Journal Index

Jef's Activities 2004
1Q 2005
Dec 2004

On the 1st, work a couple hours at Norm's, trimming, weeding, and transplanting 2 ocotillos.

On the 2nd, drive mom to San Diego for shopping, including getting an Xmas tree. Did more work on Xmas decorations

On the 3rd finished 2nd revision of the Tennis Center website. With Dave Quimby, did the draw for the BSTC tournament. Unfortuneately, we failed to do a round robin format, which would have been better for the light turnout of 38.

Game night at the tennis club

On the 4th, won 2 of 3 matches with partner Al Lieb - 5-8, 8-5, 9-7.

On the 5th, lost in quarterfinals to Team Fred (8-4). Rain came about 11 a.m., and 2 of the finals had to be delayed to next tournament. Won the $50 drawing. Rained a fair amount for the rest of the day. Still raining when I went to TP party with gift exchange. Dinner was ham, soufle, 7-layer salad, cheesecake. I brought deviled eggs, and gave away the gag New Zealand wine dad gave me over 10 years ago.

Sandi & Tatiana

Rain stopped us mid-day (finals held next tournament)

Jef won the cash prize!

At the TP potluck

Eris got this!

Linda gettig marshmallow gun kit

On the 6th, mountains were again capped with snow. Apparently, Julian had 6" of snow previous day.

On the 7th, hiked up Henderson Canyon with Robin's group (Robin, Sara, me, Dave, Ruth, Bill K), about 8 miles, 1000' vertical, 3.5 hours. Got load of refuse wood from Paul's and took rest of day off.

Sunset this evening

Looking west - edge of house roof at left

On the 8th, worked on irrigation fix at Methodist church, installed new valve at Paul's, started stripping Norm's front door, and did some gardening.

Part of irrigation project at Paul's (on Tilting T)

Fixed this leak at Methodist church

After sanding/varnishing 100 year old church door at Norm's house

On the 9th, hiked to top of Villager with Dianne and Steve F., our first meeting: 16 miles, 5000', 4.5 hours up, 3.25 hours down.

The 3 hikers at the trailhead

Jef midway to peak by cliff-edge

Steve & Dianna

At the peak

Looking SW toward Clark Lake

Looking east toward Salton Sea

East side of peak

Steve on way down

On the 11th, took mom on expedition to 1) see Joey and Barb's new house and determine what home improvement problems needed to be done. 2) shopping for various other projects including a fencing project the following day, and 3) attending Craig and Nancy's wedding reception.


Joe & mom at Joe/Barb's new house

Hank & Don at Craig & Nancy's anniversary party

Davita & Fred

Craig's mom & sister & ?

Nancy, Craig & Torrey


Outside dining

Scott with his kid

Sid, Brian, Hank & mom

Cutting the anniversary cake

On the 12th, started work on building a little fence at the Roadrunner Club.

Mom starting project

On the 13th, completed the fence at the Roadrunner. Mailed 3 more xmas packages. Won at tennis with newly strung racquet against Don and George at La Casa. My partner was Bill, and score was 4-6, 6-1, 7-5.

Completed fence - purpose was to hide A/C unit in front of home

Had to put zig in fence to avoid vegetation

What is now concealed from road

On the 14th, mailed the last Xmas packages. Did some work at Norm's.

On the 15th, compiled my "Festivus" cards (WORD FORMAT), and sent off about 20. Worked at the church, fixing a couple of blown risers (under some big cacti and agaves -- got lots of cactus spines embedded in me).

Chuch row

Picture of irrigation controller before I redid this

Had to access this dribbler among these hazardous agaves

Another dribbler

Replaced this broken riser

On the 17th, replaced a fan with a chandelier at Craig's other house, then saw movie Closer, which was pretty good, although portraying some of shallow relationships. Then won at tennis 6-4, 6-4, and was big winner at poker, winding up ahead 38.

On the 19th, played tennis at Jaroslav's. Jimmy and I beat Ed and Tom A 6-3, 6-4. Then, of course, lost badly to Jaroslav.

On the 20th, after weeding at Norm's, drove to L.A. and spent night at dad's.

On the 21st, helped drive dad to cousin Joanne's. We had breakfast just south of Barstow at a Dennys. Saw Joanne at the Mesquite art center -- she volunteers there, and got a T-shirt. Then we had Xmas dinner at Joanne and Rich's house, where we exchanged presents. I spent night there, while dad and Leny stayed at the Casa Blanca Casino, where Joanne had a comped room.

Dad at cousin JoAnn's

Rich and Joanne

On the 22nd, we all had breakfast at the Purple Fez Cafe in the Casablanca and then went on a motor tour of 3 states: Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. We visited Gunlock falls, Pine Valley, and Snow Canyon in Utah. Hiked a couple miles in Snow Canyon. Then started drive back to L.A. We stopped at Buffalo Bills at state line (Primm), and had a great all-you-can-eat buffet. Got lost trying to get out of casino, of course. Drove back to L.A. and spent night at dad's.

Dad in hotel room

First stop in road trip tour by Rich & JoAnn, Gunnlock Falls

Rich, Leny, dad & JoAnn, Pine Valley

JoAnn with her camera

Jef - in Snow Canyon State Park near St. George

On the 23rd, drove to Borrego, and took it easy.

Back at home

On the 24th, did a little work at Norm's.

On the 25th, opened the rest of the gifts. I got a chiminea from mom, various small gifts such as a t-shirt, and various goodies.

On the 26th, overslept, and so was late to meeting group hiking from Palm Springs to top of tram. Apparently started hike from a different trailhead, and thought I was on my own, but managed to catch the group at about the 7 mile mark: Steve F, Dianne, plumber Chuck, and tobacco salesman Bruce. I slowed them down the rest of the way, of course. Bruce loaned me one of his ski poles to get thru the last mile of snow and ice on the steepest part of the trail at the end. It took me 6.5 hours to do the 10.6 miles with 8300' up and 300' down (MAP). We got lost in the flood of holiday tourists, and so didn't have to pay the $9 one way fare on the tram ride down. One tourist noticed my Iceland t-shirt, and coincidentally had just come from there and was going back next week. We shared a taxi back to the trailhead and recovered the cars. Then we went out to la Terrza and had some good Mexican food before the gang of 4 went back to San Diego and I to Borrego.

Start of hike out of Palm Springs (trail started at end of Ramon Road

Well into the hike - north edge of Palm Springs and wind farms

After catching up with hiking group

With Dianne on tram

Chuck, Bruce, and Steve at bottom of tram awaiting taxi<

On the 27th, got my new glasses ordered on the internet, did some work on Norm's door.

