2Q Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2005 4Q
1Q 2Q Jul Aug Sep 4Q
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Oct Nov Dec
Sep 2005

On the 1st, continued removing Julie and Doug's roof. Received the load of roofing and a new swamper - delivered to the roof. Continued roof removal. Went down and had a green chile burger in San Antonio with the Szabos and then were entertained at their new house east of the town.

Doug after readying roof for delivery

Roofing being delivered

Delivered roofing

Swamp cooler

Rainbow over San Antonio

Ate green chile burgers at place behind San Antonio sign

Alex and Julie

Sitting in the living room

Barbara in master bedroom/library

Barbara by small sampling of her cartoon art

GEOLOGY FUN by Barbara

Eating peanut butter fudge ice cream in kitchen

Alex demonstrated his projection TV with this movie

Alex pointing at Jean Luke Picard's mouth

Szabos in their living room

Barbara and Alex in front of their new house

Bats living above front door

On the 2nd, after completing roof removal, we got a dose of rain during the night.

On the 3rd, Julie joined Doug and I on the roof, and immediately damaged her thumb. Two students, Sean and Al, joined us to complete the roof removal. After noting some rain-damaged panels, replaced several half-inch-thick (pretty thin for roofs) panels of plywood. Applied tar paper to S roof, and started roofing. Thor had 6 friends over for his birthday party.

Al, Doug, Sean removing roof

Thor and friends playing a networked video game

Thor about to blow out candles on his Apple-crumb cheesecake - B'day #16

On the 4th, Thor and Logan came up and helped a bit as we roofed most of the S side.

Wet roof after rain

On the 5th, after more problems with T-storms the previous night, and expected problems this night, temporarily installed tar paper over rest of roof. Started NE roof.

On the 6th, removed temporarily installed tar paper, replaced a few damaged panels of plywood on the N roof, and completed tar paper. Then started NW roof. Jef opened the balance of his b'day presents.

On the 7th, installed roofing, completing garage gable, and getting close to main gable.

Al and mom working up to garage gable

Al and mom starting N roof

On the 8th, completed roof with Doug. Finished touch-ups. Doug took mom, Jef, Thor, and Logan to Socorro Springs Brewery for dinner. I had the salmon.

Mom helping on final push to finish roof

On the 9th, drove back to Borrego with mom. Had to detour around Salt River, thru Payson, due to a major accident. Finally purchased gas at over $3/gallon in Phoenix.

Thor and Julie in front of completed roof

Thor and Julie

Thor and Jef with his Penguin B'day present

VLA behind the wildflowers

Wildflowers in western N.M.

Jef just east of Show Low AZ

Jef in Borrego by fallen tree blocking hot tub access

On the 10th, mom and Kathy helped me trim fallen cottonwood, so that the hot tub could be accessed.

Jef and kathy after trimming tree

On the 12th, went to party at the Bailey's with Kathy.

Jef pouring wine at Bailey's, while Gary tells of his stories running the most popular nightclub in Sioux Falls (City?)

On the 13th, helped John install a solar tube in Kathy's roof.

On the 14th, ran out of gas coming to circle, but coasted to nearest gas station. Then took off on a 2 week trip with Kathy, starting at dad's, where we had a late dinner.

Kathy walking Holley to Deep Well schoolbus stop -- 20 kids were there!

Dad and Leny

On the 15th, toured area around dad's house with Kathy. Got dad a dvd player as a belated b'day present, and he got a thin screen tv. We played some of the converted 8mm film and a movie to test it. Left, stopping at Astroburger for a burger and malt. Arrived and spent night at Joanne's.

Kathy and dad by fixed stairs (note landslide to right)

Kathy in private park area behind dad's house

Jef and Kathy

Kathy near top of trail

Griffith Planetarium and Hollywood sign from dad's back yard

Kathy on "The Point" looking back towards dad's house

Kathy snapped this photo of brushfire just N of Barstow

Kathy at Joanne and Richard's house in Mesquite

On the 16th, after breakfast at Casablanca Casino and doing laundry at Joanne's, drove to moose camp near Strawberry Reservoir in central Utah, after shopping in Heber. Met up with Steve and family. Camped in tent for first time.


