Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1997
Dec 1997

dad, Jef, Karyn, and Leny

Met Lou while hiking Cowles on December 10. He had just got back from hiking to top of Kilamanjaro. I snapped his picture (see link). Lou bounced back from stomach cancer, from which he almost died 18 months ago. Quite an inspiration!

On December 18, I took Buzzer to the X-mas party on summit, where I met Terry, Jim, Lou, and got a newsletter, and got 2 lottery tickets which won $12.

On the 21st, hiked up Lizard Peak with Karyn on a cold damp day, and placed a register at the top. Vegetation was verdant.

On the 23rd, hiked with Grace, Jim and Allen from Font's Point to the Slot, with signs of spring all the way (brown-eyed poppies, borrego asters, sand verbena were all blooming).

Opened presents under tree with mom on December 24 in front of fire. Got a lot of booty, including a nice coat, a coin sorter from Thor, a T-shirt, and about 10 small things.

Spent morning of 25th at Craig's with Torrey and Greg. Then zipped on up to Fullerton, grabbed Karyn, went to dad's and had Xmas supper with Aunt Marion, Leny, Cousin Joanne, and Richard.

On the 25th, went to dinner with dad, Leny, Marion, Joanne and Richard and Karyn.

On 30th, scouted hike for tennis club with mom, Harriet, and Karyn in Culp Valley. Then we hiked down from campground to valley floor via the Riding and Hiking Trail.

At Paroli Homestead
Nov 1997

Thanksgiving weekend, November 27-30, visited a friend and went hiking. Had great Thanksgiving feast. Visited Santa Cruz area, and went on a few hikes with Karyn this month as well.

first BOrrego hike of season

Sunday, November 16, bike/hiked

Coyote Peak

On the 9th, started going hiking again. My bum toe is semi-ok on hikes, and I don't think resting is helping it any, so what the heck. Hiked 8 miles, 2000' vertical. On this hike, I hit 3 mountain(hill?) peaks, including Laura Peak.

Called Karyn from cell phone from the highest, at 1933' elevation. So this must now be called Karyna Peak.

Oct 1997

Jef on Halloween...BOO!

Went to

cannon party

Bothered by sore toe and tennis elbow.

Won 1 match in tennis tournament playing left handed. Premuda got a contract, and FastWave added a few customers.

Sep 1997

Hit year #44. Nothing major happening. Had another major T-storm in Borrego with a slight flashflood, big hail & major wind (neighbor John & Susan had roof blown off). Karen went back to school in Santa Cruz. Several hot contract jobs may appear soon.

Aug 1997

Jef and Karyn
Calloway Winery

On the 3rd Went to Hank and Linda's BarBQ. New thing is we walked to a couple of winerys from the Wennik estate itself. Calloway had some good stuff. I and Karen both left our Calloway wine glass in Temecula and will undoubtedly steal them back next time we're up there.

From the 10th to 11th, did the PCT backpack near Wrightwood

On the 14th to 17th, did the Big Pine Road Trip with Karyn and Paco

On the 28th, purchased new truck for mommasan to use. Nissan King Cab, white. Code-name: Xenik. Don't ask named it. It's bigger & better than Li'l Red. 134 hp, 25mpg, A/C, mag wheels, 4 spkr cassette. Gave away Li'l Red to Hank a year or so later.

Jul 1997

I and Karen actually found the mailbox at the top of Jamacha Peak in Cuyamaca. Only a handful actually sign in each year! A late July thunderstorm removed about 15 tons of sand from my berm in my back yard. The water almost penetrated into the center of my property, but the berm held. A swath of sand several inches deep and 50 feet wide covers the roads downstream of me. It's way cool. The channel at the edge of my berm is about a foot deep and 10' wide.

Went to Balboa and Old Town with Karen, and saw Veronica off (back to Switzerland). Did a lot of painting and home improvement this month for Craig. Went to OTL on each Saturday of the tournament. It was great! I got to see the Emerson finalists, got an OTL pin from a former Miss Emerson, and got the last Miss Emerson to sign a program for Fred (a tennis buddy). Actually didn't see anyone there this time, so I watched some OTL, and saw my first Shutout! Well you expect REALLY BAD OTL on the first weekend, but I didn't bring enuff beer to tune it out!

2nd weekend with Karen was much better OTL. Just went to the Toshiba Tennis Classic (NOTE: not very classic... it's new link is a porn site!) with Ann, Ruth & Craig, and saw Martina Hingis beat Venus Williams 6-2 6-1. Venus was hitting it too hard (and missing a lot). Martina played great. Also saw a doubles match where T. Tanasugarn/Y. Yoshida beat ARENDT/M. BOLLEGRAF 7-6 6-4. That was a great match! Wandered down to just behind the umpire to see this. It was cool!

Jun 1997

I and Karyn at Maidenhair Falls in HellHole Canyon

Went on 2 more hikes with Karyn: Hellhole Canyon and San Jacinto from the tram. Distances of 6, 6, and 12 miles, respectively. Each was a great hike.

Trying to do Cowles at least once a week, also. Tennis 2-3 times a week, but trying to lay off singles, what with a sore toe.

Sometime around this year, must have gone hiking with mom, Craig & his current girlfriend, Ruth, in Cuyamaca:

Craig, Ruth, Jef

Craig, Ruth, mom

Veronica on San Jacinto
May 1997

First date with Karyn was hiking in Casper Wilderness between San Juan Capistrano and Lake Elsinore, on Hwy 74.

Apr 1997

Logan and Thor

Jef on Granite Peak

Did the cannon party April 4. Got a few good pix of Tom's new bowling ball mortar in action, as well as a comet.

Craig with my artsy rocket reports

Comet Hale-Bopp

My 2 nephews, Thor aged 7, and Logan aged 2 came and visited with sister Julie over Easter. We did the egg hunt and all that stuff. Had perfect weather, except for storm that came by just before we went to the beach. Still had trouble extricating Thor from the beach despite the cool weather. Logan was more interested in the sand than the waves.

On the 21st, took bike to Shelter Valley via Mine Wash. Next time I'll try a mountain bike. Wound up going about 45 miles, pushing bike uphill through soft sand for about 8 miles, and holding on with white knuckles on the downhills. Conveniently, there was this cool store in Shelter Valley, where I had a burrito and soda. This was on the first day this year when temperature exceeded 100. (Good timing, eh?)

Since this is the first month in a while where I wasn't swamped in work, I knocked off Granite Peak (quite a hike).

Mar 1997

Hiked up to Laura Peak on the 8th.

Started launching FastWave website

Feb 1997

Still researching launching website.

Jan 1997

Journal Index