Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1954
Fall 1954
Jef was probably still in diapers at this time. His mom remembers he didn't like diapers, and often discarded them -- and made a few nasty messes.

Julie, Thor (or possibly Francis), Bob (Jef's dad) at the beach


Dad, Jef

Julie in lake

Jef remembers some of these relatives at train station; probably Union Station in LA:

Lillian Featherstone, Aunt Minnie (Wilhelmina van Leersum), Aunt Phyl (Phyllis Wheatle - who adopt Roy Gates, who later lived on Landa St., and Barbara), Aunt Lil, Ruth, James van Leersum (Minnie's son - Jef's double cousin).

According to Patti: There were 5 Wagners Uncle Charlie, Aunt Minnie (Wilhelmina), Aunt Lil, Aunt Phyl and Helena. Phyl was married twice and adopted Roy and Barbara. One of these might be Uncle Jim van Leersum, one of Phyl's husbands, or Minnie's husband.

Jef remembers going to Marineland, circa 1970, with Aunt Minnie, and vaguely remembers Aunt Phyl. He noticed that Minnie always parotted what she read on signs passing by while in the car, and using them to start conversations. Jef does this occasionally, and fondly remembers Minnie in this way.

This photo is one of the several occasions when these siblings were visiting. Aunt Phyl, and perhaps others in the above picture lived in England.

Summer 1954

Ruth holding Jef (or Julie last year) at bottom of driveway. Lower staircase is under construction. 2' tall Araucaria (Norfolk star pine) is in foreground. Note extent of terracing.

Jef on his 1st birthday

YOU looking at ME??? I don't see anyone else here... YOU looking at ME????

Jef at beach -- note cars in lot

Julie and Eva

Eva, Julie, Jef
Winter/Spring 1954
Jef has slight recollections of parents Bob and Ruth building the deck surrounding the new addition around this time.

Tar baby - hey, nice tan! Good luck with that skin in 7 or so decades, kid.

Dad holding either (probably) Julie by blooming yucca


Julie helping dad with addition to house - this will be the future living room

Marilyn with Richard, Joanne, Janet - grandma (Judith) in background

Mom and new Jef

Julie and dad on a creek

Journal Index