On the 17th, got up before 5a.m. local time, got in Steve's truck, and went moose hunting. Jef and CJ in the back. Spotted and checked out a pair of moose. Steve passed them up. Later spotted another pair of moose, but they managed to acquire cover before being checked out. Noticed several other moose hunters during this process. Then, when it appeared too late, more than an hour after sunrise, Steve spotted another bull, and decided to go for it. He shot it from about 150 yards, and it dropped. It took 2 more shots to kill it, however. This occured at 8:08a.m. local time. Steve and Matt field dressed it, while Linda took the truck to get the flatbed trailer. The rest of the group pretty much watched the proceedings. We got the bull winched into the trailer, and Jef and Kathy stayed at camp while most of the rest took off to another location to skin it. Kathy and I then went for a 2 mile hike around the vicinity, finding another cool campsite. Kathy got stung by a hornet. We had moose tenderloin wrapped in bacon for dinner that night.

Kathy hiking in Strawberry area

On the 18th, after breakfast, left camp around noon. Arrived at Arches late in the afternoon, got National Park pass (more than paid off on this trip) and hiked 4.4 miles, 500' vertical to Delicate Arch. Enjoyed a glass of wine at a viewpoint overlooking Fiery Furnace and other features at Arches. Got about the last hotel room in Moab and stayed at the Redrock Lodge, ordering the local (Franciscos?) pizza for dinner, waited for pizza in the hot tub with a couple from the midwest.


On the 19th, we did several hikes in Arches: 1) Park Avenue - 2.3 miles, 300' vertical, 2) Balanced Rock - 0.3 miles, 30' vertical, 3) North and South Windows + Double O Arch - 2 miles, 200' vertical, 4) Fiery Furnace lookout - 0.2 miles, 30' vertical, and 5) Landscape Arch - 1.8 miles, 80' vertical. We re-supplied in Moab before camping just outside Canyonlands Island in the Sky.


On the 20th, we hiked to Grand View and met Hal and Kaye from Sheffield, England. Had them take our picture there - 2 miles, 100' vertical. Had lunch at Buchorn Canyon overlook. Got T-shirts and viewed overlook at visitor center. Then toured all wineries in the Moab area, hitting Castle Creek - 2 bottles, Round Hill - where we met Jeff, but he had no reds, and Spanish Trails - 3 bottles. Going to Needles, we almost turned around, but continued to the best campsite of the whole trip, opposite Newspaper Rock. Campsite was in cool canyon by creek with trees and lots of flowers. Breakfast burritos and Utah wine for dinner.

Ultimate campsite

On the 21st, got T-shirts at Needles visitor center and did several hikes: 1) Roadside Ruin (twice) - 0.5 miles, 40' vertical, 2) Cave Spring (really neat overhang with pictographs by spring and complete cowboy camp) - 1 mile, 40' vertical, 3) End of Road (abbreviated) hike - 0.3 miles, 80' vertical, 4) Pothole Point (where we saw horseshoe shrimps, snails living in rain pools) - 0.6 miles, 40' vertical, 5) Elephant Hill (to close view of Needles area) - 2.5 miles, 300' vertical. After lunch, headed for Steve's. Had shakes at A & W in Blanding. Hiked to Butler Wash ruins (and arch) - 1 mile, 250' vertical. Rushed thru Natural Bridges and hiked to all 3 views of the bridges - 0.5 miles, 80' vertical. Saw massive T-storms from distance when approaching Hanksville. We got rained on a bit, but missed the deluge. After a brief bit of detective work, we found Steve's house. Since Kathy is allergic to cats, we slept in tent just outside. We shared some Utah wine with Steve and he made us a DVD with pix from our cameras, so we could get more pix.

