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Jef's Activities 2000

Work moved to del Mar, so had to seek out new hiking areas. Found a few trails around Penasquitos Canyon, and hiked red portion of Torrey Pines (see above), so far.

he 2nd BSTC tournament in Borrego Springs. Went to company X-mas party.

At the end of this month, was the last hiker of this millenium to hike Indianhead. About 80 others hiked to peak during the year 2000.

Mom got a tree, and we put up the candles in front of house. Hot tub pump went out ;(

Had X-mas dinner at dad's house in Smell-A, where I saw my cousin Joanne and husband Richard.

Mom visited Virginia around the 19th & 20th.

Found route up steep side of Kwaaypai, and integrated this into a 7 mile hike on the 9th. Lost the first BSTC tournament at Soboda Springs.

Early cold spell meant snow in Lagunas

Hiked up one of the nearby peaks.

Started October with 2 6 hour hikes. On the 1st, 70% of way to Indian Head (7 miles, 2000'). Pictures next month. On the 8th, hiked up Yaqui Peak (12 miles, 2800'). On weekend of the 21st, went up to:

Mojave cannon party
On the 29th, playing 2 against 1, we finally got a set from the local tennis pro, Jaroslav! We lost, tho: 3-6, 6-3, 1-1(4-7), in a shortened match.

On Labour Day, hiked to Peak 5326

Mom flew Alaska Air to Vancouver(CANADA) on tickets purchased on the 13th.

Mom returned
from Iceland trip

Mission Gorge from
South Fortuna
March 2000

Mom was visiting her sister at the end of the month for a couple days.


On roughly the 12th of this month did the great Montana trip. This 9 day, 4600 mile trip was centered on the 16th, where we stayed in the north part of Glacier National Park at Two Dog Flats.

Rather than wait for these guys to get out of the way, we aborted visiting Dinosaur National Monument


The high point of Glacier was parking at the high point, walking to the Grinell Glacier overlook, walking down the "Garden Wall" and getting a ride back to the car.

Very colourful talus slopes in this park!

Jef at Grinell Overlook

Dyer at Grinell Overlook

Dyer on "The Garden Wall"

Looking down the "Garden Wall" to our destination below


Fireweed and looking back after about an hour


Looking back from where we came from

The next day, we did a little hike to Iceberg Lake.

San Diego River

Of 2 hikes after returning from Montana trip, one was a 10 mile hike from Tierrasanta to Cowles and back in 2.5 hours.

Fireworks from Fiesta Island

During the summer, Chip and I went down twice to see the Sea World fireworks.

Mom continued on her European adventure hitting Iceland on the 3rd and staying until at least the 13th, Lerwick on the Shetlands on the 14th, Aberdeen on the 16th, and finally Horley England on the 24th(per her credit card receipts).

Went down to Fiesta Island 3 times this month: once to see Sea World fireworks, and twice for OTL. Found the missing roll of film, developed it, and updated a few pages on this website. Evoke goes public this month, as well. Although it missed its intended date of July 21. Started hiking in Mission Trails again, after working late each night for about a month.

Karyn pix

Looking down into Hellhole Canyon, April 2000

Borrego Springs Resort Tennis Facility from same place

Lunchroom snacks at work. With Evoke acquisition, our free snacks increased quite a bit.

Mom continued her European trip this month, flying to London on Delta(via Atlanta) arriving on the 8th to visit her friend in Solihull, England, before travelling to Bangor(Northern Ireland) on the 11th, Dublin on the 12th, and Wales on the 17th.

This month will contain the 6th anniversary of my awesome kayak trip in Alaska with Mari, Greg, Kelly and Mike. I finally scanned in a few pix!

Doing some hikes, including 6 mile one that crossed river, looped visitor center, passed rock climbers, reached the Mission dam, and crossed the grinding rocks in Mission Gorge before returning to the other side of the river. But, limped whole way, and have only done 3 mile hikes since then, until my knee/shin recover from VIllager hike. With neck and shoulder pain, am having trouble doing anything this month, but am planning a Montana adventure in August. Contigo has now been acquired by Evoke Communications, on the work front.

