Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1955
Fall 1955

Jef learned to use "tools" to find sugar on high counter. Later was able to find jam high up in cupboard
Summer 1955
Jef doesn't remember, but he was told the family went to Disneyland just after it opened its doors, and was ferried on the shoulders of grandpa Thorwald for much of the day.

A giant epic adventure that extended up into Canada was undertaken this summer by Bob, Ruth, Julie and Jef:

Camping in Oregon

Jef, Ruth and Julie - possibly with Willamette River in background

Jef on dad and Julie, Glacier Natl. Park, Montana

Julie, Jef, dad on the road

Julie, Jef, dad -- Julie was recently rescued after falling in a crevasse -- Jef is threatening to do the same

Dad fixing tire given to him by ranger on Kananaskis Rd in backwoods of Alberta -- barely survived that trip!

Winter/Spring 1955

Jef and Julie

Jef on swing

Julie at the beach

Journal Index