3Q Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2005 1Q 2006
2Q 3Q Oct Nov Dec 1Q 2006
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Jan Feb Mar
Dec 2005

On the 1st, took Holley to see Santa at the grade skool.

On the 2nd, took Kathy, Carole, Harriet, and Bonnie on hike to Lute Fault. Later that day, supervised John and Gary doing the draw. Kathy dropped an unopened bottle of "Fat Cat" cab in the middle of the tennis club, and it shattered. 20 minutes later, it was mostly cleaned up.

Note the mysterious fog in the distance

On the 3rd, won 2 matches with partner Gary against Tom McClure and Ken Shallahamer, securing a place in the finals.

On the 4th, lost in finals at tennis against Tom Mc and Don W. Then, after consulting with Denny, finally located the hermit cave in lower Culp Canyon with Kathy on a 5 mile hike.

Finalists Gary and Jef

Kathy on abandoned car near her house

Hermit cave is down below this pass

Kathy in hermit cave

Checking out kitchen

Jef by stove

The hike back

On the 5th, started paneling project with John. Got stung by a bee.

McBride house before panelling

On the 6th, continued working with John, despite a very swollen leg (where the bee stung me). Then tried to replace the Mill's faucet, but failed - threads were stripped.

On the 9th, finished work on the panelling job with John at Roadrunner, getting swamp cooler we removed on the 7th back on-line. Then drove to S.D. with Kathy, did some shopping, got eye exam, won at tennis: 6-3, 2-6, 6-3 with partner Craig against Fred and Sid. Then lost 7 at poker.

John by completed panelling job

On the 11th, hiked about 6 miles with Kathy thru the ocotillo forest around Ocotillo Heights.

Kathy by 30' ocotillo

Many ocotillos had xmas colors

On the 16th, went shopping in S.D. with Kathy, won 6-3, 6-3 against Craig and Fred with partner Hank. Won 22 at poker.

On the 17th, fixed the neighbor's leak in main water line and added another main shut-off valve.

On the 18th, hiked about 5 miles with Kathy to hill to N of her house.

On the 20th, sealed a good part of Norm's house from mice or bee infestations.

On the 23rd, did some shopping with Kathy, lost at tennis with Craig against Fred and Sid: 6-3, 3-6, 3-6, and won 16 at poker.

On the 24th, went on hike up to foothills in Kathy's neighborhood, hiking about 3 miles, and ascending about 300 ft. Later, stopped by Marlene and Miguel's and picked up home-made tamales from Mexicali, and then had Xmas eve dinner with Kathy, Stacey, Holley.

Jef at dry waterfall just starting up hill

Kathy on hilltop, looking towards top of Country Club Drive

Kathy's tree

On the 25th, unwrapped presents under Kathy's tree. Then had dinner and unwrapped presents at my house. Finished day by doing another unwrapping at Bailey's.

Christmas morning at Kathy's

Xmas dinner

Watcing Harry Potter on Xmas day

Jef's Xmas tree

Xmas at the Bailey's

On the 26th, hiked 2.7 miles around Coyote Creek with Kathy and Holley. I chose to hike up a dry creekbed, and accidentally found we were paralelling the actual creek only 100 yards away. Fortuneately, after about 1.2 mile, we discovered this, and Holley was satisfied (she wanted a "water hike").

Holley with her new vertical moving Hummer

Hiking in Coyote Canyon

Finally the water!!

On the afternoon of the 27th, Kathy, Holley, and I left on a 1 week camping trip. Since we were late getting off, we camped at Yaqui Well this night.

Our camp near Yaqui Well

Holley encamped under an ironwood tree

Morning camp

Phenilpectl or something bird eating misceltoe berries

Holley and friend near Yaqui Well

On the 28th, hiked about 1 mile around Yaqui Well, then got a couple of things we forgot at home and drove to the Imperial Spa, 10 miles N of Niland on the other side of the Salton Sea. We did some hot tubbing and then viewed a magnificent sunset from our isolated, but nearby camp.


On the 29th, did a loop hike, going up to the canal, and then over by the lake, and examined the hot spring overflow area. We did one more hot soak before leaving for Mexico. We drove thru Mexicali miraculously found our way to Hwy 2. We chose what turned out to be the worst road going south towards Canyon de Guadalupe, after an exciting U-turn (the inner shoulders are pretty steep on that divided highway). After going 20 miles south on a rough washboard road, we found a great place to set up camp on sand dunes on a lone hill with views in all directions - mountains and Lago Salado (dry lake) views.

