Journal Index

Jef's Activities 1999
Dec 1999

Smuggler's Canyon

Oops! Put in 4 gallons of water, instead of gas!



Put up some decorations this year

Leny giving a concert

Richard, Joanne, and dad at dinner table

Visited dad and Leny for Thanksgiving Had a big dinner with them and Joanne and Richard.

Coyote in backyard

Nov 1999

Gypsum Mine Tour
Oct 1999

At the end of the month, drove to New Mexico with mom for Julie and Doug's Halloween wedding.

Logan, Julie, Thor at the wedding

Jef spent a few days in Monterey. Karyn and I went on a few hikes. Made some salsa. Went to beach party with latin club. Had a great time.

Pacific Grove

Sep 1999

North Pallisades glacier

Dyer near Pallisades glacer

Went on a road trip to sierras with Dyer. Met up with Karyn in Monterrey, and toured town, and went on a hike in Point Lobos.

Hiked up to Laura Peak on the 9th.

Aug 1999

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From the 7th to the 14th, mom and I entertained Mr. T in San Diego.

Mr. T at Ocean Beach
Jul 1999

On the 10th, Went to OTL with Sid.

Went hiking with Permuda family a few times this summer. Here we are coming back from Lake Hodges

Mom went to the MISSING PAGE -- to be recovered later: Arctic Ocean.

MISSING PIC -- to be recovered later:

Somewhere in Northwest Territories

Jun 1999

On the 12th, stopped by the little cannon party near Ocotillo. There were 7 of us there.

FOLLOWING PAGE has missing pics -- to be recovered later:

On the 17th and 18th, drove through Pleasant Valley (or Young) on route to camping in White Mountains. Camped near Show Low. Dyer got way sick, so we returned the next day via Salt River.

Twilight cannon shot.

Tombstone Hype

MISSING PIC -- to be recovered later:

On the 19th, Toured Bisbee, and Tombstone with Dyer. Stopped by San Pedro River to see this 8' diameter trunk of this really big cottonwood tree. Had dinner at Pinnacle Peak in Tucson. Got way sick (same as Dyer's 2 days earlier).

Dyer above tributary canyon to Salt

We saw Star Wars episode 1 on the 20th, and then I got way sick, but still returned on the 21st.

May 1999
Apr 1999

Hiked Mile High Peak (#1), on the 4th. This was a 12h 20m hike (the last 3 hours in the dark). A worthy hike. This is a difficult hike from ANY direction, and that explains the lack of sign-ins at the register (small notebook is only half-full despite 30 years of notes!). Also hit Rosa and Pyramid Peaks. Found a nice "comfy rock chair" on this hike. 2nd best I've ever found.

Jef on Rosa
Elevation 5038'

Karyn and Helen
at Borrego Mtn. last year.

Attended BSTC tennis tourney on 24th and 25th, but was too injured to participate (shin splints, or something...possibly from hike on 4th...see below). Got to see Karyn and Helen, who had just won 5 Jeopardy (the TV show) contests. We attended the annual banquet, which was at the Hoberg resort this year. The food was excellent, and the company(especially Helen and Karyn) was the best.

Karyn at tennis
Mar 1999

From the 13th to the 21st, Julie, Thor, and Logan visited me for Thor's spring break. We went up to see dad & Leny, met Midge & Kip (relatives from Michigan), went to Universal City, went to the beach in San Diego. Took visiting relatives, and Harold and Carol on short hike to upper Tubb Canyon.

Logan and Thor At dad's, 3/14/99

On the 21st hiked Lizard Peak (#3) on 15th Lunaversary of Karyn and I hiking this peak on 12/21/99. Saw deer on this hike! First one I've seen in Borrego area in 25 years.

Jef on Lizard
Note register bottle is now RED
Feb 1999

Busy month workwise, so slacked off on hiking. Think this is the month I went on a 5 mile Mission Gorge hike with Laura. Might have done Cowles once. Lost Borrego tennis tournament.

Jan 1999

On the 3rd, went on a 9 mile hike with Karyn up Paloverde Wash, past the Moly Mine, and to the sheep tanks off of Smoketree Wash. I saw 3 bighorn sheep near the lowest tank, which still sported water! We hiked down Smoketree, which is really pretty scenic, and looped back to start along road. I baked 3 loafs of jalapeno bread, after getting back.

MISSING PIC -- to be recovered later:

Sheep above Smoketree Wash

On the 10th, Went on a 6h 40m hike up beyond Rattlesnake Spring in a failed attempt at Mile High Peak. The second such attempt. Next time will try the easy way.

White rock looks like snow at the spring

On the 16th and 17th, played on winning team in a Team Tennis match with the Borrego Springs Tennis Club

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