Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1990
Dec 1990

Probably visited Julie in Socorro this Xmas.

Mom and Thor
Nov 1990

On the 13th, flew up to Las Vegas and help man the GigaTrend booth at Comdex. It's work standing up all day! Returned on the 16th.

Oct 1990

Continued Yellowstone trip with Dyer. Stayed at the Old Faithful Inn on the 1st. On the 2nd, bought some junk in West Yellowstone MT, came back thru Tetons, where we did a nice 5 mile hike, then got some T-shirts in Jackson Hole. We stayed in Vegas on the night of the 4th before returning to Borrego.

Bought some pottery from Barbara: 2 wine glasses, lamp and vase.

Sep 1990

Drove up to Whitney with Dyer on the 26th. We hiked up to the lower camp and found Mari, visiting for a few minutes before rushing down, camping in Big Pine that night. Drove over to White Mountains, and hiked in Bristlecone Natl. Mon. Spent the night of the 27th in Tonopah NV. Then drove up to Yellowstone, and hiked around there for a few days. Continued trip in October.

Drivers License pic

Went to Brawley and renewed my license. Had to take test twice.

Aug 1990

Videoed Paco and Lizzy's wedding in Lakeside on the 4th, then went to the reception at Rancho Bernardo Inn.

Jul 1990

This may have been the year Dyer and I "did" Utah, hitting most of the National Parks there, including Arches, Capitol Reef, and Canyonlands.
Jun 1990

At the end of this month, Paco and I drove down in li'l red to Mexico, going 20 miles south of Puertocitos before getting stuck in the sand. Fortuneately, Esteban y Miguel were in Miguel's 4wd pick-up. We camped in middle of road where I was stuck, but was pulled out the next day. Broke a shock on this trip. That road south of Puertocitos is something else.

Flew to New Mexico this month. Not sure why....

Quit Emerald Systems on the 14th.

Thor about this time in Socorro
May 1990

Bought my KitchenAid Washer on the 5th. Had been washing clothes at San Diego apartments until then.

Apr 1990

Commissioned Steve Pretot(1956-2022) to lay carport and patio slabs, nearly doubling my slab area.

Mom at beach

Commissioned John Chidester(d. circa 2020) to construct carport, patio, and swamp cooler structures.

Jef and Julie hiked in Glorietta Canyon, which had a good flower display this season, while mom watched a young Thor at home
Mar 1990
Feb 1990
Jan 1990

On the 7th, went to Consumer Electronics Show with John O, Don, Craig, others.

Mom loading truck with rainbow in background

Journal Index