Cannon Party October 2004 TARGET ANIMATION
THURSDAY October 21, 2004
Mark and McD arrived and started setting up camp. Windy and cold!
FRIDAY October 22, 2004
Paco, Jefe, Tom Heyob and Deb, Raymo and Eric, Jim Diamond, the camo kids, arrive, and the party goes into full swing.

Cannon area late friday afternoon

Mark was about first to arrive Thursday

McD and Tom discussing cannon stuff

Cannon area with camps in background

12 pounder at sunset
SATURDAY October 23, 2004
Cassidy, John and Priscilla, Hank and partner (from Santee), Jack and Doug, Alex arrive. Raymo starts day with dawn shot hit! Target is hit about 4 more times during the day. Cassidy fires several BBMs. Raymo attempted the Finnish tent sauna again! Success was foiled by a too much wind and a leaky tent. Paco, Hank sing guitar round the fire. Camo kids shoot off a ton of fireworks. A TV with (probably DVD) was set up, and a small crowd gathered in a makeshift theatre to watch the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Festivities commenced well into the next morning.

Raymo showing off trophy

One of Heyob's smushed cannonballs

McD points out a cool sunset

Back 40 camping
Raymo coming to suggest a dawn shot

Homestead II from SE

Jefe's sound deadening hat (oops! he left ears at site)

McD by hole punched in his probable hit (simultaneous shot with Paco)

MOVIE: McD + Paco Double shot (3.1 Mb AVI file)

Tom with remains of his 1st hit

Cassidy blowing out fuse tube

Jefe taking it easy

Tom matching 1st hit with impact point of target

Santee Hank playing some tunes

Paco listening around campfire for a change

Note: disharmony of following provided by Jefe:

Saturday night campfire

Deb riding the quad
SUNDAY October 24, 2004
Seppo is the last to arrive. After a weekend of great weather, Jefe cooks up the last of his bacon over an open fire, using a creosote "spatula". A few more cannon shots, and Jefe takes off early, stopping only for a blueberry malt at Astroburger, missing the rest of the BBMs.

Cannon area on final day