
April 19 to April 21, 2008

SATURDAYApril 20, 2008

Hank's ultimate cannon shot phot
Jef failed to show up, due to his attending the wake of a cousin-in-law in Nevada this weekend. Hank took some pix, and they can be seen at:

A few were added below, as well.

Paco and Mike survived a nearly hopeless journey down Last Chance Canyon! Mike only lost one mud flap, and no other damage!!! The next picture shows the point where turnaround was impossible, and committed them to a several hour ordeal to go the final 3 miles. Motorbikers who drove by thought they had no chance of getting the truck out going either way!

Committing to the journey.
They tried going back up, but could not!

The last vehicle that tried this journey?

Descending into main canyon

Might as well stop for supplies before returning

Andy & Frank


Apparently, Frank brought his good camera!

Good pic of Cassidy & little guy!

Back of Cassidy shirt

Firing line

What does that target want from me????

Before shooting...

... and after

They get younger all the time!