Butler Wash Ruins

Natural bridge next to ruins

Natural Bridges National Monument

Southern Utah scenery seen while driving later that day

Cool sunset just south of Hanksville

Heavy thundershower over Hanksville as we approached

On the 22nd, we hiked with Steve to the Village Cafe where we had an excellent and inexpensive breakfast - complete with green chile! Before leaving, we helped Steve sell and load the largest item in his yard sale - a fiberglass greenhouse. On the way out, we stopped in Bicknell and purchased a couple bottles of wine at the local Utah Liquor Agency. Drove over mountains with aspens in full falliage. Gassed up in Boulder, checking out cool stuff around town, such as roaring creek going by each house, large cottonwood, and cool sandstone cliffs. Scenery was great going thru Escalante Grand Staircase area. We checked out a cool, but full, campground. Settling on free camp just outside of town of Escalante. Saw UFO - looked like headlight in distance, but was travelling backward, and a cloud of dust expanded around it spherically. Probably a satellite crashing or going into orbit in the vicinity of the Grand Canyon.


On the 23rd, Kathy got a phone card in Escalante -- cel reception was bad the whole trip. Stopped at all viewpoints in Bryce. Went on a couple of hikes: 1) from Inspiration Point to Bryce Point - 3 miles, 400' vertical, 2) Sunset Point, down Wall Street, up to Double Bridge, and over to Sunrise Point - 4 miles, 800' vertical. Found camp about 10 miles east of Tropic - highlights cliff with creek at base, some trees, some flowers, sandstone hills in distance. Had a campfire and another good sunset.


On the 24th, we noticed air mattress was leaking. Got patch kits, and batteries in Tropic -- all our batteries were dead, and we missed some photo ops the day before. Hiked to Mossy Cave and waterfall (also some arches). Kathy lost shoe and sock in raging rapids, but I managed to find it downstream before it was completely lost - 1.2 miles, 200' vertical. Drove to near Zion and found great hotel in Orderville - The Parkway. Drove into Zion and hiked to Emerald Pools - 3 miles, 550' vertical. Had dinner at Springdale's Pioneer Restaurant. It was Okay. Drove back to hotel. Tried to find hole in mattress in tiny bathroom, but failed. Wound up spilling glass of wine (BV) all over floor!


On the 25th, Hiked Narrows up to point where 55°F deep water made Kathy turn around. Then hiked up towards Angels Landing, but Kathy chickened out on the last 0.3 miles - 4.4 miles, 1200' vertical. Had dinner in Zion (with T-bone and salad) before taking off towards Grand Canyon. I remembered Dyer mentioned a campsite near Coral Pink Sand Dunes, but didn't know it was on a different road. After failing to find campsite, just camped at AZ border.

Camping at the Utah/AZ border

Coral Pink Sand Dune State Park

On the 26th, after being woke up by a stream of heavy trucks going right by our camp, we were hounded by wasps while trying to break up camp. Stopped at view of Coral Pink sand dunes where we met a group of Germans. Drove to North Rim Grand Canyon where we toured lodge area, hiking about 1 mile to Bright Angel Point, 60' vertical. Got T-shirts and stuff (such as matches -- we were out) before heading out. Stopped to see outstanding view at Imperial Point. Drove by Vermillion Cliffs and stopped at Cameron so I could show building off to Kathy. We drove to Flagstaff and spent the night at the Pueblan Motel.


On the 27th, left Motel and stopped at Jiffy Lube - replaced oil and windshield wipers -- it had been about 10K miles since last oil change. After shopping for provisions, drove down Oak Creek Canyon and stopped in Jerome. Had ice cream and visited local winery - which had no local wine! Heard tales of nasty AZ liquor laws (similar to Utah). Toured some of town, saw neat stuff at the Raku Gallery. Drove thru Prescott and found a fair campsite just beyond Bouse AZ.

Old film store in Jerome

Raku gallery in Jerome

Funny sign in Jerome


On the 28th, stopped at another possible camping area and hiked to nearby hill with wind caves - 1 mile, 100' vertical. Stopped at Desert Center Cafe for a great malt (shake for Kathy). Waitress was cool. Drove thru neat shortcut canyon to Mecca and then back to Borrego. Spent warm night on my roof.

Malt at Desert Center

On the 29th, Kathy woke with nasty backache -- maybe from mattress on roof. After paying bills, packed and took off to SD. After getting Kathy to doctor, stayed with mom who was housesitting at Craig's. We got hot tub working that night.