On the 28th, despite a rainy day, got another load of wood (to be recycled) at the Jorgenson's. Then worked several hours at Norm's, transplanting about 10 ocotillos and 5 cacti. After getting home, found internet glasses, got 'em out and started wearing them right away.

Didn't touch old glasses for a few days after getting new ones

On the 30th, completed installing box to shelter electrical and irrigation control at Methodist Church.

Rainbow at church

On the 31st, played about 5 sets of tennis at the tennis center, winning only 4. Stormy weather was stopped by mountains this day. Later that night, hosted a small New Years eve party: Rickards, Ginny, Allen, Brent. Fireworks started 3 minutes early at La Casa.

Mountain storms

NY Eve party

Nov 2004
On the 1st, ate the rest of the Halloween treats.

On the 2nd, picked up mom at the airport, after she did a 1 week stint babysitting for Julie and Doug, who went to Vegas for a week for their 5th anniversary. Installed 3 light fixtures at Craig's on way back.

On the 3rd, did some trimming at Norm's and constructed a long post for bat house.

On the 4th, painted the post with bat house at Norm's and did some more trimming.

Bat house

On the 5th, with Dave, created the draw for the 1st BSTC tennis tournament - mixed doubles.

On the 6th, after losing 2 of 3 sets, got eliminated from the tournament. Mimi was my partner.

On the 7th, played a few sets at tennis club, viewed a couple of finals, and gathered info to generate the next newsletter.

On the 8th, drove mom to San Diego to do some shopping. Then filled up propane tank for winter.

On the 9th, mapped visitor center trails, then hiked up to first grove with Robin's group.

Jef by waterfall

Robin's group around 1st grove

On the 10th, varnished gate and completed/erected bat house at Norm's.

Erected bat house

Varnished gate

On the 11th, Steve F. cancelled hike to top of Palm Springs tram, so hiked up San Ysidro Mountain instead: 9 miles, 5300', 9 hours (MAP).

Fire-retardant stain about midway up mountain

San Ysidro Mtn. from 2nd peak

Jef at peak

View from about 4000' above Borrego

Fire-red sky just before getting dark. Finished hike in the dark

On the 12th, determined pressure sensor failed to detect pump running on new hot tub unit. Fiddled with gate at Norm's in La Jolla. Won at tennis: 7-5, 6-2, 6-3. Lost 20 at poker.

On the 14th, brought a salad to the TP potluck, which was basically a full trimmings Thanksgiving dinner.

On the 15th, drove mom to doctor, worked more on Norm's gate, started work on moving a wall light to the ceiling at Craig's.

On the 16th, hiked the Palm Wash loop with Robin and 3 others. Played a couple sets of tennis at the Granger's. Crudely installed replacement lamps in mom's truck.

Hiking group in Palm Wash

On the 17th, found out the timing belt in the Mazda was toast.

On the 19th, drove truck to San Diego. Moved light fixture at Craig's, and then carpooled with Craig to tennis (won all 3 sets with different partners), and poker, where I lost 4. Spent night at newlywed Craig and Nancy's new house.

On the 20th, finished up the light fixture moving project and drove to Miguel's, where I left it for him to fix. Miguel's wife, Lilian, and son David, drove me to Paco's, where I loaded my gear and Paco and Lizzy drove me to the Ocotillo cannon site, where we had a motorcycle/shooting outing, and then they drove me home, where I spent the rest of the weekend stranded at home without a vehicle.

Paco after zooming in from a ride -- missed the wheelie on film

Lizzy + Paco near Ocotillo

On the 21st, did finishing touches on maps for Robin, while it rained outside. Tried fixing hot tub, but GFI wouldn't hold in these wet conditions.

Snow-capped Toro Peak, morning of Nov. 22

On the 22nd, finished final revisions of Robin's maps. Challenged internet charge from on credit card.

On the 23rd, hiked 21.3 miles, 1000' vertical, over 8.2 hours, doing the following: mailed tennis club newsletters, slogged 1.5 miles thru the Borrego "Bog" Sink (feet sinking up to 4 inches each step), found 2 morteros on Metate Hill, failed to find "Borrego Spring", hiked up to top of Ant Hill (Elev. 1140'), stopped by Chuck's Auto to find out status of car repair, bought Borrego phone directory at the Chamber of Commerce, got tire repair kit at Hardware Store, Dropped off final maps to Betsy (for Robin's hikes)-- they were wet with sweat, got mail at Post Office, checked repair at Jorgensen's, and stopped at Rickards, negotiating trading a paint roller extension for a ride home. (MAP). And... yes... I was sore afterwards!!!

Borrego Sink

My footprints on the Borrego Sink

Ant Hill from south approach

Next to last ascent to Ant Hill

Looking west from Ant Hill

On the 25th, Thanksgiving, stayed at home (still no wheels). Tried out hot tub for first time in over 2 years. New (wimpy) heater takes about 1.5 days to heat up water! Mom cooked up following: stew with London broil (excellente!), tater salad (real good!), string beans with roasted pine nuts, beet aspic, spinach soufle. I made some feta-guacamole. Good vittles! Had to be... no access to outside world! Called and found out truck would probably be ready in a couple of days... apparently, Gary is still scratching his head as to state of car.

On the 26th, hiked to Norm's (about 11 miles), fixed bikes, and took one of them home, making a few stops. Mazda still not fixed. Tried hot tub. Found out it needs calibration, as it got up (probably) to about 110°F!

On the 28th, dropped by tennis club for Thanksgiving.leftover get-together.

Mimi celebrated a birthday

Mom & Mimi

On the 29th, got ride with Ken and Bonnie to San Diego. They dropped me off at Grossmont, where I saw The Incredibles, which was good. Then I walked to Craig's. He gave me a ride to Miguel's, where I picked up the fixed Xenik, which I drove back to Borrego that night, after doing a little shopping.

Nissan, after Miguel

On the 30th, hiked with Robin's group to West Butte.

Trailhead at the Slot

At the summit

Heading back down

Oct 2004
On the 1st, drove from Susanville to the south entrance to Mount Lassen National Park. We hiked to Bumpass Hell (MAP) - 3.5 miles, 750' vertical, 2 hours. Then we hiked to Kings Creek Falls (MAP) - 3 miles, 500' vertical, 1.5 hours. We then drove all the way down past Mono Lake and camped in wilds along creek on Oil Plant Road.

