Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1985
Dec 1985

Returned from New Mexico on the 2nd, after visiting Julie in Socorro for Thanksgiving.

About this time, went on a camp trip with Paco near Pegleg. He brought out his 2 motorcycles and Jef briefly rode them.

Jef on Hodaka

Jef on Bultaco
Nov 1985

Flew to Albuquerque on the 25th. Rented a car from Alamo and drove down to Socorro for Thanksgiving.

Oct 1985

Went to cannon party with Paco & Esteban. Paco debuted his new cannon. After shooting a few times with 8oz. charges (overkill it turned out), the frame bent.

Esteban's first cannon party -- here he is checking aim

Paco's new cannon

Flaco's cannon at end of this cannon party - using 8 oz. of black powder per cannonball proved to be too much & barrel separated from the carriage

5024 Abuela house was robbed late this month. Lost TV and hi-fi, which I replaced early next month.

Sep 1985

Hiked up Mt. Whitney with Paco; 22 miles, 6100'+ vertical, 12 hours. Interesting thing about this hike is that we spent night at Whitney Portal Motel, started hike around 7:30am, Paco got altitude sick at the top, and we had to hurry down. We didn't bring water, and wound up drinking from the creek. Paco got better as we got lower. We didn't bring a flashlight, and so ran the last 2 miles -- getting back to the truck at about 7:30 -- around sunset! We drove further up the sierras hitting the 2 hot springs in the area: Hot Creek near Mammoth and Keough. We may have spent night in Mammoth.

Taking break on way back at Owens Lake. NOTE: Little Red was still red!

On the 30th, was in New York. Probably in regard to visiting Canaan Computer for the 5000T project. Rented a Chevy Caprice from Avis.

Aug 1985

I took Sheila on a date to the zoo (I met her at a party around this time). She took this pic of me
Jul 1985

On the 2nd, went out with CRA Table Tennis Club for pizza night.

Flew America West to Albuquerque on the 19th, supposed to return on the 27th, but looks like I flew to Denver on the 23rd.

Jun 1985

Tailgating - went to some baseball game(s) this season

Craig, Mary & Greg visited me in Tierrasanta before I moved up to RB around this time
May 1985

While visiting dad in LA, purchased my backpacking sleeping bag in Glendale, at the Sportmart there.

Richard (mom's Pasadena CA friend's son), was my roommate for a few months, including this month.

Mom visited for a few weeks before going over to Russia. We went to Balboa park, Borrego, the beach, and a few other places.

Mom at SD Zoo

Mom took this photo of Jef at Kenyon Overlook

and this one

Jef and mom in Old Borego

Mom planted flowers at my Tierrasanta house around this time
Apr 1985

On the 13st, ran in the Tierrasanta Kiwanis 10K run: 49min 36sec.

Also ran in the Buik 10K downtown: 45min 16sec. This was my 2nd best time, ever.

Ran in the GD DSD 5K run in under 20 minutes.

Shortly after these runs, blew out my back, so stopped running for a year.

Probably this is my first visit to a "cannon party". Got to see the 3 pounder make its last visit to "the homestead".

Raymo shooting cannon
Mar 1985

Skied at Mtn. High on the 16th. With Larry W. and Paco.

Feb 1985

Went to Canaan CT on business for a few days working on the 5000T project. While there, Bryan wanted to see Newport mansions. We paid for a tour of "The Elms".

Ticket stub for tour

Involved with CRA Tennis Club (Treasurer) around this time.

Jan 1985

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