On the 30th, helped mom's friend, Jody, move some of her stuff - Kathy selected a mirror and bookcase for herself. Drove to Balboa Park, toured most of cactus garden on long walk to Frisbee Golf. Played one round with Kathy. Got stuck in tree, but found a 40' branch to dislodge it. My score: 28 over par, Kathy: 44 over. Walk was total of about 3 miles, 300' vertical. Had lunch at Bahia Don's. Got baseball tickets from Kathy's friend Jeanine in Spring Valley, and went to game with Fred and his friend Jim. Nice sunset at stadium and Padres beat Dodgers 3-1. Had wine and hot dog at stadium. Spent night at Craig's.

Kathy at cactus garden


This tree is covered with shoes!

Finishing up


Jim and Fred

Pre-game wine


At the waterfall

Mid-section of stadium

Nice sunset!

Jack and Jeanine

1Q 2Q Jul Aug Sep 4Q
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Oct Nov Dec
Aug 2005

On the 1st, got chased away by a bee, while trying to fix a break in an irrigation line at Norm's, that was near a beehive. That night we had major precipitation from a thunderstorm. More rain came down to north, where some erosion was seen.

On the 2nd, mom took off on her camping trip that will include Oregon.

Sipping wine on deck the evening before mom's departure

These clouds moved in and we had another T-storm that night

On the 3rd, after doing some irrigation installation, had dinner over at Kathy's - Cod with a fancy baked potato. I brought the salad. Did a little offroading with Kathy afterwards. We stopped in Yaqui Meadows to view the sky, which was very clear. We saw about 10 shooting stars.

Double rainbow over Sunset Peak

On the 5th, saw Hustle and Flow in San Diego - excellent movie. Then won at tennis, 7-5, 6-3, 6-2 with partner Hank against Craig and Fred. Lost 16 at poker, but had some excellent meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and string beans, provided by host, Henry.

On the 6th, made chile and had dinner over at Kathy's.

On the 7th, hiked to Dyar Spring, in Cuyamaca, with Kathy, 6.2 miles, 3.5 hours, 1000' vertical (MAP). We got rained on during the hike, and discovered a new type of nasty nettle. Then had picnic (turkey+provolone sandwich) and then dinner with Kathy.

Kathy hiking towards a patch of blue sky after some moderate rain

Kathy at Dyar Spring

Kathy and Jef on East Mesa

Kathy descending down to Green Valley

The morning of the 8th came with rain and some lightning. Power was blacked out for about 2.5 hours that afternoon.

On the afternoon of the 9th, had massive T-storm, getting about 1" in 1 hour. Had a little river in front (1.7 Mb Movie), and a river in back (5.9 Mb Movie).

Aug 9 double rainbow over house

On the 10th, found Norm's pool was overflowing (Storm had screwed up the auto-fill mechanism). Installed fan at Kathy's, and had dinner. Then we went out and saw 9 shooting stars between us, as well as 2 polar satellites moving in tandem.

Full pool at Norm's - before trimming the palm behind it

On the 12th, got up on Norm's roof to examing bee problem there. Later that day, saw The Great Raid, which is a good movie, and possibly historically accurate. Then split at a terrific tennis match. Craig and I against Hank and Fred: 6-4, 4-6, 4-4. Linda interrupted Hank in the last set, and we were ready to quit, anyway. Won 0.70 at poker.

Jef in new bee suit

On the 13th, had dinner at Kathy's. Had a blackout while there.

Holly and Stacy lighting candles during blackout

On the 14th, hiked and had picnic in Cuyamaca, with loop going from Cold Stream to Sweetwater, up Stonewall Creek and over to Cold Spring, 5.7 miles, 3.75 hours, about 700' vertical(MAP). First part of hike to Sweetwater River was accompanied by Stacy, Holly, and Michael. Met up with them again at trailhead at end of our hike, where Kathy and I had tuna sandwiches.

Kathy and kids by Sweetwater River just after finding snake swimming in river

Kathy found this snake in Sweetwater

Jef and Kathy in Cuyamaca meadow

Kathy at Stonewall Creek crossing

Jef at Stonewall Creek crossing

Dragonfly and it's shadow at Stonewall Creek crossing

Picnic at Cold Stream near West Mesa trailhead

On the 17th, started renovating Craig and Nancy's laundry room. Took Kathy out to lunch at Marieta's. Then hiked Cowles with Dianne's, group. 5 miles, 1200' vertical, 3 hours. (MAP).