Bumpass Hell

On the 2nd, drove thru June Lake, getting coffee at Troutpond Joe's, went over to Mammoth Lakes and hiked up to Mammoth Pass and Bledsoe Lake (2 mi., 400' vertical, 1 hr.). Then hiked a couple miles on south shore of Convict Lake. Drove down and had Fritatas at the Village Cafe in Bishop. Had a malt at Astroburger, and finally arrived home about 9:30 that night.

Falliage at Convict Lake

On the 3rd Dyer got me lunch at La Casa.

On the 4th, started draining pool at Norm's and got new tires for Amanda II. Then rested and worked on documenting trip until the 6th.


Mom found this pic of her at 18!

On the 8th, finished cleaning pool and started filling at Norm's. Then went to S.D. and saw Shaun of the Dead. Then found there was no tennis or poker! Managed to do some shopping and got the oil changed, tho.

On the 10th, played some tennis over at Jerry's.

On the 11th, while chewing some Coffee Rios (from TJs), pulled out one of my crowns, so drove to S.D. and got it glued back in.

On the 14th, ordered a new monitor for computer, and also a new heater/pump assembly for my hot tub.

On the 15th, returned to Norm's La Jolla house the firewood I had cut from his fence posts. Then saw Team America: World Police, lost 2 sets of tennis, and won 15 at poker - seeing Craig's new house for first time - pretty neat!

On the 18th, mom never returned from her trip to San Diego.

On the 19th, at 5 a.m., went looking for mom, and found her on the Banner grade in a steady rain. She had, apparently, lost traction on a curve, and got slowed down by a rocky bank:

Xenik meets bank

Xenik being towed away

Then later that day went in to Chuck's Auto to determine why my engine light was still on. Gary determined it was an unplugged vacuum line. My new monitor arrived this day, too.

Sign at Chuck's Auto

New monitor next to dad's "new" monitor

On the 20th, mostly straightened out the bumper of the truck so that it was driveable. Had ordered replacement lights the night before. This day was in the middle of several days of intermittent rain.

Coyote Mountain at surnrise

Late morning rainbow

On the 21st, drove to L.A. and presented dad with mom's old computer and an XM radio. Got the radio working about halfway to L.A., and heard old radio programs of Texas Rangers and Dragnet. Found that it was a chore getting system to work in house, but rigged up power with an old computer power supply:

Kludged XM home system

On the 22nd, drove to cannon party, but had severe idling problems while getting started. Cannon party happened on weekend that was midway between storms, and so had great weather! 3 cannons were present on this Friday, including Paco's, Mike's, and Heyob's big one!

Cannon area late Friday

Heyob's 12 pounder at sunset

On the 23rd, Raymo and I did a couple of dawn shots. Raymo aimed in the target on the 2nd shot, and hit near the bullseye! First time in 30 years he's hit the main target, so he was happy the rest of the weekend.

Raymo with his pancaked ball after retrieving it from the target

Jef relaxing

Around the campfire

On the 24th, left party amid idling problems of Mazda, and drove back to San Diego.

Cannon area on the Sunday morning

On the 26th, drove mom to airport for her babysitting job at Julie's in Socorro for a week, then helped Craig build a shed for the rest of the day.

Craig by newly assembled shed (after finishing on friday)

On the 27th, we had significant rain in Borrego!

On the 29th, dropped another load at Norm's. Then helped Craig finish the shed, install a gate, and assemble a cabinet. Won at tennis: 3-6, 6-0, 7-5. Won 6 at poker.

Craig by newly assembled cabinet

On the 30th, got heater/pump installed in hot tub, but noticed hot tub has a big leak, and heater didn't come on.

New heater + pump assembly

On the 31st, played tennis at Jaroslav's and then brought some deviled eggs over to the tennis center for a tennis potluck. Played about 4 sets there. After dinner, dodged trick-or-treaters over at the Roadrunner Club to look at a new fencing project. No trick-or-treaters at home again... so I, again, ate all the treats;)

Sep 2004
On the 1st, finished up outer fence at Norm's in La Jolla, and then started on the Boynton's fence next door with Mark -- camped out until Friday at Mark's place. On the 2nd and 3rd, did the Boynton's north fence and started on the high fence. Also on the 3rd, won 16 at poker and HH brought in a surprise birthday cake for me.

On the Labor day weekend, worked on cleaning up my car and organizing tools. On the 5th, got a call from someone who found mom's cel and purse in Mansfield TX. After a couple hours, finally got in touch with her, and she went and retrieved them -- she still hadn't noticed they were missing!

On the 5th, found out dad is recovering from the shingles.

On the 7th, nearly finished the Boynton's fence, with Mark. Mark and I carried old fence out to Borrego.

Nearly complete fence

On the 10th, worked more on Boynton fence until running out of material. Then saw Hero at the movies, lost at tennis: 1-6, 6-2, 2-6, and lost 20 at poker. Mom arrived at Patti's in L.A. area from her trip.

Isodope T-shirt - one of Julie's birthday presents

More nearly complete fence

On the 11th, evidence of rain was apparent at sunrise. Thunderstorms near Indianhead forced that end of the valley to be closed to traffic.

Stormfront passing Indianhead

On the 15th thru 19th, drained and cleaned Norm's pool.

On the 17th, finished the Boynton fence, saw AVP - pretty good movie, split at tennis, and won 21 at poker.

On the 18th, ground down the warp in the Mills mantle. That night was a spectacle of lightning east of the Salton Sea. Mom and I could see non-stop lightning under a clear sky, complete with Milky Way.

On the 19th, moved rest of large cut vegetation pile to new area at Norm's, so I could reclaim my wheel barrow for the large wood cutting project at home. Noticed fiberglass panels were blowing off Norm's roof.

On the 20th and 21st, secured the outer edge of fiberglass panels for about half of Norm's veranda roof. Started filling his pool.

Panels before being secured

On the 22nd, hiked up Palm Canyon to Jef's linked cache #1. Despite a 100 year flood, cache was still there. However, footings for bridges washed away last year were washed away this year, along with the rain gauge that had been there for 50 years, and most of the palm trees! Saw Cohens and Francis and we all saw 10 bighorns. 12 miles, 7.2 hours.

Francis and the Cohens by some washed out palms


Notice the ram at lower right

Washed out palm just downstream from 1st grove

2 Bighorns spying me from above

On the 25th, Dyer drove in and spent the night before the big trip started the following day.

On the 26th, drove up 395. Stopped at Astroburger for a burger. Continued north, passing Tahoe, and camping in the wilderness at Kyburz Flat, about 50 miles north of Lake Tahoe.

