Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1995
Dec 1995

I was in Tucson around Xmas time. Toured wintergardens area to see great Xmas displays. Continued to Socorro, and spent xmas with Julie and Thor.

Mom with Logan in Socorro
Nov 1995

Visited dad and Leny for Thanksgiving, where I presented Leny with a spoon holder for xmas, I think.

Oct 1995

Got Laura a neon clock this month, and made a photo collage for her.

May have drivn up to cannon party this month with Craig - his Lincoln is at the right

Think Laura dumped me this month (for first time)...

Sep 1995

Went on camping trip up to Morro Rock with Laura. We stopped by L.A. to say hi to dad and Leny.

Jef & Laura at Landa St. garage roof

Jef & Laura with Morro Rock in background

Our combined shadow on Morro Beach
Aug 1995

Hiked to Boy Scout Lake below Mt. Whitney with Laura.

Laura near trailhead

On the 13th, helped entertain Laura's friends from Holland. Attempting to meet her at the beach, I waited in wrong place and got an alchohol-in-restricted-area citation. Had we been on beach instead of grass, wouldn't have gotten the ticket, and would have actually connected with Laura! Not a good day!

On the 14h went to Santee Drive-in with Laura. We saw Apollo 13 and Zorro, but were pretty tired by end of Zorro. It was a bit chilly(in August!) and we also had to contend with windows fogging up. L.C. brought some nice vittles.

Jul 1995

First hike with Laura was Cold Stream to Los Caballos to Stonewall Peak.

Did a 6 mile hike to Penasquitos Falls with Laura.

On the 8th, purchased 3 t-shirts at O.T.L.

Thor, Julie & Logan about this time (in Socorro)
Jun 1995

Did 6th backpack trip. This time with mom to Bow Willow Canyon. We hiked about 5 miles up, camped on island in creek, and returned the next morning.

Mom took this picture of me on way down on 2nd day

We camped on this island in the creek

Mom by late blooming brittlebush

Creek ran over a mile after leaving canyon and hitting sandy wash

Jef rented a room at Chip's place in Linda Vista for a few months around this time.

Jef borrowed full-sized cardboard cutout of Marilyn Monrow from Chip's living room for this pic

Went on car camping expedition to Colorado with Dyer and Janis. We rented mountain bikes in Aspen and did a 10 mile loop up to base of Maroon Bells.

May 1995

Hiked a few miles up from Humber Park in Idylwild with Don and Hank, in the snow.

Gathering snowball ammunition

Jef on slippery-slidery trail
Apr 1995

Craig & Mari visited around this time - here at Borrego Mtn west butee

Craig with sister & her husband, Mari & mom in Palm Wash

Mark getting cell phone call a couple miles from trailhead in remote Cuyamaca State Park trail up West Mesa - he found out his tennis tournament match was "uncancelled" as rain had stopped in SD, so we turned around and went back to car - other hikers: Mari & Mark's mom

Jef around this time - photo by Kim at Lake Hodges

Jef & Grace went on a hike to Tubb Canyon spring about this time - here is Jef ascending granite dry waterfall (about the halfway point)

Saw a few of Torrey's soccer matches this spring

At the cannon party this month - Hank & Greg at left
Mar 1995

On the 18th, apparently took Mari to dinner at La Casa, after a hike.

Mari & Mike stopped by Borrego this month in memory of June 1994 Alaska kayak trip

Julie, Thor & Logan visited Borrego This month - here is Logan on Jef's back

Sometime this month, Jef & Mari camped at trailhead for PCT near Ranchita.

Mari & Jef at PCT trailhead

On the 29th, apparently went skiing at Mountain High. Detective work: found receipt for this, and on picture of me skiing a PCT T-shirt. I had joined PCT Association in '94 after hiking 3 legs of PCT prior year.

Craig took this pic of Jef at Mtn. High

Feb 1995

Hiked up Whale Peak from Blair Valley, along with other hike snippets going to Marshall South cabin (2 miles), morteros, and first dry waterfall in Smuggler's Canyon. Hiked with Mari, Laura, and Jim. Most of hiking was going up Whale Peak, a 2200' elevation gain.

Jef & Mari on Whale Peak

Mari saw Kareem was signing autographs at sporting goods store near the sports arena, so grabbed a couple basketballs, drove down, and had him sign them for the kids

When Paco and Lizzy came by this month, Paco and I went exploring. We drove over to S-2, and went south. We drove up Oriflamme Canyon a bit, then went down to Canebrake, cut over to Arroyo Tapiado, topped out of this wash, and drove down Devil's drop-off. Drove up to Sandstone Canyon, and returned via Split Mountain.

On the 12th, apparently had lunch at La Casa. Probably associated with tennis tournament.

Took tennis club on hike with mom up Glorietta Canyon:

near upper part of hike
Jan 1995

Jef's 2nd nephew, Logan, was born this month

Snow level was low this month

Jef may have taken tennis club to Smugglers Canyon this month - here is Jef at the pictographs

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