Our camp about 15 miles short of Cañon de Guadelupe

Hundreds of these cougar tracks (case is 4" long) were found traversing camping area the following morning

Map of area

On the 30th, while hiking around our camp noticed a line of cougar tracks (about 6" in diameter!) crossing near our campsite!! Then we drove further south and were surprised to see a huge olive orchard -- several square miles -- in the middle of nowhere!! We turned there and drove W into Canyon de Guadalupe. The road got really rough, but fortuneately, we were in Kathy's Cherokee, and made it, but Holley was freaking out most of the 5 miles of really bouldery road. Kathy chose left at the Campos sign and we wound up crossing the creek and wandering into Ernesto's Campo: Palmar. Jose directed us to Ernesto, and he asked Nin to talk with us. Nin talked fluent English! The first thing he asked was "Do you have reservations?". To which we replied no -- plan ahead? us? ha! Anyway he said that was okay, we were in luck. He showed us a really nice campsite (#13), which turned out to be the worst. We walked down to get the jeep, and Ernesto stopped Nin on the way and said to not forget about the other site. Nin showed us "La India", which turned out to be the BEST campsite!! We immediately changed over to that one and set up camp there, putting the tent inside the large shed perched at the edge of the cliff. After doing some hot tubbing in our pool at the edge of a cliff with awesome views, we hiked up to the first waterfall. Later that night we had a fire and cooked dinner on one of the included grills.


On the 31st, more hot tubbing after watching a spectacular sunrise. The while Holley played around the palm grove next to camp, we hiked up 1.5 miles, seeing 3 to 4 major and beautiful waterfalls. Both Washingtonias and Blue Palms are scattered thruout the canyon, and major pools are at the base of each waterfall. One was the size and depth of a medium swimming pool you might find at a house. Altho "No Musica" signs are everywhere thru the camp, Nin invited us to a New Years Eve fiesta that night and said we could play music this day! Kathy made a delicious chicken dish, Ernestina (Mrs. Ernest) made posole, and Nin made some extremely good Mexican hot chocolate. We had a variety of alcohols and stayed up past midnite with the dozen or so campers who also showed up.

2Q 3Q Oct Nov Dec 1Q 2008
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Jan Feb Mar
Nov 2005

On the 1st, started on 2nd and last part of major shelving in Kathy's new closet.


...cleaning cobwebs from my ceiling

On the 2nd, mostly took it easy, but ripped some lumber for Kathy's home improvements. Kathy and Jef hiked 5 miles in backyard, visiting the abandoned geodesic dome floor.

Kathy on abandonned dome floor

On the 3rd, Kathy helped me move some cacti from Terry Hildebrand's place to Norm's. Completed details on shelving for Kathy's closet while John installed window in her hallway.

Kathy adjusting moved pitayas

Brave bird at Kathy's

On the 4th, finished the inside of Kathy's closet. Did the draw for the first BSTC tournament of the season with Kathy, but wound up screwing up and scheduling 5 matches (on 4 courts) at same time TWICE!

Moon and Venus behind sunset clouds

On the 5th, Hank showed up and played (and lost) at club. Mom lost both her sets, and I and Susan Dow lost 2 of 3. Went with Kathy to potluck. She brought a chicken/cauliflower casserole. Jef won a door prize as Holley drew his ticket! Kathy jammed with Hank after getting home. She on her mandolin, Hank on guitar.

On the 6th, was at finals when my name was drawn for $50 drawing! After John S. gave Holley a good tennis lesson, Kathy, Holley and I hiked up Glorietta to the "land shark", about 3 miles, 700' vertical (MAP). Kathy tripped and gashed her shin to the bone while hurrying down the mountain. She still had over 500' and over 1 mile to descend over very rough terraine, but we sealed wound with my bandana, and she was able to make it. We arrived back at car in nearly full darkness. Kathy treated her wound, as she prefers not to get stitches.

Jef with prize

Holley under boulder at parking area

Holley on boulder at parking area

Kathy and Holley by barrel cactus growing out of rock!

Holley and Kathy on "land shark"

Kathy's wound

Kathy after 1st aid

On the 7th, Kathy continued dressing her wound twice a day, but still went to work! Jef and John finished Kathy's new hallway.

