Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1993
Dec 1993

Hiked up Wahle Peak from Pinyon Pass with mom; 8 miles, 1500' vertical, 6 hours. We had a time trying to find the actual peak doing trial and error - mounting 2 other peaks before we sighted the higher Whale Peak. We descended the steep draw (bouldering) that got us close to the car at the trailhead as the full moon was rising and darkness was approaching fast.

Hiked about 9 miles with mom, going up PCT from Scissors crossing and back.

We fixed up candles in xmas decoration, and mom made a Santa.

Jef telling Santa what he wants

Santa & mom
Nov 1993

Hiked a number of times with mom: in Lagunas, we did Kwayamii Point, Foster Point, Lightning Ridge, and Oasis Spring.

Hiked Azalea Glen trail with mom in Cuyamaca: 3 miles.

Sometime around this year, joined Grace in GPS mapping hike up Tubb Canyon - GPS 1st became fully functional this year
Oct 1993

Started marking my 2.19 mile course in my back yard (4.38 miles round-trip). Most of my work was destroyed in 1998 when flooding occurred in the aluvial fan. I ran this course between 100 and 200 times a year at this time.

Mom made a giant plywood jack o'lantern this month.

Jef took a few pix of the San Pascual Fire smoke drifing int the valley this day (the 18th). Here he is commemorating it.

Bought dad some music-related stuff for his Amiga computer on the 8th.

Hiked 12 miles with mom up Agua Caliente creek.

Jef stayed at Craig's occasionally around this time. Here, posing by kids (Greg & Torrey) handiwork on front porch.

Buzzer, Craig & Torrey

Torrey, a tickler victim

Torrey trick or treating

Was first to arrive at Mojave cannon party. A total of 12 cars showed up this weekend. Cassidy premiered his BBM this weekend. He actually hit the area around the 500yard target on his 2nd shot. Esteban brought his new truck-mounted cannon this year, and brought 15 gallons of homebrew beer. I shot a few tennis balls from my mortar (a empty can of peas I got from Don). Val made spaghetti and Greg made ribs.

Julie, Thor, dad & Leny were apparently visiting Borrego this month
Sep 1993

Hiked 10 miles, 5 miles up, 5 miles down, PCT with Mari, starting several miles north of Warner Spring.

Aug 1993

Went to Miramar Air Show with Chip, Mari, Craig, Torrey and Greg.

Went to air show at Miramar this year

Bought $65 meal at El Torito #12 on the 15th. This may have been on Shelter Island, following a sailing expedition with Bryan et. al. Someday I'll find which is El Torito #12.

Jul 1993

Went to beach with Craig, Mari, Torrey and Greg a few times. Tried out Mari's kayak a couple times at La Jolla Shores.

Jun 1993

Bought several computer systems, and my laser printer. Used the laser printer for the next 8.4 years, until it started having problems.

Went on Colorado trip with Dyer, Janis, Mike Peralta, and some summer students (total of 17 people!). We did a 4 mile hike at Lizard Pass above Telluride, where we visited the free part of the bluegrass festival there. Also visited Ouray, Hovenweep Nat. Mon., and hiked down to the White House ruins at Canyon de Chelley. This was my 2nd long trip in Amanda.

May 1993

Went on 10-day Colorado adventure with Dyer and Janis. Drove thru Durango, Silverton and Ouray. Camped above the Grand Canyon of the Gunnison. This trip included swimming in the Glenwood hot spring pool by the Colorado Hotel.

Hiking near the Black Canyon of the Gunnison with Dyer & Janis

Drove 10 miles on mountain bikes up to the base of the Maroon Bells. Hiked in Rocky Mountain NP and stayed at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park. Drove down to Denver and attended wedding of one of Janis's relatives, also camping out near the wedding banquet.

Drove to Great Sand Dunes Natl. Mon., camped there, and hiked on the sand dunes. Took a shower by going under a 105° waterfall near Jemez. Visited and hiked at Morro Rock Natl. Mon. Bought a T-shirt in Santa Fe. This was my 1st long trip in Amanda.

Apr 1993

Julie came out with Thor. I paid for her and Thor to stay at Hotel Del Coronado the night of the 5th, including a room service dinner. This is the only hotel I know of that charges for parking!

Julie and Peggy Wright in Glorietta Canyon, think it was this year

Mission Beach

Went on a hike to the sheep tanks near Palm Wash with Julie and Grace. This was my first attempt to find hidden palm. We also visited Truckhaven Rocks and Calcite Mine area.

Also hiked up to Maidenhair Falls in Hellhole Canyon with Julie: 5 miles.

Grace took mom and I to hike in

Sandstone Canyon

Ruth and Grace near entrance to canyon
Mar 1993

Went to Paco's Ocotillo cannon party.

Craig firing cannon for 1st time

After cannon party, Don, Paco and I drove up to Sheep Canyon and went hiking up the canyon. Don found a rattler.

Went skiing with Craig & Greg at Mtn. Hi around this time.

Craig & Greg

Jef is in Red ski cap

I believe I took Craig, Mari, Greg & Torrey on hike in Canyon Sin Nombre around this time, after which they rushed to pick up their new dog. They arrived just in time, and so named the new lab "Buzzer".

Mari, Craig & Greg

Mom in snow on Middle Peak summit in Cuyamaca
Feb 1993

Mom dragged me on hike up to Marshall South cabin around this time

Elsa got partial credit in a book copyrighted this year:

Jan 1993

Bought my Mazda, later named Amanda on the 26th.

Donated my old blue slob sized car to Salvation Army also on the 26th.

Journal Index