Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1987
Dec 1987
Nov 1987
Oct 1987

While at another multi-day party at Esteban's, where I went surfing and split open my head, arranged with Paco to get an apartment near my consulting job in Rancho Bernardo. We moved in later this month to 17203 Caminito Canasto. We only stayed there 6 months, as owner wanted to move back in at that time. This was a nice little (750 sq. ft.) house.

Also at Steve's multi-day party, met Andy Jones for 1st time, and Bob Brown, who would give me my next job.

Probably this month had the big cannon party adventure where Esteban's microbus blew up in Temecula & Flaco towed him back to RB. At end of cannon party, Flaco's truck blew up and the 2 of them spent a week swapping engine out (after Jef drove home). Maybe prior year, tho.

About to head out to cannon party - Steve's gumby in back of Paco's truck

After Esteban's VW bus broke down on way to cannon party on Friday nite, and Jefe convinced Flaco to tow it back from Temecula to RB, "Big Brown" started having some engine problems

Jef & Esteban at the cannon party

In the Mojave, Flaco's truck was having problems - Lizzy & Jef at left

Jef's "Lit'l Red" hauled the cannon back from CP this day, along with Lizzy. Flaco & Esteban stayed an extra day, blew up the truck's engine, and stayed in Mojave for a week swapping out the engine

They camped out at Big Jim's

Esteban gittin' his hands dirty

Doing this back breaking work was vacation time from GD

New engine with big Jim's son, who fell asleep at the wheel later this week and crashed into a phone pole hard enuff to total the utility pole

Flaco sporting his "cheesey mustache" awaiting parts

Jef watched the Borrego Days parade this year.

Desert Dachshund Detachment part of parade this year - Jim and Grace and their dogs participated
Sep 1987

Sister Elsa visited this month for the purpose of attending pottery class in Idylwild. We drove there and stayed at head of ISOMATA's (Idylwild School of Music and the Arts) home one night. (Jim Fresh was Elsa's friend). May have camped another night. Also took Elsa to the beach during her visit.

This Hogan was part of Jim Fresh's home

Jef read a book while Elsa took her class

La Jolla this month - photo by Elsa
Aug 1987

Probably about this month we took one of our trips to San Carlos Hot Springs in Baja. Steve had his VW van at this time. I remember going to Hussongs Friday night, then (after midnight) trying to find dirt road up to Hot Springs. I followed Steve in his bus and we wound up being chased out of a gravel pit before connecting with the right road.

Paco was with me when we went up the road, which often was IN THE CREEK. I was in the lead when I went over a section that looked like it might be blocked off and got stuck in the mud. I was up against a boulder on the driver's side and couldn't even open the door and was in about a foot of water.

Steve was behind me in his bus, and was able to back up, find the road, back in from upcreek, and pull me out (all this at 2am in the middle of nowhere in Mexico) on a moonless night!

Fortuneately Stevey didn't get stuck, too, as I think we only had a couple of vehicles.

Our hot spring was made by siphoning hot water from main well to this kiddie pool, which we placed next to the creek

Lee and Holly

Paco and Stevey on way back

Esteban y Paco walking up creek in unsuccessful search for more hot springs
Jul 1987

On the 11th, started work as a consultant to NCR, commuting 130 miles/day for the next 2 months.

Jun 1987
May 1987

Biked 80 miles in about 10 hours, from Borrego to storage garage on Miramar where I kept my Honda 500. Drove motorbike back to Borrego that night.

Rick the roofer roofed my house this month. I had to haul all the roofing materials up to the roof (thousands of pounds!).

House just after roof was completed - Honda under tarp under shed roof
Apr 1987
Neighbor John Chidester helped me frame my house all this month.

Jef up high nailing in plywall siding, Reese(in shadows) and John are below. They were responsible for installing beams and rafters over a period of about 2 days
Mar 1987

Main delivery of framing lumber arrived from Westy's, and framing started. Esteban and Paco came out for a day. Dad came at the end of the month a couple of times, and framing progress picked up. When John, the neighbor started, the pace increased dramatically, as he is a professional carpenter.

Feb 1987

Started construction on my house in Borrego.

Dad and Leny, for years, hiked Sister Elsie Peak in the eastern part of the City of Los Angeles. They set their record this month: 16 miles, 2800' vertical, in 5 hours flat. They hike every other day, and were averaging about 5h 10m in early 1987. By the late 1990s, they shortened the hike to about 12 miles, and stopped hiking in 2000, due to my dad having foot problems.

Dad came out at the start of the month to help forming the slab, running the plumbing, digging footings for my house.

He also came out at the end of the month to help with last minute preparations before the slab was poured. This was a wet month, and conditions were difficult, but the slab was finally completed.

Jan 1987

Dad came out and helped me do soil compaction testing on my pad material around the 7th.

Journal Index