On the 27th, drove up to Lassen and hiked to its summit: 5 mi., 4hr., 2000' vertical. Then after showers at the north end of the park, had a good dinner and camped in the wilds northwest of the park.

Mount Lassen

On the 28th, drove up to Lava Beds National Park and explored about 8 caves. Then, after exploring Captain Jack's stronghold and Petroglyph Rock, continued to Crater Lake. When lodge was full, we backtracked and stayed at a cabin in Mazana Village.

Mushpot Cave

On the 29th, hiked to peak near the lodge: 3 mi., 1000', 2 hr., then hiked down to the lake at the only access: 2 mi., 750', 2 hr. Then set up camp at Lost Creek campground, hiked about 1 mile around "The Pinnacles". Found firewood and had our only campfire on this trip. Met Laura from Sausolito.

Jef at Garfield Peak

Shallows of Crater Lake

On the 30th, breakfasted at the lodge, hiked Sun Notch (0.5 hr., 1 mi., 200' vertical) and up Mt. Scott: 5 mi., 2.5 hr., 1500'. Drove to Susanville, CA and stayed at a Super 8.

The Phantom Ship

The 10 bighorns seen on Sep. 22
Aug 2004
On the 2nd, did some major trimming at the bottom of Norm's driveway. Then replaced a couple of valves at Paul's, and started on a cabinet for one of his irrigation timers.

On the 3rd, installed most of the cabinet at Paul's.

Finished cabinet

On the 4th, installed the door to Paul's new cabinet and discussed changes to Robin's overview map with her.

On the 5th and 6th, replaced about 75' of fencing at Norm's La Jolla with Mark.

On the 6th, lost 20 at poker, but inherited about 20 pounds of tomatoes, 20 pounds of lettuce, 5 pounds of "cheese food" from Hank's picnic (for Sharp).

On the 7th, trimmed the blue palms at el Divisadero. Also, on the 7th and 8th made a couple batches of chile using leftover tomatoes from Sharp picnic.

Cut about 4 dozen fronds

On the 8th, started work on installing new valve at Paul's, but found and repaired pinhole leak in copper pipe to swamper. Added irrigation to birdbath in front.

On the 9th, installed new valve at Paul's.

Newly installed valve

On the 11th, re-routed mesquite irrigation at front of Paul's house. Harvested 3 mice from 2 traps at el Divisadero.

On the 12th, got more materials and replaced another 30' of fence with Mark at Norm's in La Jolla, and varnished the front gate there.

Newly varnished gate

On the 13th, completed fencing backyard at Norm's with Mark with another 40' of fencing. Split sets at tennis despite my right arm still pretty sore. Big winner at poker, winning 26.

Last run of fence

Thunderhead over Fonts Point on the 16th

Thunderhead over Sunset Peak on the 17th

On the 18th thru the 20th, worked on fence at Norm's in La Jolla, and filled a B size dumpster with mostly fencing -- still have quite a bit left. Continued moving some of leftover fencing to Borrego to cut up as firewood. Also moved a couple of carloads of refuse from el Divisadero and loaded into the dumpster in La Jolla. Arranged to do some fencing for the Boyntons in La Jolla.

On the 20th, played one set of tennis, winning 6-4. Then was big winner at poker 2nd time running -- this time won 23.

On the 23rd, fixed water main leak at Jorgensen's. Started working again at Kurt's. Disposed of mouse #19 at el Divisadero. Mom's new computer arrived and I set it up.

On the 24th and 25th worked on a new form and doing tile work at Kurt's.

Kurt's newly tiled 1st step in Jacuzzi

On the 26th and 27th worked on fence at Norm's by his pool in La Jolla. Lost 11 at poker, and lost 2 sets at tennis, as I had to play mostly left handed due to an injured right arm.

New fence behind pool
Jul 2004

On the 1st went to Peggy's grand opening of the Java Iguana. Free stuff! Then worked a bit over at Norm's, starting to scrape off algae in pool, and then worked about 5 hours cutting cement-board over at Milt's.

On the 2nd, got a coffee at the Java Iguana, worked about 5 hours putting in 15' of fence at Norm's La Jolla place, won at tennis with old racquet: 3-6, 6-1, 7-5, and then lost 3 at poker.

Peggy on her first day

Finished fence (to left of shovel)

On the 3rd, cleaned the bottom of Norm's pool in preparation for filling it.

On the 4th, cut and set tiles for Milt's master bath counter-top. Started filling Norm's pool, after applying about a pint of acid to clear algae, and making sure no algae would survive the filling. No fireworks at La Casa this year, but sat out with mom, and as with about every evening this time of year, shared a bottle of Merlot.

On the 5th, completed grouting tiles set previous day on Milt's master bath counter-top, and detailed around kitchen tiles.

Finished counter at Milt's

On the 6th, put some non slip coating on tiles of walk down bath in Norm's Borrego house.

On the 7th, did several hikes in the southern part of the park, including the Volcanic Hills, Canyon Sin Nombre, and the Dolomite Mine. Total of about 15 miles.

Canyon Sin Nombre

Slot canyon in Sin Nombre

Volcanic Hills

On the 9th, replaced another 15' of fence at Norm's in La Jolla. Won at tennis, 6-3, 6-1 against Hank and Bryan. Lost 12 at poker. Spent night at Hank's.

On the 10th, went with Hank to OTL. Met Chip and Frank G there. Got 3 T-shirts and a program for Fred. Then Hank took me and Chip to Temecula, where Chip left his phone before I took him to Pomona to transport a stolen car back to S.D. After Chip got lost trying to find Temecula house, he eventually got there, and retrieved his lost phone. As Linda was sick, we decided I wouldn't paint the house this weekend, and I drove back to Borrego.

OTL main entrance

View from our seats

Chip passed out in my chair

Chip acquiring car from impound lot in Pomona

On the 12th, fixed a leak in Cohen's main irrigation line. Then hiked the North Pinyon loop in Plum Canyon: 5.5 miles, 1500' vertical.

Ripe desert apricots in Plum Canyon

On the 13th, determined (with difficulty) the Sentenac Birding Trail, walking 2 miles in this 1.2+ mile hike. Then hiked 10.8 miles on the PCT (5.4 miles up). Total hiking was about 12.8 miles, 1500' vertical.

Wildfire was started about 15 miles away, near Lake Henshaw, while I was hiking. Note the cloud that the smoke bumped into

Start of Sentenac Birding trail loop

On the 15th, installed 18 new feet of fence at Norm's in La Jolla.

