Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1976
Fall 1976

Signed on to be a teaching assistant for the 76-77 school year at New Mexico Tech, under Les Fallon.

I on Workman

Started classes at New Mexico Tech in August, taking: Practicum in Assembly Language, Introduction to Systems Programming, Introduction to Systems Programming Lab, Electronics III, Quantum Mechanics, and Racketball/Volleyball.

Julie on Workman roof
Summer 1976

After completing school year, and teaching job at U of I. Biked from Iowa City on a rambling bike trip from Iowa City to Evanston Wyoming; 1960 miles over 30 days.

On May 18th(day 1), Dana & Jef departed Iowa City and for some reason took a zig zag route to the vicinity of Fairview IA, where we spent the nite in some park with no tent. We rode about 57 miles this day.

Dana standing by radio observatory we passed just after leaving Iowa City

Dana in one of many Iowa cornfields

On the 19th(day 2) biked 67 miles, camping somewhere in/around Backbone State Park.

Jef at Backbone

Dana at Backbone

On the 20th(day 3), we biked 49 miles, camping around Waverly IA - we toured the college campus while there.

On the 21st(day 4), biked 75 miles or so, tried camping at park by Clear Lake IA, but were rousted out by rangers with dogs, and biked a few miles, settling on camping in some farmer's front yard.

On the 22nd(day 5), biked 114 miles to Milford IA in the rain. We talked the minister in letting us spend the nite at a church there, as it was still raining.

On the 23rd(day 6), we only biked about 5 miles and spent the nite at a campgroung at Lake Okoboji.

Dana standing out in Lake Okoboji

Jef at edge of Okoboji

me at Lake Okoboji, Iowa

On the 24th(day 7), we biked 105 miles arriving in Sioux Falls SD, where a fellow biker offered to let us stay in his basement.

On the 25th(day 8), we biked 72 miles to Mitchell SD, where we spent the nite in a private campground (Doll House Campground)

On the 26th(day 9), we biked 70 miles and stayed on the Missouri River in a campground by Chamberlain SD.

On the 27th(day 10), we biked 72 miles against a strong headwind and camped near Murdo SD.

On the 28th(day 11), we biked 97 miles, camping in Wall SD at the Red Arrow Campground

Jef biking thru badlands

Dana biking thru badlands

Posing for next presidential face???

Dana on piano

Jef playing live at Mt. Rushmore

Viewing scenery

On the 29th(day 12), biked 82 miles, stopped in Rapid City, so Jef could buy his 3rd tire. Raining when we reached Mt. Rushmore, and no nearby campsides, so found a pullout, and not too steep slope on nearby hillside and camped under a tarp in the rain - not a pleasant nite.

On the 30th(day 13), biked 32 miles, camping at Comanche Campground near the Crazy Horse Monument.

Dana by campfire

Dana at our campsite

On the 31st(day 14), biked 50 miles, camping at the Pactola Reservoir, after detouring to visit Jewel Cave, backtracking to Custer, and heading north.

Inside Jewell Cave

Dana on road

On June 1st(day 15), biked 80 miles thru Deadwood SD & a beautiful ride down Spearfish Canyon, before camping in Beulah, WY - our original camp by the river had too many skeeters, so asked to camp in someone's front yard.

On June 2nd(day 16), biked 108 miles, passing by Devil's Tower Natl. Monument, camping at a campground in Gillette WY with backed up facilities.

On June 3rd(day 17), biked 70 miles, going thru an area with no facilities for 62 miles, arriving in Buffalo WY, where we camped at a great campground in the city of Buffalo.

On June 4th(day 18), biked 62 miles, traversing the Bighorn Mountains, with the highest pass, Power River Pass, at elevation 9666', and campged on the other side of the mountains at Tensleep WY.

On June 5th(day 19), biked 86 miles and camped at the campground in Meeteetse WY.

