Kelly Ditch Trail, May to June, 2001

Near the end of May, I discovered the Kelly Ditch Trail. My first hike there extended just into the William Heise County Park, and had a side spur seeking my idea of where the trail should be, and totalled about 12 miles. A second trip was abbreviated to about 6 miles, and determined the road that the trail crossed in the wilderness, Engineer Road, and gathered pictures in the first part of the hike. A 3rd trip of about 9 miles gathered photos of the giant fern meadow. A 4th trip with Frank gathered photos in the fern meadow with people (not yet developed).

Paco, June 7

Start of lake circling trail, June 5

Lake Cuyamaca is behind these trees, June 5

Start of Kelly Ditch Trail, looking back towards Lake, June 5

A window view looking towards ocean, June 5

Spring at Engineer Road crossing, June 5

A window view looking towards ocean, June 5

Spring at Engineer Road crossing, June 5