On the 16th, installed another 30' of fence at Norm's along with Mark. Lost 4 at poker.

On the 17th and 18th, painted about half of Hank's interior walls.

On the 21st and 22nd, replaced another 50' of fence at Norm's with Mark.

On the 28th to 30th, replaced another 80' or so and cut down 2 trees at Norm's with Mark. Split 2 sets of tennis, and then lost 25 at poker.

Completed west fence
Jun 2004

On the 1st, made a map from data gathered the previous day from Agua Caliente.

On the 2nd, hiked the Eco Road, Hornblend Canyon, and Rainbow Canyon hikes.

2 morteros in this Hornblend Canyon boulder make it look like a skull!

On the 3rd, worked at Norm's house. He flew in while I was watering in a small helicopter carrying 5 people!

Chopper at Norm's carport

On the 4th, finished bleaching Norm's 2 front gates for later oiling. Then won at tennis, 6-1, 6-4. Lost 5 at poker.

On the 5th, after making about a gallon of salsa, checked out the Mills project.

On the 6th, interviewed for a part-time job of building a new home just off Palm Canyon Drive, painted over at the Mills place, and prepared to drain Norm's pool the next day.

On the 7th, worked at Milt's Verbena homesite after seeing what Kurt wanted on his Verbena house (a form for a slab). Started draining Norm's pool. Started work at the Mill's home, replacing a post base.

On the 8th, worked at Milt's and Kurt's on Verbena. Then went over to Norm's and started shoveling out sand from bottom of mostly dry pool. Completed post base repair and started tiling at the Mills. Finished pool cleaning and started filling Norm's pool.

Finished post base repair

Norm's empty pool

On the 9th, found Norm's pool about ready to overflow, so stopped filling it. Worked at Milt's, and then completed the 88' long spine of tile for the Mill's house, off which all other tiles will be based, and started tiling near the fireplace, doing about 120 sq. ft.

On the 10th, did some watering and small repairs at Norm's, then completed another 90 sq. ft. near the fireplace at the Mills.

On the 11th, unloaded tools at Norm's La Jolla house, and helped Mark get started on replacing 30 ft. of fence. Then met Rox for lunch (Mexican this time). Went over to Pete Ota's place and set-up a newly purchased Dell computer. Then back to Norm's and helped Mark complete the 30' of fence. Lost 4.65 at poker (the big loser).

Jef by completed fence

Bleached gate

On the 12th, installed another 60 sq. ft. of tile at the Mill's house, fixing an error on an island in the kitchen area.

New tile by Mill's fireplace

On the 13th, after tennis at Jaroslav's. Brought him over to evaluate the tile job. Then tried 3 of Robin's hikes: Vista del Malpais (8.5 miles, 700' vertical, 3 hours), Burke's bench (1.5 unsuccessful miles) -- Font's wash was a sea of soft sand - the worst I've ever seen it! That's why I failed to start in the right place, and Glorietta - Juanito Canyon loop (3.5 miles, 700' vertical, 1.5 hours).

Vista del Malpais

Juanitos Canyon

On the 14th thru the 17th, worked full time tiling at the Mill's, completing their family room, kitchen, laundry room, some hallway, and one bathroom. Total of about 600 sq. ft. and 150 sq. ft. of grouting.

Mills laundry room

Rattler seen along Norm's driveway on the 17th

On the 18th, finally oiled Norm's gates in La Jolla. Split at tennis with Hank as partner (vs. Fred and Craig). Lost about 9 at poker.

One of Norm's gates

On the 19th, hiked lower Coyote Mtn and Alcoholic Pass (about 6 miles, 1200' vertical). Then tiled pantry at Mills (after putting down some cement board).

Alcoholic Pass

On the 20th, grouted at the Mills. Injured my finger (destroying way too many layers of skin).

On the 21st, hiked Shiprock, Lizard Canyon, and Stag Cove (about 5 miles, 1000' vertical).

Lizard Canyon

On the 22nd, started constructing mantle at the Mills with mom.

On the 23rd, completed the new Mill's mantle. Then went on 4 hikes: Borrego Spur, Little Surprise Canyon, Panoramic Overlook, and Corral Canyon, totaling about 6 miles, 900' vertical.

Mom by nearly finished mantle

Trail going down Borrego Spur

Panoramic Overlook

On the 24th, started installing one of 2 new windows at a customer site.

On the 25th, saw The Terminal, another great movie! Then got about 3 cubic feet of lumber for installing the windows. Lost at tennis 3-6, 3-6, 6-0, as Craig was playing much better, and I broke a string. Won 23 at poker.

On the 26th and 27th, completed installation of 2 windows, with mom. Found 2nd caught mouse at Norm's (previous was found on the 25th).

2 new windows

On the 29th, determined a carcass in Norm's pool made it stink, so started draining it. Started installing a slab form at Kurt's.

On the 30th, completed the slab form at Kurt's, and went hiking around Sunset Mountain. Hiked up Nude Wash, seeing 2 very large owls, a yellow iguana, the tallest ocotillo I've ever seen -- about 28', and a 3 mortero rock. Got stuck on way to Quartz Vein trailhead, so had to call mom (after walking half a mile or so to get into cel range). She came and promptly got stuck, but we got her out, and on 2nd try, pulled the Mazda out of it's hole. This process took about 3 hours. Total hiking was about 3 miles and 1000' vertical.

Tall ocotillo

Snow on June 30? No... white rocks!

Yellow iguana

Stuck car in Quartz Vein Wash
May 2004

On the 1st, chronicled the 1st official cannon party day. Paco hit target 4 times with his 1.25 pounder. Went on expedition with Mike. Steve and Mara came along on their ATVs as far as Burro Schmidt's tunnel. Mike and I went down Last Chance Canyon, but turned around when we heard of passage problems.

Looking at Paco's Robin Hood shot (only 1" between 2 successive hits!!!!!)

Burned my old 2 seat lawn furniture

Almost lost in Last Chance Canyon!

Mara, Mike, "Slim" in Burro Schmidt tunnel

On the 2nd, after a couple cannon shots, drove home. Went to the TP party in Glorietta Canyon, which was great.

On the 4th, hiked with Robin and others to Chimney Rock - 3 miles, 400' vertical, 1.5 hours. (MAP)

On the 6th, hiked 3 of Robin's Split Mountain area hikes: Wind Caves, Oyster Shell Wash, Lycium Wash. Total of 12 miles, 800' vertical, 5 hours. (MAP).