On June 6th(day 20), biked 83 miles and camped at Pahaska Teepees near Shoshone WY.

On June 7th(day 21), biked 59 miles into Yellowstone NP, camping near Norris.

These images were obtained from fading photos in this album

Possibly Golden Gate Falls

On June 8th(day 22), biked 42 miles, thru Mammoth and camping near Tower Falls. We met 2 girls who invited us to a spaghetti dinner at their camp next to ours.

Jef at Mammoth waving arms in front of stalagmite shaped feature

Dana at Mammoth

Passed by this waterfall on the way to Tower Falls - Jef didn't dive in

On June 9th(day 23), biked 50 miles, camping near Madison, sharing spot with a Louisiana trailer.

Passed over Dunraven Pass heading towards Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

Yellowstone Falls

Jef slipping into Yellowstone Grand Canyon

Dana at Norris Geyser Basin

Jef also didn't dive in here, either

At the entrance to the Midway Geyser Basin, Dana didn't dive into the river here either

Jef at Grand Prismatic Spring area

Dana didn't fall in

On June 10th(day 24), biked 18 miles and stayed in a cabin at the Old Faithful Inn.

Dana and Jef at a southernmost Yellowstone pass

Hiking trail near Old Faithful

Dana biking by erupting Old Faithful Geyser

Jef at Old Faithful

On June 11th(day 25), biked 46 miles, going out of Yellowstone and camping in Lewis Canyon in the Shoshone Natl. Forest

Last time we crossed Continental Divide

Jef at Yellowstone Lake

On June 12th(day 26), biked 52 miles, and stayed at the Wagon Motel in Jackson WY as it started snowing.

Jef going by Jenny Lake

Dana with Grand Tetons - Dana at far left

On June 13th(day 27), went to nearby church in Jackson and they let us an other ne'er do wells stay in their gym overnite, as it continued to snow.

On June 14th(day 28), biked 134 miles - maybe 20 with Dana, as we split up just south of Jackson, camping about 25 miles from Kemmerer WY in the wilderness.

Splitting up south of Jackson Hole: I to Socorro, Dana to Seattle

On June 15th(day 29), biked 75 miles, running over some rubble on the Evanstan offramp of the freeway and breaking a couple spokes, making my bile unrideable. Stayed at a motel.

On June 16th(day 30), tried finding spokes in town, but none were to be found, so called Julie in New Mexico, who called mom. Got in touch with mom, who was in Jackson, and she said she would pick me up in Evanston, rendezvousing at the Simms Hotel. We drove south over the next couple of days, stopping in Colorado to pick up '67 Mustang abandoned there by Elsa, and I drove that back to Socorro, where we met Julie at her mobile home. Don't know when mom brought the trailer to Socorro, but it was eventually parked by Julie's trailer.

Jef's tire was still incapacitated when mom & Don Lynch drove him thru Colorado, going over this high pass

Moved to Socorro NM after mom picked me up at end of my bike trip in Wyoming. Drove Mustang Elsa abandonned in Colorado down to Socorro along the way.

Mom had towed Jef's trailer to Lear's Trailer Park on the eastern edge of Socorro. Mom, Don & Jef arrived June 19th. Pansy Johnston was the landlord, and this park, shaded with very large cottonwoods, was a great place to stay. We had several great potlucks there every year.

Lear Trailer Park
aerial view - Ken Barbier
took us up for a tour in 1977
Julie was in #36
I was in #37

Played softball and frisbee and pool with Julie and her college buddies for the rest of the summer. It was a blast.

Ray shooting pool
Spring 1976

Two of my favourite students came to say goodbye, as I was leaving Iowa for good next month.

Jennifer and Michelle

View from my office looking W

While teaching classes at the University of Iowa, I also took a few, including Astronomy. Sometimes we'd go to the roof of the Physics building and fool around with the 16".

View from my office, looking SW

Jef by the 16"

Fellow students - Dana at left
Winter 1976

Journal Index