4Q 2005
Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2006
2Q 2006
Mar 2006

On the 5th, rendezvoused miraculously with Steve F near Ocotillo. Just happened to see him going N, and after catching him wound up going on a different hike than was scheduled to the Domelands.


On the 6th, assembled skeleton for new Iggy (the Iguana) cage.

On the 7th, drove Kathy to town so that she could go to doctor. We started a thrice weekly regimen of hiking. This day we hike about 4 miles from Mission Trails visitor center to Mission Dam and back.

Jef and Kathy at San Diego River

About this time I noticed state of Amanda's engine compartment -- Rabbits had made themselves at home

On the 10th, drove to San Diego by way of Teofulio Pass, as snow was blocking higher passes. Met Stacey and presented her with a tennis raquet for her birthday. Got an ice cream cake, and did the birthday thing. Took her and her roommate out to sushi.

Stacey cake ceremony


On the 11th, after spending night at Stacey's, Holley, Stacey, Kathy, and I went down to visit with Ted at Elk's entry to St. Pats parade. Then watched the parade. We got rained on towards the end, but had a good time. Then tried driving back to Borrego, but conditions were very bad due to snow and traffic, so wound up taking 5 hours, and driving thru Palm Springs, getting home at about 10:30.


On the 12th, took a few pix of snow from previous 2 days in front of Kathy's house.

Then, later on the 12th, hiked to Jef linked cache #10 with Chuck Ramm. He failed to find it. We found remnants on this hike however: flakes of duct tape and the sock wrapped around it. Apparently a rodent had pushed it out and flooding washed it away. Hike was 8.5 miles, 1200' vertical.


On the 13th, used tow rope to bring down 1 ton mesquite branch at Kathy's house, and with help of John, replaced her front door.

John removing front door frame

On the 14th, with help of John, installed new skylight in Kathy's kitchen, after hiking in area south of Kathy's house with recently fallen snow still evident in mountains:

Kathy by tall ocotillo

bees swarming around agave flower

On the 16th, attended a clinic with French Open doubles champion Luke Jensen. My nickname was Tomahawk.

On the 17th thru the 19th, played in the 4.0 division of the Granger tournament. Won 2nd place with a 37-26 record. Bill Linder won with a 44-19, and Jim Fischer took 3rd with a 36-27, just beating previous champ, Fred Dow, who was 35-28.

On the evening of the 19th, walked to Deep Well, and dropped off John's pay from previous week. Walked back in the dark. Total walk was about 8 miles.

Found out on the 21st that John had a stroke and fell out of bed on the morning of the 20th. He was life-flighted to Palomar in Escondido. His condition was very grave.

On the 23rd, Holley and I went with Kathy to one of her patients in Julian. We got to play around in the snow:


On the 24th, forgot about leading Tennis Club hike, and instead went on a short local hike with Kathy. These are pictures taken on this 3+ mile hike:

Barrel cactus bloom

Barrels in shape of heart

On the 25th and 26th, Jef and Kathy participated in the BSTC March tournament. Jef Was eliminated in the quarterfinals: 4-8, 8-6, 8-5, 0-8, with partner Peg. Kathy played twice, but managed to make it to finals with partner Gary McNamara. She lost in a close finals in the tie-breaker.

Gary and Kathy

Holley decided to make her own floorplan -- here she is by her refrigerator.

Effects of breaking blood vessel by tearing my hamstring

On the 28th, finished a new fence around Norm's nursery.

On the 29th, walked home with Kathy, after dropping off her car at Chuck's Auto. Then drove Kathy to doctor in San Diego, did some shopping. Drove back by Barona for 1st time.

Exagerated scenery at the Circle

On the 30th, with the help of Kathy moved Iggy's new cage in place and moved Iggy in.

Clouds over Santa Rosas

On the 31st, drove to San Diego and worked on replacing Katrina's deck, getting about half done. Then lost 26 at poker, and ate too much -- about 8 pieces of pizza, and some other stuff. Very tired on drive home that night.

Feb 2006

On the 1st, went to San Diego with Kathy for a Dr. visit, to examine Katrina's deck, and look at wax mold for Kathy's new wedding band. We found the last jeweler that Kathy visited was a fraud. Then had a fair Mexican lunch at Mati's, and got some materials for home improvements at my house.

Katrina's deck

On the 4th, met Steve, Steve, Gene, and Carl over by Palm Canyon campground, but found they didn't need my car for shuttling when they did an Indianhead loop. Saw them later that night when they stopped by Kathy's house. While I worked on tennis club newsletter, Kathy moved pictures and stuff from my house to hers. Kathy accidentally broke my favorite bowls that I've used most every day for 15 years. Later that evening, Kathy hosted a dinner party for Jim and Phyllis (old neighbors from when she lived in Ocotillo Wells). We had corned beef and cabbage -- really good -- and Marlene, Michael, and Marla also dropped by. We had 12 people at the house for a while.

Broken bowl

Indianhead hikers at Kathy's

On the 10th, played tennis for first time in a while, calling it a draw when the Hankster retired. Craig and I were behind 5-7, 6-6, but coming back against Fred and Hank. Then won 5 at poker.

On the 12th, decided not to pursue St. Vincent property.

On the 15th, we had heavy duty gusty winds, so mainly worked inside Kathy's garage, painting.

On the 16th, got up and fixed wind damage to Norm's veranda.

