Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1979
Fall 1979

Continued working for the Geoscience Department as a research assistant.

Ordered a bike frame from England, but when it arrived the next month, the shipping was too excessive, so I never picked it up.

Summer 1979

Signed on as a research assistant for the summer, continuing to work on dielectric properties of ice for the geoscience department.

Spring 1979

Collected my 1st masters degree from December 1978. This one in physics, attending the New Mexico Tech graduation ceremony.

Julie made me a special outfit for the occasion.

Winter 1979

I started taking care of Julie's old mobile home, and eventually moved there.

Julie and Russ bought a house closer to campus

Julie, Russ in their new home

Grace, Julie, Jim on visit to Borrego
Picnic in Rockhouse Canyon

Journal Index