Lizard in Oystershell Wash

Prickly Poppy about first dry waterfall in Oystershell Wash

On the 7th, after estimating some home improvements for the Mills, failed to make it to San Diego in time for a movie, but used time to catch up on shopping. Split sets at tennis: 4-6, 7-6 (8-6). Lost 23 at poker.

On the 8th, checked out more home improvement projects at the Mills' place.

On the 9th, hiked Whale Peak from Pinyon Pass with Grace: 5 miles, 6 hours, 1500' vertical. (MAP)

Beavertail in bloom on Whale Peak

Jef on trail to peak

Grace on "the Whale"

On the 11th, hiked with Robin's group in the Badlands, 4 miles, 300' vertical, 2 hours (MAP)

Watermelon rock?

Mudcave along the wash

On the 13th, hiked about 6 miles near the Calcite Mine area: Badlands Overlook, part of Cannonball run, Primrose Path.

On the 14th, saw Kill Bill 2, which was good, split at tennis, and lost 18 at poker.

On the 15th, hiked about 6 miles near Coachwhip Canyon: both canyon hikes and Truchaven Rocks.

On the 16th, played some tennis, losing to Jaroslav. Bill and I lost 6-4 on the only non-bagel set.

On the 17th, painted PVC on steep south hillside at Norm's. Determined and fixed electrical problem with Cohen's irrigation system, and started removing their back courtyard irrigation system and plants.

On the 18th, fixed valve A4 and added over 100' of line and 4 new dribblers to the new Cohen north landscaping project.

Part of new irrigation system

On the 19th, continued working at Cohens: finished project from previous day and reduced system in back courtyard. Painted most of remaining exposed PVC at Norm's.

On the 20th, hiked about 6 miles, mapping remainder of Santa Rosa Mountain area map for Robin around the Truckhaven Rocks.

On the 21st, saw Eternal Sunshine of the Empty Mind, which is very good and unusual. Won at tennis, 6-3, 6-0, 6-1, beating Hank and Craig. Lost 14 at poker.

On the 22nd, removed a huge yucca and re-connected part of back courtyard line for Cohens.

On the 23rd, managed to win 2 of 11 games against Jaroslav and won 1 of 3 sets of doubles with partner Bill, agains Jaroslav and Jimmy (the retired marriage counselor). Then put in a form for slab of Cohen's soon-to-be-purchased hot tub slab.

Form for slab

On the 24th, hiked a total of about 11 miles in the southern part of the park, gathering map info for 2 of Robin's maps.

Smoketrees in bloom in Indian Canyon

Southwest Grove at Mountain Palm Springs

Unknown large-leafed plant in View of the Badlands Wash

On the 25th, accompanied Robin and Edie for first half mile of their R&H hike from Culp to Hellhole. Then I hiked down to the Hellhole Canyon Vista below Pena Spring. Then we hiked a loop around Lew's Spring.

Jef on Lew's Spring west side

On the 26th, caught up on various forms of computer / paperwork.

On the 27th, drove to La Jolla, connected with Mark S., and procured building materials for Norm's La Jolla house. Put up some posts to prop up an old fence. Spent night at Mark's area 51 place in Oceanside, after eating dinner at Carrows.

Mark at area 51

On the 28th, we drove back to La Jolla and proceeded to replace 40' of fencing. Tied at tennis 4-6, 7-5, and won 5 at poker.

Replaced section of fence

On the 29th, checked out a water situation at the Cohen's and determined a valve needed replacing.

On the 30th, hiked most of the trails at Agua Caliente Regional Park.

Very healthy vegetation near Squaw Pond area at Agua Caliente

One of the pools at Agua Caliente from overlook
Apr 2004

On the 1st, finished applying linseed oil to Norm's railings, front gate, and decorative wheel.

On the 2nd, got lumber for Cohen entrance project, had lunch with Rox at Islands, and saw Ladykillers at movies -- very good.

On the 3rd, skipped a 20 mile hike up Rabbit, due to my sore knee.

On the 4th, Fred and Davita dropped by. Then went up to Glorietta for a T.P. party. Brought my new table, a rug, and some chairs, which were a big hit. Found a substitute for the virgin, which I stood up on the altar.

Fred and Davita

TP group using my fancy camping carpet, table, chairs

View towards Fonts Point

The 'virgin' I placed on altar for party

On the 6th, did some repair work at Norm's along with watering.

On the 7th, worked all day on making a map of Norm's lower irrigation system.

On the 8th, cut some big branches of catclaw tree with chainsaw at Norm's and started preparing 2x4s for painting for Cohen entryway project.

On the 9th, got caught in traffic jam due to an accident, so never made it to a movie. Got oil changed in Mazda, upgraded memory for camera, won at tennis: 6-4, 6-1, 6-0, but lost 25 at poker.

On the 10th and 11th worked on painting 2x4s for Cohens entry shade.

On the 12th, completed the Cohen entryway.

Cohen entry shade

On the 13th, went with a group down to the southern Rockhouse Canyon, and hiked 9.5 miles, 1300' vertical, 5 hours. Walking by a lone palm and the rockhouse. (MAP)

Lots of flowers

Hiking from Bow Willow to Rockhouse

At the 'Rock house'

On the 14th, drove mom to San Diego for her 2nd cataract operation. Then we camped out at Lake Jennings at her favourite site (#20), but found most of the trees that surrounded it were burned out.

Mom at Lake Jennings

On the 15th, drove back over the Sunrise highway, and proceded to go on an 8 mile hike to the Thimble with Bill.

Mom by wildflowers west of Cuyamaca Lake

Jef and Bill with Thimble in background (photo by Grace)

On the 16th, was wiped out most of the day with some kind of food poisoning.

On the 17th, with partner Tom McClure, made it to the finals in the BSTC doubles tournament, then attended the club's annual banquet.

On the 18th, Tom and I beat Joel and Gary in a tie breaker to win the tournament, despite the fact that I never won my serve!

On the 19th and 20th, installed irrigation system at Sonja's using 50/50 new/used materials.

Lower valve is new system

On the 21st, drove Dick to see Olga at Scripps Hospital. Olga was in pretty bad shape.

On the 22nd and 23rd, got and spread out 3 yards of river rock to landscape around Sonja's new irrigation system.

Part of completed landscaping

On the 24th, after fighting with mom's computer, installing a new CDR/W, and getting the printer to work to print Sonja's invoice, went over to Sonja's bon-voyage party for the Grangers, who are leaving for the summer.

On the 25th, Gil and I beat Jaroslav and Dirk 6-4, 1-6 (7-4). Ed and I lost to them 6-4.