On the 17th, led hike with tennis club, doing old Culp trail and Borrego Spur, going about 4 miles, 900' up and 1200' down in about 2.5 hours. (MAP)

Carole fell and cut herself at the start!

Some agaves were in bloom

Descending down final leg of Borrego spur

On the 18th, played in BSTC tournament. Lost 2 of 3 sets with partner Fred D. (8-6, 6-8, 3-8).

On the 19th, lost semi-finals in tie-breaker.

On the 20th, cleaned up at Kathy's house and then did major clean-up in Jef's yard.

Holley is still small enuff to hide in the furniture!

Clean garage!

Kathy helping out

Removed dead tree from here

... and here

Most of remains of trees are shipped off to Kathy's

Starting on the 21st, Jef started falling behind with this Journal due to moving, problems with his computer, and lack of time.

On the 27th, started landscape project in Kathy's front yard.

Jan 2006


On the 1st, broke camp at Palmar "La India" camp, after doing some more hot-tubbing. Hiked a bit to an interesting hill not far from mouth of Cañon de Guadelupe, about 1 mile total. Then tried to find route to San Felipe over dirt roads. After about an hour or so, we determined it to be too problematic. We had gone down to 32nd parallel, and backtracked. We found where the road must have been, but tracks were too faint and it looked like it hadn't been used in quite a while, so we drove all the way back to Mexicali, gassed up, and drove to San Felipe by paved road. We passed thru at night, and looked for a free beachside camp, but wound up camping a couple miles from the beach in a remote wash.


On the 2nd, drove further south, drove to beach and talked to a guy who knew how to get to beach and where to get seashells. We proceeded to go there and get some nice shells, but also lots of muck on our shoes. Then we had lunch and walked around San Felipe. Holley got Kathy a hammock for her Xmas present. We then drove north and camped in a motel in Mexicali.

Mexicali Motel - dust may be from bar-b-q ash

On the 3rd, crossed border and drove to Borrego.

On the 6th, started playing at the Granger tournament -- 1-8 and 5-4. Attended margarita party there with Kathy, Holley, and Stacey.

On the 7th, continued playing tennis -- 8-1, 4-5, 6-3. Attended dinner/dancing there with Kathy and Holley.

Jef playing tennis - photo by Kathy

Kathy cutting the rug with Holley

Holley, Kathy, Jef at dinner

Sewanee neighbor had some elaborate lights for Xmas

On the 8th, finished playing in tournament -- 5-4, 1-8. Wound up 30-33, no prizes.

On the 9th, received load of building materials for next round of Kathy's home improvements.

On the 10th, helped John build a large workbench at Kathy's.

On the 11th, tiled Kathy's laundry room with John, and then started looking for lots with Kathy.

Country Club lot -- first we put a bid on

Hoberg Road -- nice, but sold and small

On the 12th, after a long day working at Kathy's and Norm's, came home and found mom and Borden moving in a fixer-upper Airstream trailer. Helped them park it.

On the 13th, took tennis club -- just Kathy, Susan D, Denny B -- on 4.7 mile hike between 1st and 2nd crossings along Coyote Creek. Then grouted Kathy's new floor, finished painting half of garage floor. Later that night, helped Gary with the draw.

Horsemen at Coyote Creek

On the 14th, won both matches with my partner, Harriet Lisak, but dropped out before the 3rd, getting Fred W to sub. Attended potluck with Kathy and Holley. Great food!!

On the 15th, announced my engagement to Kathy to the tennis club. The Romeos, who had won the $50 drawing, gave us the winnings as a wedding present. Later that night, attended TP party and started getting Rickards into loop for wedding in May.

On the 16th, Kathy got mom a nice waterfall gift for her birthday. We put a bid on this lot:

St. Vincent lot looking W

St. Vincent lot looking N

St. Vincent lot looking E

St. Vincent lot looking S

On the 19th, went to sundowner with Kathy.

On the 20th, played about 30 min. of tennis with Kathy, but re-injured my calf, so cancelled tennis for that night. Went to dentist and then Kathy and I shopped til we dropped. Hitting jewelry store for custom wedding band. Dropped by and saw Fred before going to poker where I wound up winning 0.35.

On the 21st, signed books as Map maker with Paulette (artist) and Robin (author). About 2 dozen showed up. Then went to the Steve Martin Play, 'The Underpants', but was falling asleep by the end. Kathy enjoyed it, but I thought it so-so.

Book signing

On the 22nd, hiked with Kathy to Burke's Bench, Inspiration Point. Hiked about 3 miles. Also stayed at Font's Point til sunset. Met an English guy from Irvine, who ran in the 135 Death Valley to Whitney run every year. His best time was 48 hours. He did the Grand Canyon double cross in 13 hours!

On the 23rd and 24th helped John install new wall for laundry room and shelves for Kathy's new laundry room.

On the 27th, shopped with kathy and Holley. Saw movie Mystic India at Rueben H Fleet IMAX. Pretty good. Then won 6 at poker.

On the 28th, went to concert by Muriel Anderson with Kathy, Stacey and Holley. Pretty amazing guitar plucking!!! Since she was niece of Fudge Factory owners, we had free cookies and fudge.

On the 29th, hiked Coyote Creek between 1st and 2nd crossings with Stacey and Holley.

Stacey crossing creek
4Q 2006
3Q 2006
2Q 2006
1Q 2006
4Q 2005

Journal Index