Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1986
Dec 1986
Nov 1986
Oct 1986

Bought my La Copa hammock at Seaport Village (Swings n' Things). It broke in March 2005.

Flew to Colorado with Paco around the 5th. Stayed at his uncle's place in Denver, and then drove out and visited his cousin in Vail. We went fishing and played tennis in Vail. Went out a couple of times with relatives in Denver. Spent a week in the area. It was snowing on way to airport, but we just made it.

Apparently I must have continued flying to Baltimore on the 13th, where I probably visited Craig and Mari.

Rented house at Club Circle in Borrego to act as headquarters while building my house. Kept this until May '87. House belonged to parents of Julie's boyfriend in high school, the Oakes.

Sep 1986

Quit job at General Dynamics, moved out of Tierrasanta, renting storage space for the next few months in Miramar.

Aug 1986
Jul 1986
Jun 1986

Did my first backpack trip with Paco to Booth Lake in Yosemite. We also went down to Yosemite Valley and rafted down the Merced for a few miles. Also went skiing at Mammoth around the 24th -- very slushy!

Paco at our little campfire in the wilderness

Jef near Booth Lake
May 1986

Went camping with Paco at Picacho, where we got ride up river from Brent Jackson, and took raft back about 5 miles or so.

our campsite

Ran a shortened Sierra Madre Trail run (only 8.6 miles).

Looks like I was in Texas visiting mom from the 3rd to the 5th.

On the 31st, purchased my redwood lawn furniture at Handyman.

Larry became new roommate around this month, until I moved out of Tierrasanta at end of September.

Apr 1986

Bought a grey suit at C&R on the 13th. At this time was treasurer for CRA Tennis Club.

Apparently must have interviewed at a place in Las Cruces on the 19th.

Purchased my grey ski suit and boots (on sale) at Hansens.

Ran in a 5K race at GD Kearney Mesa facility: 19m 33sec.

Mar 1986

Purchased Honda 500CX from Paco for $300 and we went on motorcycle campout in Coyote Canyon. He took his Triumph street bike. We camped right on the creek by an old truck differential.

Gave away Honda to a friend of a neighbor about 10 years later.

Feb 1986

Bought a quarter of Padre season ticket, pressured by Larry, a working associate who eventually became my roommate. I lived only 3 miles from the stadium.

Completed purchase of lot in Borrego, where I would later build a house.

Jan 1986

Started purchase of lot in Borrego, later to contain 1557 Sewanee Drive house.

Went to Jim's slide show and Halley's Comet viewing at Pegleg Monument on the 11th.

Journal Index