Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1973
Fall 1973

Continued college, starting my junior year. Purchased my first bike this year, a Centurion, at a Solana Beach bike shop.

At the end of the year did some biking in Borrego while visiting Clark Lake Observatory there. Did a trip to 17 palms, doing 20-30 miles.

Bike on S-22 with Clark Valley in background


Summer 1973

Biked from Solana Beach to Clark Lake on a very hot day in Borrego; 120 miles, 15 hours, to visit Julie. Heavy headwinds slowed progress to 2 miles/hour on last 4 miles. Temperatures exceeded 120°F that afternoon.

Drove out to visit mom, Julie, Elsa in Cool TX.

While driving to TX, I was pulled over just inside TX without a safety sticker. I promised to get that in Brownsville, but decided to go all the way to Cool, but just as I was pulling in to house, saw a HW patrol going other way, so just zipped around to back of house, avoiding any more unpleasant consequences. Got safety sticker later.


Photo taken at sunset

Vegetable garden out back

Elsa's new motorcycle

Mom and Elsa by mom's new Airstream

Mom and Don with groceries

Elsa's new motorcycle

Replacing Snip?

Elsa on roof

Elsa eating snack in the house

Elsa and Snip

Elsa on roof with Thunderhead behind her

Surreal sunset pose

Mom and I

Rhode Island red escaping, but...

...later killed by Fats


Elsa, mom, Don, Rob, and Kathy

Sunset thru screen window in living room

The Wiggins estate next door

While in Mineral Wells, TX, I worked in the factory and then wrote the inventory report, the Barrier Corportation. On the hottest humidest day in August, spent the whole day loading bales of hay onto a tractor trailer near Weatherford TX.

Jef working in factory, trimming PVC telephone insulators

Don (CEO) and mom, president working at Barrier

Break room at eastern factory

Mom and McDon rented a lot on the Brazos for $15/month. These were taken there:

Jef jumping from the higher diving rock, Don Lynch in water

Jef entering brazos (picture taken from above)

Elsa walking down to river

Elsa on the river

On the way back, I stopped by and spent the night in Old Borego. Denny wasn't expecting anybody, so he came out with a pistol aimed at me, but gave permission for me to spend the night.

Spring 1973

Continued experimenting with photography, starting to use color. Here is a few pix I had taken during the winter in Old Borego in B/W, but now taken in color:

Ken Barbier in Borrego

Here are a few other pix taken there:

Bud Justice, a lawyer, parked his cars and never used them. He lived out the rest of his life in a tiny trailer here in Old Borrego. Met him in 1969, a few years before his death.

My alley at night, Solana Beach

I at UCSD campus

I and Julie in her yard at Solana Beach Trailer Park

Jef in Solana bluffs

Played a lot of frisbee at beach

Julie in the surf

Neighbor, Bob Haberland, opens one of mom's homemade root beers.

Playing frisbee with another neighbor

Oops! Recovering frisbee from roof of gas station

Took time exposure of Big Dipper...

and Orion - used my windshield in place of a tripod

Had 2 visits this season. Mom and my old friend, Sam came down, so I took them to Balboa Park:


Mom "working" on a rocket engine in the Aerospace Museum

Mom clowning around near archery range

Mom by arboretum

Tossing frisbee in Balboa Park fountain

Sam fooling around at Aerospace Museum

Sam at the Presideo

Catching frisbee with no maneuvering room

Sam by arboretum

Sam also took up photography by this point - he used a Pentax

After the school year, spent some time at dad's house in L.A. before going off on summer job:

Jef in his black walnut tree


Julie, Judith, Thorwald (grandma/grandpa), and dad standing. Note grandpa is probably disgusted with Jef, and not looking at camera

Jef in field of nastursiums

Leny giving some treat to grandma

Julie and dad out of focus

Julie and her new puppy


Julie stealing plants for her garden

Winter 1973

Among the classes I took this quarter was a photo class. It involved taking quality pictures on slide film, developing them, and converting them to slides.

All pictures in the photo class were taken either in:


and the


Julie was dating Andy around this time, whom she met in Borrego. Andy was a roughneck working on drilling water wells. I used him to take a few photos while practicing my photography around this time. Here is my favourite photo:

Quickly descending bluffs in Solana Beach

I remember these were the days without automatic focus or exposure. Film will be damaged over time, and not all the specks in these photos are dust. I tried to brush each slide before sending these off to be converted to JPGs in May 2005.

The final project was to submit the best 50 slides. In these 50 was a sequence, so I made the following sequences:

Marshmallow Sequence

Angry Andy sequence

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