Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1983
Dec 1983

I flew to Baltimore from NM, stayed with Craig and Mari while finishing contract work with C.E.S. At end of contract, drove up to Connecticut for 2 interviews. One was at Canaan Computer. No job, but I did come back to Canaan a couple years later, for about a week, in a joint project with General Dyanmics. Met newborn Greg (now over 6'2"). Went out to dinner, and I was the one to take the crying baby out to the car, while Craig and Mari finished.

Jef and Mari in Olney, MD

For the interviews in Connecticut, I remember I rented a T-bird. Almost had an incident when I stopped at a rest stop to look at the map, and looked up to see I was moving. Stopped just in time... you have to put auto trannies in PARK... keeping it in drive doesn't prevent car from going backwards. Car had those new-fangled electronic displays.

Met Ben Lapointe, a CES employee, who drove up and met me half way, while I was up in that area. We may have had some pizza or Chinese.

Nov 1983

This month, I flew to Austin, and interviewed with Schlumberger on the 8th. No job.

Probably about this time visited dad & Leny and went on one of their long hikes

Around this time, interviewed with GD in SD.

Visiting grandma and showing her pix from back east

Thanksgiving at cousin JoAnn's in Long Beach - not attended by Jef this year
Oct 1983

I ran in the M-Mtn 9-miler. Even tho I started over 15 minutes late, still managed 80min 50sec.

Julie being teased at one of Ray's pizza parties

At Halloween party in Socorro

Also in October, visited and played frisbee golf at Dyer's course on Sacramento Peak Observatory (elev. 9200').

Sep 1983

Visited Craig and Mari in Olney MD, while contracting job for CES (adding support for punched cards).

Julie threw me a cool dinasaur party. Note my surprise as the worm shoots out of the gag can of nuts, and the drunken clowns (complete with little beer cans) on the cake.

Aug 1983

Moved out of apartment in Maryland on 15th, loaded up pickup, and drove to Socorro, where I roomed with Julie for a few months.

On the trip, I remember trying to fix the piece of plastic I had over my load under a bridge in Tennesse, where in just a few minutes I picked up several tics. The plastic was in tatters, and not much chance of salvaging it, but I was lucky enough to not have much rain on drive to the Dallas area where I stayed with and dumped part of my load with mom at the abandonned house she lived in at Ceder (Point? Ridge?).

Mom and I at her house in Texas

Hanging out in Socorro

It may have around this time that I participated in the International Dinner where I helped cook a Persian dish. Julie was the entertainment to this event:


Jul 1983

Went rafting at Harper's Ferry this summer: Lubin, Jef, Joanne, our guide

Jef playing tennis - Tom Clancy looking disgusted at delay in background

Visited Harper's Ferry again in my final date with Joanne

Left CES, moving from Silver Spring MD back to Socorro NM.

Jun 1983
Ran in the Diet Pepsi 10K at the Mall in Washington DC. Pretty neat being one of 5,000 runners and running by all the monuments near the mall in DC.

Nancy, Norma, Ben, Joanne, Jef, (Carol & Mr. Carol), and Lubin at pizza place after softball game
May 1983

Here I am swapping name-plates of parking for big-wigs at C.E.S. I heard there was a lot of confusion the next day...

We went to several Oriole's games. Here we are in parking lot.

I at Brookside Gardens

Ran in my first 10K in College Park, MD: just under 50min.

Reading paper near capitol

I by the capitol

Jef at the capitol

Jef near the Jefferson Memorial

Visiting mom at the DC Zoo

Jef at the capitol

Apr 1983

Because of Craig's advice, started an IRA. Half Fidelity Magellan, half Fidelity Equity Income.

Taft Bell-tower in background

Flying kite bought at Air & Space Museum this month

Went with Ben Lapoint, Steve, Marsha down to DC to see cherry blossoms and other stuff.

Visiting peculiar statue
The Awakening
Jan 1983

Got my first set of contact lenses. Pretty cool!

Silver Spring got 2' of snow in a storm (maybe) this month. It was interesting hiking 3 miles(each way) to work for next couple of weeks, as snow changed. The most interesting was when top layer solidified to ice, and slipping meant sharp edges cutting into my shins.

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