Garden Wall Hike
15 miles from Logan Pass down to To the Sun Highway Trailhead, 1 - way
Wednesday August 16, 2000

Squirrels accounted for all the bird songs

Looking back towards starting point of Logan Pass

Dyer shortly into hike

A particulary verdant section of trail

Trail to Grinnel

Most of way to Grinnel fork

Close-up of pink flowers above

Colorful rocks, too!

Seems like every color in rainbow could be found in some places, like here.

Looking across valley at small glacier on peak

Flowers in shade

Along the trail

Flower close-up

Trail up to Grinnel Overlook

Hiking the trail

Dyer drying out shirt at Grinnel overlook

Jef at Grinnel Overlook

Trail to Grinnel

Most of way to Grinnel fork

Hiking lodge

Trail down from lodge

Final leg before hiking lodge

Blowup of hiking lodge taken from Grinnel Overlook

Hiking down from lodge

After hitching ride to Logan Pass, we descend to other side...

Spent night in this hotel at Lake St. Mary

Road above Lake St. Mary

Lake St. Mary, next morning

Lake St. Mary (next day)