Craig near start of job

Dianne's group on Cowles summit

Hiking down Cowles

On the 18th, after spending night at Craig and Nancy's, continued working on laundry room renovation, completing new stud wall. Drove back to Borrego.

Midway thru renovation

Moon rising over Sunset Peak from Tamarisk Grove

On the 19th, continued working on laundry room renovation, completing electrical. Lost 12 at poker. Spent night in downtown San Diego.

On the 20th, after walking around downtown with Kathy, drove down to Chula Vista and helped carry a load of tile for Kathy. She then helped me complete nearly all the panelling and flooring in Craig's new laundry room. We tried going out to lunch at the new Casa de Pico, but wound up having lunch at Marieta's again.

View of city

Hotel room

Kathy helping with Craig's renovation

On the 21st, hiked 10.3 miles, 1200' vertical, in 6 hours, from Trout Pond to Stonewall Peak. (MAP). Had picnic afterwards at Trout Pond trailhead.

Example of burned sign

Hiking Stonewall trail

Near the top

On top - Termites on peak marker

Good light

Hiking down

Crossing creek, Stonewall Peak in background

Hikers at peak

Nearly back

Picnic at Trout Pond

On the week of the 22nd, received a couple of treatments for my shin splits from Kathy. Also shared some good meals and installed a number of electrical fixtures at Kathy's house.

On the 26th, tennis, poker were cancelled, so stayed in Borrego.

On the 28th, hiked a 12.5 mile loop that hit Middle Peak and Cuyamaca Peak with Kathy. Vertical was about 2700' and hike time was about 7.5 hours. (MAP).

Recent erosion going up Middle Peak

Kathy by large burnt pine

Patch of flowers near Middle Peak summit

Atop Middle Peak

Milk Ranch Pass - Note big Black Oak is now dead

Started up Conejos Trail

Many flowers in this section of Conejos

Entering a fern area on Conejos Trail

Flowers just below Cuyamaca Peak

On the 29th, Kathy did the 3rd "torture" treatment on my gastrocnemius (calf). Then had Stacey and Holley over with Kathy. Holley swam in neighbor's pool by flashlight, and then retired to my hot tub with Kathy and I. Stacey brought over Jilbertos's goodies for dinner. Mom had arrived from San Diego earlier in the day, and we wound up drinking 2 "4 buck Fred's".

On the 30th, drove with mom to visit Julie and fix her roof. Scenery was good due to summer rains bringing green and wildflowers to the Arizona and N.M. mountains. Hurricane Katrina was impacting gas prices, but had not gotten near $3/gallon at this point. Filled up in Coolidge AZ at $2.67/gal.

Near Show Low

Mom picked some sunflowers for Julie

On the 31st, mom and Julie drove down to fill up tank just before prices exceeded $3/gallon. Then started ripping out Julie's roof, completing about half of this part of the project with the aid of Doug.

Hail damage on existing roof

Cougar and Doug starting on garage

Starting to strip off outer layer

Most of way thru roof stripping

1Q 2Q Jul Aug Sep 4Q
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Oct Nov Dec
Jul 2005

On the 1st, helped mom firm-up, sand, and oil Precilla's picnic table and benches. Then went over and did some work at Craig's, before taking mom to see Batman Begins, which we both liked. Split at tennis, 0-6, 7-6 with partner Craig against Fred and Sid. Lost 7 at poker.

Re-done picnik table

On the 2nd, after mom made me an omelet, did some work over at Joe's brother (Tony's) house. Stopped over to see Paco, and he helped me wash/detail my car while I was there and suggested we go to Dr. Mike's yacht-warming party. Mom drove me there and after taking a few pix, took off for Joe's wedding reception. I had some vittles and excellent wine -- Creekside something by the Frei Brothers. Met Barb's sisters: Nan, Kathy (who said I had some nice tennis legs), and brother Mike who was dating Katerina (we discussed her hiking exploits). Also met Helen and John Dougherty. Apparently, he was a teacher at BSHS, but now does desert tours for La Casa. Also there: Barb's parents and Joe's brother and mom, as well as Todd and Scott. Altogether, about 30 people showed up.

