Jef and Dyer End of Century Sierras Tour
September 1999

During this trip, on Monday thru Wednesday, Dyer and Jef travelled to Big Pine and climbed to the Palisades Glacier:

Jef in front of Lon Chaney's Cabin on North fork of Big Pine Creek.

Our camp at 2nd Lake

Jef at Pallisades Glacier

Sam Mack Meadow from above

Jef at 2nd Lake
Circled Yosemite on Wednesday by going over Sonora Pass. Spent night in Groveland at Charlotte Hotel. Thursday we hiked up to top of Yosemite Falls.
Dyer at bottom of Yosemite Falls (half way up from valley floor).
Dyer at top of Yosemite Falls
Dyer on trail in between top and bottom of Yosemite Falls.
That's Jef and Dyer at the edge of the river above the falls
After we heard these guys diving into pools above falls...
I dove in...
Yes... that's me.
Yes... It's c-c-c-cold!
Dyer jumped in, too.
After spending Thursday night in Wawona Hotel, we hiked thru the Mariposa Grove of Sequoias.

We stayed on top floor

Not the Keebler elf in this tree

Dyer straddling 2 giants

Jef under one of his pines
After spending Friday night in Monterrey, Karyn took us to Point Lobo State Preserve.

Jef and Karyn at Point Lobo

Taking picture...

...this one

Dyer at the beach