Photo Class Slides in the Borrego Area

Mike Buck, a former classmate went into photography

My car during 1973, a 1966 Simca

Julie's boyfriend lived in this shed in 1972

Andy by his old home

Other "homes" in area

Looking west from Circle up Palm Canyon Road

Our house on Rango, 1968-9

Back in 1973, Hugh Woods was the only grocery store in town

Escaped cattle on S2

Old Borrego

Ed Duvall took over Old Borego from his brother Glenn in 1936. Here he is shortly before his death
We were neighbors to Ed in 1969 and 1970. He was a good guy. I remember Ed, Wally, Archie(?), and Norri hanging out at Norri's gas station back in those days.

I remember driving a motorcycle cross country (no licence) down to Norri's and getting some goodies at his 'Quicky Mart'

Clark Lake

Stig Johanson

Construction of a TPT antennae

Instrumentation in the CoCoa Cross trailer

Clark Lake Radio Observatory buildings

One of UCSD array antannaes.

Ken Barbier