
October 16 - 18, 2009

FRIDAY October 16, 2009
Jef and Kathy broke down in Kramer junction. Made the mistake of being towed to Barstow (instead of Victorville, which probably had the part they needed), where they stayed in a fleabag motel.
Broke down in Kramer Junction

SATURDAYOctober 17, 2009

Mark and Paco -- Paco bounced cannonball into target this weekend!

Road trip!

"Target's eye view" of firing line

No fuel pump in Barstow at Barstow Brake and Tire, so off to impound yard at Barstow Towing to wait for long haul tow

Waiting for a tow

Fixing a blowout on tow to Palm Springs
Jef and Kathy dropped car in Palm Springs (Tony's Automotive Service), rendezvoued with Stacey, who picked them up and drove them home. A few days later, Jef got ride to Palm Springs, and drove fixed car (with new fuel pump and filter) back home.

Jef describes this trip as the "Apollo 13" Cannon Party -- breaking down, almost, but never getting to destination, but still getting home alive!