On the 26th, hiked all 4 of Robin's hikes in the Borrego Mountain area. Total of about 6 miles and 1000' vertical in about 4 hours. Did this in heat of day with temperatures pushing 100°F.

Climbing milkweed in Hawk Canyon

On the 27th, hiked from Pena Spring to Chimney Rock with Robin, Dick, Amy and Edie. 5 miles, 1500' vertical, 4 hours. (MAP).

Robin, Emi, Dick in front of Chimney Rock

There I am, too

Dick and Emi climbing up wash

On the 29th, took off for Mojave cannon party, after getting requirements for Norm's La Jolla home improvement job. Arrived just before nightfall.

On the 30th, woke up on my campsite at edge of cliff (see May Cannon Party page).

Slept 1st 2 nites in bed of my pick-up while parked here

Helped Stevie cook some really excellent deer-kabobs

Cannon shot at dusk
Mar 2004
On the 1st, woke up, and had the usual coffee while at the fire and watching the sunrise.

On the 2nd layed river rock and tar paper at both Linkroums and Cohens.

On the 3rd worked over at el Divisadero doing trimming and mapping.

On the 4th drove mom in to San Diego to get her first cataract operation.

Mom after operation

While mom was getting operation, took Rox to Bellagio Ristorante in Tierrasanta, then hiked to river.

Bridge damage from fire

River was uncrossable

On the 5th, took mom in for follow-up, did some shopping, then played tennis with Rox and Sandy.

Sandy, Rox

Then had a little BBQ at Rox's, followed by a visit to her hot tub.

Rox, Sandy, Jef

Then lost at tennis to Craig and Sid: 4-6, 3-6, 6-2, and lost at poker (4.65). Stayed overnight at Craig's.

On the 6th, did some shopping with mom and headed on home. Then I collapsed, and failed to make Liz's film salon party.

On the 7th, played tennis with Jaroslov, mostly losing.

On the 8th, resumed working on river rock landscaping project at Cohen's, and maintenance/mapping at Norm's.

On the 10th, painted Cohen's propane tank.

On the 11th, painted railing and sculpture at Cohens.

Wildflowers on Indianhead entry road

On the 12th, saw Hidalgo with Rox. Pretty good movie. Did hot tub, then played tennis: 6-3, 6-3, 4-3. Lost 7 at poker. Was really tired on way home, but somehow made it.

On the 14th, took mom out to see wildflowers at end of DiGiorgio Road, went to San Diego and played 1 game of volleyball (we lost 15-2), and then played doubles with Liz, Katherine, and Mike. Had dinner with Liz at Don Bravos.


Jef amidst wildflowers

On 15th, took Olga L. to San Diego to see her doctor.

On the 16th thru 19th, did landscape work at Cohen and Roberts houses, doing trimming, plant removal, etc.

Mostly removed vegetation

On the 19th saw Olga Siebert after a lapse of about 15 years. She was staying at Palm Canyon with husband Ron. Then helped Gary do the draw for the tournament starting the 20th.

Olga in her RV

On the 20th, played in the BSTC tournament, but lost first 2 matches. 8-6 to Jim Fisher and Jackie Shallahamer, and 8-6 to Al Lieb and Mimi Hartman. My partner was Angela. Julie arrived that afternoon and danced at the potluck that night.

Julie at the potluck

On the 21st, played some tennis at Jaroslov's place, caught end of BSTC tournament. Kids used the pool facilities while we were there. Met Will Cronyn at my place with Julie and kids, and we had sandwiches and talked. Then went down to club again and while kids were in pool and hot tub, I played a hard doubles match. Jef and Jaroslav against Jim Fisher and Ken S. We nearly lost, but came back to win 4-6, 7-5, (7-3).

Will and Jane

On the 22nd, Julie and my nephews went driving and checking out the fading wildflowers.

Abbey Road?

Near Pegleg

Thor, Julie, Logan

Also on the 22nd, Chip called from his new home - living out of his backpack on the road. Something to do with Murphy's laws working their magic on him this year.

On the 23rd, Julie drove us to the zoo. Then to stay overnight in Ocean Beach. After walking the beach and doing the tidepool thing, We had dinner at Bahia Don's.

At the zoo

On the 24th, after breakfast at the Old O.B. Restaurant, we walked the pier and the beach, then drove to dad's house, where we spent the night.

Old Sierra Club amphitheatre

On the 25th, after saying goodbye to dad, who gave me his extra diamond saw, we went over to Patti's condo to say goodbye to mom, who was house-sitting, (the kids would be gone before she came back to Borrego). Then we drove back to Borrego, where I hosted a potluck bellydance party (with my new-found cold symptons showing). The local troupe performed, and Julie duplicated her performance from the previous saturday. About 15 people were present at this party.

Julie at party

Front: Joanne, Linda, Grace
Back: Joya, Peggy

'Shiek' Jim and Grace

On the 26th, Julie, Thor, Logan and I hiked from the visitor center to the first palm grove in Palm Canyon (about 6 miles), then took it easy the rest of the day.

At the visitor center

On the 27th, Julie, Thor and Logan drove back to New Mexico.

On the 28th, got bageled twice at singles with Jaroslav, then went over to the Granger's tennis/potluck (with some deviled eggs), and played 5 more sets of doubles - some great tennis with new players. Then stayed for the food, which was great. Kirsch's, Sandy H, Herrlins, Cohens, Sonja, Katherine, and a couple dozen others were there. We ate to live music from a couple of old rockers. Great music!

Live music at tennis/potluck

On the 29th, drove Olga to San Diego to see her doctor.

On the 31st, after applying linseed oil to some of Norm's railings, drove Olga to Scripps Hospital.

Feb 2004
On the 1st, went to Superbowl 38 party at Bryans'. Lost $3.25 in pool. Won 3 games of 8-ball, tho.

On the 2nd put another 5 gallons of paint on the Cohens roof.

Cohen's Roof

On the 3rd, started maintaining Baja Rob's hilltop house, el Divisadero. On the 4th, fixed an irrigation break at my house and did some painting and other stuff at el Divisadero.

On the 4th, took mom to el Divisadero to get her out of the house, as she hadn't gotten out much since she's been sick (for past few months), and did some painting and other maintenance. Determined my camera wasn't working.

On the 5th, drove in to San Diego to get my teeth cleaned and did some shopping. Bought a new camera, voice recorder, and lots of other stuff, including paint.

On the 6th, put another 5 gallons of paint on the Cohen's roof, interviewed with Robin for a map making job, and then did some more work at el Divisadero, taking these pictures with my new camera:

Pool on edge of hill

South veranda

On the 7th, ran line from top of el Divisadero down to citrus at base of hill. Still can't figure out the problem with the lower irrigation system.

