Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1989
Dec 1989

Got my first speeding ticket in California on the 16th, going 70 in a 55 in El Cajon.

Went over to Eris and Rosemary's xmas party. Went out carolling at the Roadrunner, being towed around on a hay trailer. No...- I can't sing, and they never asked me back.

Nov 1989

Did something from the 20th to 26th... Thanksgiving somewhere....

On the 27th, got United Glass to come out to Emerald, and replace the windshield of L'l Red: cost $155.32.

Oct 1989

Got an 8% raise at Emerald.

Sep 1989

Jef's 1st nephew, Thor was born this month
Aug 1989

Took a week off work from the 5th to the 15th, connected with Stewart and Dyer in Bishop. Drove up to Oregon (dropping my truck off in Stockton on the 6th), sightseeing along the way, and went on a 5 day bike trip, looping from Florence to Corvalis to Tillamook (10th) and back. On the 10th, stopped at the Eola Hills Winery, and the owner opened it up for us. We ordered a few bottles of wine, as the owner regaled us on the superiority of Oregon wine over California wine. Total of 375 miles.

Just before leaving on trip

Jul 1989
Jun 1989

Took 4 day weekend from the 23rd to the 26th.... not sure what I did.

May 1989

With Paco, went down to Mexico on 5th, meeting usual group at San Carlos hot springs.

Ran the Sierra Madre trail run (about 9 miles, 2200' vertical).

Apr 1989

Started tiling my house in Borrego.

Bought lawn furniture from neighbor, Bud Calvert. John enhanced and duplicated the double chair, and that's my computer chair now. The original was burned at a cannon party in 2002. The chaise lounge remains in my front patio, however.

Mar 1989

Got a 12% raise at Emerald.

Had 2 3 day weekends on the 17th and 24th. Probably went skiing?

Moved out of Ruette Abeto (Paco was the roommate) in Rancho Bernardo down to apartment on Genessee in University City at end of this month (Larry the new roommate).

Feb 1989

3 day weekend on the 24th. Probably went skiing.

Jan 1989

3 day weekend on the 26th. Probably went skiing.

Journal Index