On the 8th, Kathy continued dressing wound, and went to work. Jef trimmed in her backyard.

On the 9th, Jef and Kathy went on a 12 hour shopping and errand trip to San Diego.

On the 10th, installed 1st 3 solar lights at Kathy's.

On the 11th, with Holley, installed 7 solar lights at Norm's. In S.D., lost 2-6, 3-6 with Craig against Sid and Fred at tennis. Then won 14 at poker.

On the 13th, hiked about 6 miles in Kathy's back yard, looking for the dwelling Denny found, but didn't find it. Then helped with T.P. party at Kathy's. 14 attended. Kathy's main dish was cheese enchiladas and chicken enchiladas.

Kathy by a large dead ocotillo

T.P. party

Exposed bone still seen on Kathy's boo-boo

On the 15th, started working on Quimby's trailer, hosing down roof.

On the 16th, took Kathy to S.D. to get another epidural. We shopped, getting, among other things, the Thanksgiving turkey.

On the 18th, installed valve at Quimbys, solar lights at Norm's. After going to S.D., lost 3-6, 1-6, 1-6 with Craig against Sid and Fred at tennis. Lost 13 at poker.

On the 20th, hiked with Holley and Kathy in loop at SE side of Borrego spur that passed over an abandonned park and a semi-abandonned house - 1.3 miles (MAP). Later, hiked another loop to foothills, unsuccessfully in search of fabled other abandonned dwelling. We went to head of Dry Canyon, and returned in the dark, after hiking 4.2 more miles (MAP).

Holley discovers a 'down-and-outer' at abandonned park

Semi-abandonned 'cave-house'

Landscaping is part not abandonned

Smoke seen at start of last hike

On the 21st, Kathy tried a newer, less painful method to fix my neck, after working a couple hours at Norm's.

Norm's bathouse with Toro Peak in distance

Kathy bar-b-queing some albacore

Holley and her shoes

On the 22nd, finished outside of new closet at Kathy's.

On the 23rd, after drove to L.A. with Kathy and Holley. We visited dad and Leny over Thanksgiving, returning on the 25th.


On the 26th, Kathy, Holley, and I drove out to the Calcite Mine area and found 3 geocaches, hiking about 2.5 miles in the process. Conditions were somewhat windy.

Strange creature of the Calcite Mine area

1st cache

2nd cache

3rd cache

On the 27th, with John, tore out a wall, filled in a doorway, installed a new door for Kathy's new laundry room.

Tearing out wall

New laundry room (unfinished)

On the 30th, completed re-finishing outside of Norm's 100+ year old door from a Mexican church.

2Q 3Q Oct Nov Dec 1Q 2008
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Jan Feb Mar
Oct 2005

On the 1st, saw Proof with Kathy. Not bad. Then had lunch at Gaetano's - pizza. Then drove back to Borrego.

On the 2nd, hiked Hellhole Canyon to maidenhair Falls with Kathy and Holley. We did the 5 mile, 800' vertical hike in 4 hours, as much of trail was missing on way up. Going down we found easier routes, however. Kathy made some great tri-tip steaks, spaghetti casserole, and salad for dinner with Holley, Stacey, and me.


On the 3rd, Kathy helped me work at Norm's, where I finished sanding and varnishing the 3rd and last of Norm's plows.

Finished plow

On the 4th, Kathy helped me at Norm's as I took apart swamp cooler and finished cleaning pool.

Working on Norm's swamp cooler

On the 5th, had a breakfast birthday ceremony for Kathy with Holley and Stacey. We drank coffee from mugs made by Barbara Szabo - my present to Kathy. Then, after putting together and testing Norm's cleaned-out swamp cooler and starting to fill his pool, the 4 of us (I, Kathy, Stacey and Holley) hiked about 8 miles up Agua Caliente Creek near Warners and then had a birthday dinner for Kathy at the Mexican restaurant in Sunshine Summit.


On the 6th, with the help of John, tiled half of Kathy's bedroom.

On the 7th, lost 7 at poker.

On the 8th, we trimmed Kathy's roses, and put together some bouquets. 2 of which we gave to mom.

Kathy arranging roses in vases

On the 9th, hiked to Maidenhair Falls in Hellhole with Kathy and Holley, 5 miles, 900' vertical in 4 hours.


