Camping at Imperial Spa near Niland CA with Jef, Kathy, and Holley
December 28 and 29, 2005
Imperial Spa
On the afternoon of the 28th, Jef, Kathy, and Holley, drove from Borrego to the other side of the Salton Sea and camped at the Imperial Spa. The campsite was isolated, the hot pools were nice, and we had a very interesting walk on the morning of the 29th.

Jef and Kathy on the night of the 28th


Hiking to canal the morning of the 29th

Near Imperial Spa water source

Interesting algael growths

By hot water outflow into the lake

Catfish in the lake

Overflow of hot spring

Kathy going for one last dip in hottest of large pools before we left for Mexico