Karyn celebrates her birthday this month in 2004, in which she will next be at a prime age.

Mom testing backpack she will take to Iceland

..on her way to the airport

Mom started her European trip by flying to Boston and hanging out in New Hampshire.

Went on several hikes in Mission Trails: 2 visitor center loops. Flowers are going full blast on south side of river, and a South Fortuna hike, where I got picture of sun setting while atop South Fortuna.

Sunset from South Fortuna

On following week, did entire Fortuna ridge, and saw another beautiful sunset atop South Fortuna, while at the edge of the gorge. Looking the opposite way (about 800' below me lay the San Diego River), a full moon rose over Kwaaypai Peak, and all of a sudden, a hawk started gliding silently into the abyss from a cliff just below me. It was way too cool.

On May 14, headed up towards Dawn Peak. Since I started at 11, didn't expect to complete the 15 mile round-trip, 1.1 mile vertical climb. Selected a possible canyon, as the ridges looked too dangerous. Managed to gain 2000', but I was tired, time was not on my side, next set of boulders looked kind of difficult, and I was in a place maybe only 1 person per year might ever go, so I bagged it, and headed back. Wound up going about 10 miles in 5.5 hours, miles, including 2 miles trying to find my car, which was parked about 5 miles off-road.

Mom appeared to be in Bakersfield on the 11th of this month per CC rcpt.
Screaming Skull Rock

On May 29, climbed Villager Peak(#4), 13 miles, 5000' altitude gain, 12 hours. Normally a 9 hour hike, I was not up to task, and almost didn't make it back, but added a new notebook to can at top (1990 one is full, and 1998 addition is nearly full!). Brought plenty of water, but ran low on salts, so cramping started about 2/3rds of the way back. When you're low on salts, apparently your tummy rejects plain water! About 1.5 miles from car, sat down... no shade, but sun was starting to get low, and I found a grove in trail that was shaded (so not a hot seat, a rarity there!). Tried getting up after 10 minutes, but sat right back down. May have nodded off a bit, as I wanted to fall asleep most of hike! After about an hour, tried one more time, and with last bit of energy made it back to car, drove home, and fortuneately momma-san was there to take care of me, as I could no longer walk because of cramping. After getting enough salts in my system, got to the point after a few hours, of just being sore all over. Now I know what to bring on long hikes on hot days. No more such hikes this year, tho.

Mari on Villager
March 1994

West Vallecitos Hike


Tried and failed to conquer The Thimble, a 5500' peak in the San Ysidros, April 22.

Mom drove to thru Socorro on the 24th on her way to Hurst & Mansfield where she stayed until the 28th.

On the 16th, went up to Santa Monica with Joe to see Bob's band play and visit a friend. Crowded Head didn't stay to play, so we just toured the Santa Monica area, having some dinner at Cecil's Cafe and Fish Market. Neat place.
Nephews and
Julie visit
Julie, Logan, and Thor came here for a few days. They spent one night in Ocean Beach, at the beach. We had a few hikes to end of pier, partook of the OB Street Fair one evening, and had a nice breakfast overlooking the beach. Think they had a pretty good visit.

Mom visited Virginia around the 29th & 30th of this month and procured a flight to Vancouver CANADA on the 30th.

After a rain this month, I had the mistaken idea that it would be easy to take my Mazda (Amanda) up Fish Creek to Sandstone Canyon, which I did. I grazed the bottom of the car on the rough terrain about 20 times.

Amanda in Sandstone Canyon

Hiked up to Laura Peak on the 27th.

Went on a date with Maureen where we drove her rented 4WD vehicle to Fonts Point. Maureen then returned to the Isle of Whyte, where she got married and the last I heard (a couple years later), she wrote she had just produced a baby.

Maureen at my house

Borrego Mountain / Font's Point outings
Started the new year by viewing fireworks at La Casa del Zorro from my deck, with Grace, Jim, Maureen on my deck.

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