On the 11th, with the help of John, completed Kathy's bedroom tile job.

Kathy on completed floor

On the 12th, with John, started framing Kathy's new closet.

Starting Kathy's new closet

On the 13th, with John, completed framing Kathy's new closet.

On the 14th, with Kathy went to the Mojave cannon party.

On the 15th, along with seeing some good cannon shooting, hiked with Kathy up the mountain, doing 1.5 miles and rising about 500'. After dark, went 4-wheeling with Kathy, Paco, and Mark and hiked thru Burro Schmidt's tunnel. Awesome views on other side of dry lake in the moonlight.


On the 16th, along with Kathy and Mark, mapped the target area in the new Homestead III. Then drove back to Borrego, after a stop at Astroburger, of course. We were greeted by a massive thunderstorm and heavy rains in Borrego. Put temporary fix in massive leak in Kathy's garage.

On the 17th, with John, continued working on Kathy's closet.

On the 18th, finished enclosing Kathy's closet and installed door to garage.

Kathy's new closet

On the 20th, tiled Kathy's new closet floor with John. Had filet mignon for free with Kathy at a test run of the new restaurant at Palm Canyon Resort. Also had free food at the first Sundowner of the season at the Center, where Stacey was hosting as Miss Borrego.

Kathy and Stacey

On the 21st, took Kathy to Point Loma, won at tennis 6-4, 6-1 with Fred against Hank and Craig. Won 0.10 at poker. Spent night at Ted's in Point Loma with Kathy.

On the 22nd, attended open house with Kathy, Stacey, and Holley at Stacey's new school: The Art Institute of San Diego. Nice place. Then met Lizzy and Paco in O.B. and after waiting at the Java Jungle for a bit, had sushi at Sapporo's. Then shopped at about 10 places with Kathy before returning late to Borrego.

Kathy, Holley, Stacey at open house

Lunch at Sapporo's - Jef, Lizzy, Paco, Holley, Stacey

Kathy in O.B.

On the 23rd, hiked in backyard with Kathy, covering 5.75 miles and rising 700' (MAP). Attended TP party at Rickards with Kathy. We brought deviled eggs and lasagna. Gin and Shirley were only other attendees. Jim showed us Mars and Andromeda Galaxy on his 10" telescope.

Kathy by an unusually branched barrel cactus in Yaqui Meadows

Kathy walking over 1200' peak covered in eriogonum

On the 24th, grouted Kathy's closet floor.

On the 25th, changed Norm's flat Jeep tire and prepped most of Kathy's closet with drywall taping, caulking, and such, prior to painting.

After swapping Norm's tires

On the 26th, took Kathy to the doctor.

On the 27th, started shelving and other details related to Kathy's new closet.

On the 28th, after nearly completing the inside of Kathy's new closet, attended the Miss Borrego Pageant with Kathy and Holley.

Kathy's new closet

Kathy with flying saucer cloud in background (Toro Peak)

Kathy working on Jef at...

Borrego Physical Torture!

Kathy and Jef at Miss Borrego Pageant

Stacey leading big dance number

Stacey giving her going-away speech

Stacey with new Miss Borrego, Hanna, and her court, just after she was chosen

Area queens attending Miss Borrego Pageant

Miss Borrego family

How Kathy cleans thing up high

On the 29th, watched the Borrego Days parade with Kathy and Holley, and toured the events at the circle. Then attended "Sock Hop" with the Mar Dels at the Circle that night. We stopped in and had Stacey serve us chocolate shakes (malt 4 me) at Kendall's.

New "showroom" on Palm Canyon Drive

Crowd along parade route

2004 Miss Borrego (Stacey)

2005 Miss Borrego float

BSHS Reunion alumni

Stacey serving me my chocolate malt, which was good!

On the 30th, Kathy and I hiked up to the top of East Butte (Borrego Mountain). Hike was 5 miles and 700' vertical. We did it in 3.7 hours. (MAP)

I and Kathy on East Butte

Kathy's boo-boo

Kathy by a flattened ocotillo

Candidate for the next Miss Borrego?

another candidate?

On the 31st, Halloween, with John, helped install French doors in Kathy's bedroom. Also did some drywall taping. Later that night, we picked up Holley at the "Harvest Festival". Holley was Miss America.

Kathy, Holley, Karissa, Stacey at the Harvest Festival

Holley as Miss America
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