On the 8th, played a couple hours of tennis. Applied another 5 gallons of paint, finishing the roof of the main part of the Cohen house - except for possible touch-ups in the future. Went to potluck at Laughlins (the TP group), and played a lame game called Worst Case Scenario.

Linda and the game

Drinking before festivities

On the 9th, hiked about 14 miles around the Jasper Trail, mapping the part of the CR&H trail that I previously missed, along with the road to the Slab and the beginning of the Wilson Trail.

On the 10th, started trimming catclaw around Norm's propane tank.

On the 11th, worked on making a map of trails in the Culp Valley area for new Anza Borrego Foundation trail guide.

On the 12th, went on an 11 mile hike with Bill and Mike. We were going to do both Pyramid and Travelers, but aborted ascent of Travelers from pass, and hiked down Arroyo Salado. Hike was 3500' vertical, 6.3 hours. (MAP)

Bill, Jef, Mike on Pyramid

View of Palm Wash, Salton Sea from above

Didn't make it up Travelers

On the 13th, hiked a couple miles with Harriet and Bonnie Wilson at Big Spring - 2 miles 300' vertical. Also hiked about 1.5 miles with Rox at Lake Hodges. Lost at tennis: 3-6, 6-0, 2-6. Won $27 at poker.

On the 14th and 15th, managed to come in 2nd at BSTC tournament. Partner was Joel and Tom McClure/Fred Dow beat us in the finals.

On the 16th and 19th, did work at el Divisadero - found major irrigation problems, trimmed brush. Also on the 16th, finished painting roof at Cohens.

On the 18th, mapped the Pictograph (MAP - VILLAGE MAP) and Mortero (MAP) Trails and Little Blair Lake area in Blair Valley. Total of about 5 miles, 500' vertical, in 3 hours.

On the 20th, won at tennis: 6-3, 6-3, 6-7, and lost $3 at poker. Got a nice set of anvil cutters and an adjustable rake at Lowes, along with several kinds of paint for future projects.

On the 22nd, Borrego got a big dousing of rain, and so spent most of the day catching up on computer work.

On the 23rd, mapped and trimmed at Norm's place.

On the 24th, worked a couple hours over at the Cohen's, mostly doing transplanting.

On the 25th, worked at Cohen's, doing more transplanting and started covering front courtyard with tar paper and rock.

On the 26th, worked on the Culp Valley map for Robin's book and visited Robin.

On the 27th, did some work at Norm's, got a load of river rock delivered to house, and then saw Touching the Void with Rox - a great movie! Won at tennis: 6-3, 6-4, 6-0, but lost 20 at poker. On way back home, hit some icy roads and snow in Ranchita.

On the 28th, helped Sandy on her final move after selling her house. With Jaroslav, moved her piano from Borrego to La Jolla.

On the 29th, Jaroslav wasn't up to playing great tennis, and we had some success against him. Did some more work on Cohen's river rock covering projects, and started a similar project at the Linkroums.

Jan 2004
Started the year by seeing some cool fireworks from my deck, looking over towards La Casa with the remnants of my New Years Eve party: Hank, Jim, Grace, Marge, Gin, Allen. Then, later that morning, Hank and Linda, who spent the nite, took me out to breakfast at Kendalls before leaving.

The 2nd day of the year was not one of my best. I started at midnite, after polishing off a few open bottles left over from the NY party the nite before. I think the gash in my head was caused by walking into a post that I've somehow avoided walking into until then. I don't remember the impact, just making a soft landing on marble floor, and then "Why is my face on the floor?", and then getting up (may have knocked myself out ;). After stopping the bleeding in my forehead, went back to sleep. In the early morning, drove in to the building department, and found they were still closed. Besides tennis being rained out and losing badly in poker (won first hand only after about 2.5 hours!), driving home in rain and fog, the day wasn't that bad. Did manage to do some shopping and see the last installment of Lord of the Rings, which was pretty good.

At the end of the 4th day of the year, I came down with the flu. Completely wiped out in bed on the 5th. Felt much better on the 6th, but was still not over it.

On the 8th drove mom to Ocean Beach to see the doctor. She has bronchitis again.

On the 10th completed painting the breezeway at the Cohens.

On the 11th played some tennis and actually won a set of doubles. Took down warped 2x4s above Cohen's main entrance. On the 12th

On the 12th completed painting the trim above the Cohens main entrance.

On the 13th: Hiked up Indianhead with Bill from Henderson Canyon. Hiked up to head-dress, hiked over eyebrow and up to peak (the nose). Then down into Borrego Palm Canyon, and back to Henderson: 9 miles, 3500' vertical, 8.5 hours. (MAP).

Jef hiking up from de Anza

Bill hiking up from de Anza

Jef at peak

Jef in Palm Canyon

On the 16th got mom some flowers for her birthday, went to San Diego and won 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 at tennis and $2 at poker.

On the 17th and 18th played in the BSTC tournament, but lost in finals to Pete and Bonnie. Dropped the camera and lost the tournament pictures. Took Harriet, John, Betty M, and Lorlei on a cactus gathering expedition for Betty's Hemet property.

We got some rain in Borrego on the 19th and 21st. Went to the "anti-Bush" rally at the Roadrunner. Jim gave a great speech to about 127 people. I sat next to Jay, the hippie, Marge, and school-marm Sally.

On the 23rd, got most of the approvals to get permits for the Crick/Cohen addition, saw Calender Girls with Rox, won at tennis 6-1, 6-3, 6-4, and at poker (+12).

On the 25th, played 71 games of doubles with various partners at 2 events (50-21). Won all but 1 of 9 sets. Came in 2nd at Sandi's round robin.

On the 26th, painted most of the Crick/Cohen garage roof.

On the 28th, got a tour of Baja plant expert, Norm Roberts' hilltop house, for a possible maintenance job. Pretty amazing house! Then went thru 6 gallons of paint at the Cohens.

On the 29th, dug footing at perimeter of Cohens house for addition and started stringline for form/pad.

On the 30th, completed form/pad stringline at the Cohens, drove to San Diego and saw In America with Roxie. I thought it was well done, but was a bit slow towards the end. Great acting, though! Then wound up losing at tennis, 6-2, 7-5, and lost 90 cents at poker.

On the 31st, replaced the flat tire on Amanda with the temporary spare, and then swapped the last good tire on Amanda with a well worn one on Amanda 2.

Journal Index