Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1972
Fall 1972

Moved to Solana Beach Hotel for a few months (1 block from beach) until moving to the Solana Trailer Park near the end of the year. Rent for a room there was only $50/month!

Julie moved into Solana Beach Trailer park at about the same time I moved into the Hotel.

Summer 1972

Elsa? This pic was taken this year - perhaps Galveston?
Spring 1972
Winter 1972

Jef & Julie occasionally visited dad & Leny. This is Jef checking out dad's new pool - the one he later used to drown caught squirrels

Here is Jef at Landa St. That's a pile of encyclopedias for some unremembered hair-brained foolin' around project

Jef & Julie finished out their lease in La Jolla. They went to Balboa and collected a bunch of camelias that fell off the vines & fooled around with them back at the duplex

Journal Index