Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1968
Fall 1968
Mom arrived in Borrego and procured a house off of Rango Way:

Elsa starting the unload process

Started high school in Borrego, as a sophomore.

Xmas card mom made for this year

Julie poses during a visit from dad & Leny

Mom bought us this sandbuggy for Xmas!
Summer 1968
Spent summer in Little Rock AR in hastily built replacement to log cabin that burnt down.

Jef remembers going down to Lake Ouchita and aquaplaning on Don's power boat.

Also, went to Dogpatch USA amusement park opened this year in the Ozarks. Although this park was a commercial success at first, investors expanded too rapidly and this park was closed in 1993 after a succession of owners. The unused park is still there and has been subjected to extensive vandalism since.

On a trail ride at Dogpatch USA - Ruth and Elsa(probably) are 2 rightmost riders - photo by Jef

Elsa? in Dogpatch

Went with Ruth and Don to Borrego near the end of this year. Here is a stable mom was interested in keeping Julie and Elsa's horses, should she decide to move there

Jef remembers he was allowed to drive Don's Cadillac on BS Road on a night with absolutely no traffic. He also remembers going on a morning walk with Don and mom while staying at the Whispering Sands Motel.

Bob took son Jef & Leny on a tour of the southwest this summer

Jef & Leny at 4 Corners

Jef by cave dwellings, maybe Walnut Creek

Sunset Crater

Leny & Jef at Mesa Verde

Jef in Houston (I think)

Elsa about this time, in Arkansas

Mom in Jacksonville this year

Mom went on trip with Don & Rob to a racetrack. Rob wanted to use it for rock concerts:

Mom is in yellow

Don at left

I guess this is the name of the racetrack

Good pic of mom!

Racetrack from the air - mom probably flew there - she had a plane for a while

Rob, Debby, ? & Don
Jun 1968

Graduated from Junior High in a class of about 500.
Click on picture above, if you can't find me.

My skool pic this year
Winter/Spring semester 1968

Perfect attendance award for Fall '67 semester

Gold Crown signifying a better than B average for Fall '67 semester

Reconstructed 1st semester, 9th grade report card

Mom made Jef this desk using bats obtained as promotions by going to certain baseball games as parts of the desk (legs, drawer handles)

Meanwhile this winter in Borrego at the high school, this pic shows they got 5" of snow! L to R: Joey Rice, Rich Palasik, Chuck Blandy, ?

Midterm Report Card







Learned from Mr. Roberts that a normal walking pace is 4 mph (and so, most people don't walk normally). We learned how to speed walk this year.

Note that I only rated a C in Mr. Goulet's class. That was hard to get, actually. Did a lot of neat stuff in drafting, including making some blueprints.

About this time - early winter, dad & Leny took Sam & Jef up to Mt. Pinos to play in the snow.

February, took Jef & Sam & Leny up to play in the snow at Mt. Pinos

Jef & Sam sledding down a hill on Mt. Pinos

Final Report Card

Perfect attendance award for Spring '68 semester

Junior High Diploma

Grandma and Grandpa Johnson card

Little Rock cabin burned down this winter

1968 Echoes YEARBOOK Thomas Starr King Junior High School, Los Angeles

Yearbook cover

Some notes in yearbook

Sam was my best friend from the early sixties to this year. He could generate comic pictures nearly identical to one of the artists of Mad Magazine.


The ones that are circled I'm sure were some of my teachers. Specialties:

  • Brio - PE
  • Chambers - Electric Shop
  • Fisher - homeroom teacher
  • Friedman - history (also talked about his profitable stock investment hobby)
  • Goulet - English (a demanding teacher! probably learned a lot in his class)
  • Harwell - PE (remember he showed films of his hobby of moto-cross out in the desert)
  • Hoffman - Art (think I went with her to a city-wide contest I was a finalist in)
  • Johlfs - Drafting (great teacher)
  • McCormick - World History
  • Peterman - Boys glee (I was an alto)
  • Roberts - PE
  • Yerkes - Science.

Note on yearbook from homeroom teacher

Some of student body

This is me in the yearbook

Note in yearbook

One of my friends at this school was Greg Gitlov, who had a large miniature railroad set-up at his house.

My fellow nerd friends included Mike Jordan - a small guy who always carried a briefcase, Steve Klein, and Bill Weisman, who sometimes referred to me as Jefrius Johnsonius - a new species, obviously not human:

I think Mary McFadden was assigned to accompany me at some event at or near graduation and claimed to like me.

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