Detailed car the next day

Mike in his new yacht

Mom - Queen of the World on Mike's yacht

Mike's 60' boat

Named after his daughter

Danielle the graphic artist and Joe's ma, Elizabeth

Barb's sister from NY, Kathy

On the 4th, no fireworks at La Casa.

On the 5th, found 4 drowned rats in oak barrel for bees at Norm's. Also started draining pool in preparation for replacing pumps. Found over 1000 bees drowned in that.

On the 6th, had dinner at Kathy's and picked all her grapes, taking home about 30 pounds.

During this week, started draining pool and fixing breaks in Norm's irrigation lines. On the 8th, won 4 at poker.

On the 9th, skipped hikes and OTL and took it easy at home. Continued cleaning and freezing grapes. Started making raisins as well.

This amount produced about 1 pound of raisins

On the 11th, with John, connected 2 new pumps for Norm's pool and waterfall, as well as starting new pump house.

John showing off his work - pump #2 plates had to be ripped

On the 12th connected electrical to Norm's new pumps. Temperatures this time of year were in the mid-100s.

On the 13th, temperature hit 116°F. Kathy had me over for dinner - Arroz con salsa verde pollo y watermelon.

Kathy at dinner

Installed pumps

On the 15th, after working another 2 hours on Norm's pump house, drove to San Diego, and saw Fantastic 4, which is a pretty good movie. Then lost 5-7, 2-6 at tennis. Wound up hitting my tooth with tennis raquet, and that threw me off. Won 15 at poker at Craig's, where Nancy and Jill had hot dogs and other summer fare for us. Tried first bottle of 4 buck Fred. Not bad.

On the 17th, temperature in carport hit high for past few years of 117.4°F, but I left for Escondido at 2 when it was only 115. Attended a party thrown by Shimon at Roberta's for old Emerald people. Attending were Dan Alexander, who was leaving San Diego for Amarillo, Bill Athing (who covered walls at new Carmel Mtn facility with superstring goop - 1990), Steve Connor, and their wives. Also stopped over to see Joe and Barbara. The following pix are from my new camera (a Sony DSC-S40):

Progress on Norm's pump house

Steve C, Danny A, Shimon, Bill

Roberta, Shimon on back patio

Most of party took place on back patio

Backyard amphitheatre

Roberta's house from western side of property


On the 18th, woke up and found I had bit my tongue in my sleep. Ouch!

On the 19th, with John, finished (except for painting, hardware, and other finishing) the pump box at Norm's.

John by new pool pump house

Until the 22nd, got Norm's pool ready during the week, including painting the pump house.

Landscaping at Norm's

Completed pumphouse


On the 22nd, saw War of the Worlds, which was pretty good. Then won at tennis: 1-6, 6-2, 6-2, with temperatures around 90 -- pretty hot for San Diego. Lost 15 at poker.

Shortly after arriving home about 2 in the morning of the 23rd, a severe lightning storm hit the Borrego Valley. Power went out several times, and my house got close to an inch of rain.

On the 25th, unclogged Norm's waterfall and ran it. Here's a link to a 1.3 Mb Movie, and a 4.8 Mb Movie. Also painted Norm's wagon.



On the 27th, had dinner with Kathy, Holly, and Stacy, after replacing one of Kathy's irrigation controllers.

On the 28th, got stung by a a bee protecting a valve at Norm's. This is a valve whose wiring was chewed off by a rat.

On the 29th, saw Stealth, which was not bad. Then split at tennis, 6-4, 4-6, and won 2 at poker. Nancy made a lasagna dinner for us. Was pretty sleepy all day, and barely made it home, nearly crashing into bank on Banner grade.

On the 30th, helped mom deal with loot she got from Texas - pencil sharpener, A/C, chainsaw, etc.

On the 31st, hiked a loop on Cuyamaca's West Mesa (MAP) with Kathy, and had a picnic at Cold Spring with her, after the hike. We started a bottle of Sin Zin, and had chicken salad sandwiches.

Jef by a 10' high white sage!

Bees infested the airplane monument!

Kathy came back, briefly, to pose by monument, after being chased away by a bee.

Most of hike was thru burned out areas like this.

This is an island of unburned forest!
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