Journal Index
Jef's Activities 1960
Fall semester 1960
Started 2nd grade at Elysian Heights Elementary School with teacher Ethyl Kolbor.

Julie found out she needed glasses this year. Here she is with grandpa Johnson

Summer 1960

Julie, Elsa, Jef - perhaps Jef's 7th birthday?

I think this was my birthday party at grandma and grandpa's. Think there's about 7 candles on cake.

I often visited grandma and grandpa on dad's side. Here I am at their Inglewood house.

Jef remembers going into the wilderness with dad and cousin Roy. Somewhere in a rough, rocky road driving in the Impala convertible, we scraped bottom and my dad soon asked "Jef do you have any bubble gum?". I pulled out some gum in the shape of a cigar. He said "that'll do. now chew it". I remember he took it and went underneath the car. He later told this story:

"After a long weekend, one of our office,diplayed a handful of obsidian spear tips. He said he found them exploring an Indian cave far up a canyon off Saline Valley. He sketched a map for us showing how to get to that cave. He said there was a lot more stuff up there,but he needed a ladder to get to the higher caves and he didn't have time. The next week, our family went up there with a ladder. About half way up the canyon,we punched a small hole in the bottom of our gas tank and had to turn back. In the office the next Monday, I was telling him of our trouble, and he laughed, and explained...."I took a course at the local night school on how to make spear heads. . . .""

Winter/Spring semester 1960

Part 1 of report card

This is my report card for my first semester of 2nd grade at Elysian Heights School.

Part 2 of report card

My 1st grade teacher was Mrs. Simpson.

Part 3 of report card

Journal Index