Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1975
Fall 1975

The start of fall

Well into fall

After the 1st snow

After the 2nd snow

My car - eventually sold to owner for $25

View from my front door

Started teaching job at the University of Iowa. I taught physics lab, and took various physics courses: Statistical Mechanics, Atomic Physics, Mechanical Physics, Optics, Radio Astrononmy, Electronics, Astronomy.

My advisor was Stan Shawhan. I worked with Stan at the Clark Lake Radio Observatory in Borrego the previous year. I was also down the hall from Fred Erskine who also did work at Clark Lake. Our office was next to van Allen's office (as in the van Allen Belts.

Summer 1975

After a botched tune-up at a Mobil station in La Jolla, I was driving Elsa in Glendale when my Simca engine caught on fire. We got out at a stop sign, but car was in gear, and heat from fire caused engine to move car into busy road and all the way to other side. Fire department came out and put out fire and car was towed to dad's house. Spent the next couple of weeks trying to repair car, including getting carb re-built.

Think mom may have helped tow me to Borrego, where Phil Dooley sort of got car running. Mom followed me out to Texas, but car needed towing in places. We got pulled over once, but weasled out of that and managed to get car to Texas.

Ermatrude - may have come along on the trip from Solana Beach to Mineral Wells - here at Picacho Peak near Tucson

Co-workers in break room at Barrier Corp. this summer

Don Lynch & Jef

My trailer was improved with new carpetting and shelving during the summer.

Mom improved the lot at the river by putting in this deck:

Some of mom's working associates down by the river

Trailer by the river at night

Dad made a detour to Egypt this summer on his Mediteranean trip

Also published the August issue of the Clark Lake Evening Tribune.

Sunset taken on return trip from Texas, somewhere in Arizona

With mom, towed 21' Kencraft trailer from Mineral Wells TX to Iowa City IA. Got trailer space at the Town Crest Mobile Home Court and Sales Company, at 2312 Muscatine Ave. This is within biking distance to the University of Iowa campus. I almost always rode my bike to the Physics building there, where I taught Physics lab for the '75-'76 school year. My office there was on the 6th floor.

My 1st trailer site in Iowa
Spring 1975

Graduated from UCSD. With Don Lynch and mom, drove '66 Ford pickup, towing my 21' Kencraft trailer, to Mineral Wells TX. At Barrier Corp., where mom was the COO.

Collecting my diploma from UCSD. Obviously no big deal for me - disappointed grandma, who also attended.

The garden by my trailer in Solana Beach

Dad and Leny's garden on Landa St.

Sam took this pic of me jumping off ledge. Not a soft landing. Great fashion, eh?
Winter 1975

Journal Index