Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1980
Fall 1980

Drove up to Denver with John David. Stayed on 7th floor of the Tower Inn, and presented a paper based on my CS thesis (G: a syntactically extensible language) at an ACM conference on the 14th. Got sleepy on drive back, so John drove. When we were going thru blizzard, he panicked an stepped on brakes at one point, and we skidded off road, but I managed to get him to not stop, so we had enough momentum to skid back on to the freeway, and we continued on. We were lucky to find a gas station open after midnight in northern New Mexico. Also, we had engine problems with my Datsun 510, as the choke wasn't closing, so John wadded up some paper and stuck it in carburator, and we managed to complete this ordeal of a trip.

Bought some of Joel baby's furniture (he was a LongIslander) before he left town to work in Colorado.

Moonrise over Socorro
Summer 1980

Signed on as a research assistant for the summer, continuing to work on dielectric properties of ice for the geoscience department.

Continued working for the Geoscience Department as a research assistant.

Went into the catacombs of Workman Center, and ran RS-232 cable from the computer center to my office in WOrkman. I was able to get 4800 baud, which wasn't too bad for 200 yards of cable. Used a terminal I bought myself.

With Dyer, developed the NMT campus as a frisbee golf course. The lack of summer students enabled us to make a 2 mile course free of interference. Long grass fairways, and lots of static obstacles contributed to an awesome course.

Julie, about to throw frisbee.

With Deb, Anthony, Tom, Dyer, Julie and I developed throwing and catching multiple frisbees while keeping cool on submerged (over-irrigated) lawns in front of Workman Center. We also threw frisbees down the long halls of Workman.

Meanwhile, dad and Leny had an adventurous summer:

Dad's mom, Leny & dad having tea on the garage roof

Dad celebrated his 60th birthday this year

Dad with Leny's in-laws in Roggel, 9/20/80. Clockwise from Left - Leny with Crit on her lap, dad standing, Thea, Sander, Theo, Jacques, Marie-Jose, Marika, John, Truus, Maike & Marlene at right


Neckarstrand beach, Stuttgart

Heidelberg Schloss

2900m Zugspitze at top right(straddling border between Germany and Austria)

Leny descending from 2300m Grubigstein in Austria
Spring 1980

Had a couple of wisdom teeth taken out. Was under nitrous. Pretty bizarre, hearing my teeth being ripped out, and not feeling any pain.

Helped Dyer paint his dorm door in a campus-wide contest. Our entry came in 2nd. Mr. O-hi-o from across the hall won 1st place.

Winning door (David Bowen's)

Dyer's door (2nd place)
Winter 1980
The NMT Physics Club organized a trip to Kitt Peak. Jef and Dyer rode together. On the way we stopped by the VLA and took a few pix:



Jef looking down at tourbus up on large dome

On the way back, took pix of a verdant AZ.

Probably near Florence Junction

Probably the Salt River

3 Miles into NM from AZ on Hwy 60

Journal Index