Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1994
Dec 1994

On the 2nd, bought a pair of waterproof boots in preparation of camping on Antelope Island, on the Great Salt Lake, for a couple nights.

Jef hiked up from Barker, taking shortcuts and make it to summit in 20 minutes on Xmas day, where he met the Cowles Mtn. "Junkies" including Jim here -- he was given 2 lottery tickets by someone (their potluck contribution) and Jef collected $12, as they were both winners!

On the 3rd, Andy and I accompanied Esteban as he hunted buffalo there, along with a guide.

Antelope Island

Buffalo herd

Stalking a buffalo

Led 6 hikers on a hike up to the Marshall South cabin remains near Blair Valley. Total of about 2 miles and 350' elevation gain/loss.

Xmas in Borrego

Nov 1994

Flew up to COMDEX.

Oct 1994

Did the L-cubed hike at the Grand Canyon on the 21st: Bright Angel Lodge to North Rim Lodge to Bright Angel Lodge; 52 miles, 11,000 foot vertical, in 23.5 hours, with Mari, Lou, Jim, and Dr. Bob.

Admiral Lou, one of my hiking companions was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year and from his obituary, passed away nearly about 5.8 years later

Mari resting at lodge on north rim

Around the end of this month, led a tennis club hike on the PCT N from S-22, but only Hank and mom came along this time. Total of about 9 miles.

Jef & mom at turn-around point on PCT hike - photo by Hank
Sep 1994

Did practice hike for the L-cubed hike at the Grand Canyon: One way from Scissors Crossing to Warner Springs; 33 miles, 2500' vertical, 12 hours, with Mari and Jim.

On the PCT
Aug 1994

Did my 5th backpack trip. Hiked PCT from Burnt Rancheria to Scissors Crossing on 19th and 20th; 38 miles, gaining 1000', losing 4000'.

Jul 1994

Did my 4th backpack trip. Hiked PCT from Mexico near Campo to Burnt Rancheria in Mt. Laguna from the 5th to the 7th; 40 miles, 4000' vertical, with Mari.

Southern terminus PCT
Jun 1994

Kayaked with Mari from La Jolla Shores to San Diego Bay. A 3 hour paddle of about 10 miles.

Jef in Mission Bay

Mari in Mission Bay

Went on 1 week Kayak/hiking expedition to Alaska with Mari. Bought something at a Woolworth in Anchorage on the 25th.

Jef & Mari atop Flattop on pre-kayak hike

After being dropped off on our adventure


Jef near this glacier

I believe this is Mike posing dangerously close to this iceberg - remember that only 10% sticks above water, and if the iceberg split, part of the 100' length could have rotated and crushed him

This iceberg resembles a whale tail!

Jef & Mari

After arriving back in Whittier, the owners of the boat that dropped us off gave us these cards. Jef is behind Mari in this photo

Jef in foreground

After our kayak adventure, we did a nice day hike in the Chugach with the doggies.

May 1994

Desert senna blooming in Yaqui Meadows this month

Jef often walked Craig & Mari's dog, Buzzer, here is is atop Cowles
Apr 1994

Did my 3rd backpack trip. This time with Mari to Sandstone Canyon

Jef in Sandstone Canyon

Stitched photo of both Jef & Mari at Sandstone Canyon entrance

Jef polishing off a bighorn sheep he just ate raw.... or not!

Mari with rainbow on day 2 of backpack

Sandstone Canyon

in Borrego area.

Visited Landa St. early this month

Went with Thor, Julie, dad & Leny to Disneyland. Also hosted Julie and Thor on their visit this month.

I believe Jef hiked with mom, Julie, Thor on PCT from near Ranchita to Warner Springs - car shuttle - here is the halfway point

Led tennis club on shuttle hike from Culp Valley, down the Riding and Hiking Trail to the Hellhole trailhead -- approximately 6 miles and 2600' elevation loss. 10 participated in this hike.

It may be around this time that dad & Leny came out on same day Craig & his sons came and we toured the Borrego area:

Mar 1994

Hiked a loop that summited at Whale Peak, but started and ended in Blair Valley with Mari: 15 miles, 2800' vertical, 9 hours.

Mari lost her "Cowles Mtn. Junkie" T-shirt on this hike

Went on ski trip with Dyer and Janis. We hit Mtn. High(on the 10th), Beaver Mountain (0.9 mile run, 1600' vertical, top at 8860'; north of Logan, where we stayed with Barbara and Alex on the 11th and 12th), Powder Mountain(1.2 mile run, 1300' vertical; east of Ogden), and Brianhead (1 mile run, 1200' vertical, top at 11,000').

Jannis & Jef at Brianhead


Villager Peak

for first time with Mari: 13 miles, 5000' vertical, 9 hours.

Jef on E side of Villager
Feb 1994
Took tennis club on hike in Calcite area this month.

In slot area of Palm Wash

Hiked near Calcite area with grace & this guy this month

Interviewed at Anacomp in Poway. No job.

Jan 1994

Bought a clothes dryer to replace used one I started with.

On the 7th, led the first tennis club hike up to Maidenhair Falls in Hellhole Canyon. 13 people started the hike, but only 10 made it to the falls.

Reaching the first trees - sycamores
Mom, Harriet, Jim, ?, Bob, Gladys, JaNell, Carmen

Journal Index