 1985 at the Homestead. (So both Ed and Randy were probably both familiar with it, as they were with Tom Cassidy's BBM). Tom also shot up some of Ed's ashes with a BBM salute.

Mark with fireworks above

More fireworks

Mark, Raymo, Eric


WILDFLOWERSApril 7 - 8, 2006

Looks similar to ghost flower

Tiny white flower

Checker Fiddleneck (a phacelia)

Goathead or Fillary (sp?)


Fremont pincushion

Possibly Canterbury Bells at right

SUNDAYApril 9, 2006
Most left camp by the middle of the day. This was a fairly lazy day, and as Jef was out of film, took no pictures. Jef and Kathy cleaned up around their camp and left at about 1 p.m.