Invasion of the New Mexicans

March 10 - 16, 2001

Julie, Doug, Thor, and Logan visited Borrego for 3 days, Ocean Beach for 2 days, L.A. for 1 day before taking another day to sightsee on way back to New Mexico. In Borrego, we went on 3 hikes: Palm Canyon, Borrego Mountain, and Coyote Canyon. In San Diego, we visited Balboa park along with several beach visits.

Borrego 3/11/01

Borrego 3/12/01

Palm Canyon 3/12/01

Coyote Canyon 3/13/01

Logan's New modeling strategy

Borrego 3/11/01



LA... dad gets Spanish olives

Los Angeles, 3/15/01

LA 3/15/01

LA 3/15/01

LA 3/15/01

LA 3/15/01

Logan's new rock

Logan in front of Planetarium

Uncle Jef in Hollywood

Logan and Thor running back to leave LA

Thor in Hollywood

Top: Leaving LA

Left: Logan at Griffith Observatory

Top: Leaving LA

Right: Logan avoiding paparazzi