1Q 2006
Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2006
3Q 2006
June 2006

On the 1st, cleaned up the front yard in preparation for the coming wedding reception. Julie, Thor, and Logan joined us for dinner.

On the 2nd, continued cleaning house and yard. Mark was first to arrive that afternoon, followed by Dyer. Shortly after, Elsa, dad, and Leny arrived. 12 of us (Jef, Kathy, Holley, Logan, Thor, Elsa, dad, Leny, Mark, Dyer, Jim, and Grace) drove out to Coyote Canyon and tested the wedding site. Our original thought for a site had no running water at that time, so we settled on 2nd crossing. Afterwards we had a nice dinner at the Arches.

On the 3rd, Jef and Kathy got married in Coyote Canyon. Then had dinner at Palm Canyon, and reception at Kathy's house.


On the 4th, had lunch at Red Ocotillo with remaining relatives: Cousin John and Bill, and Julie, Elsa, mom, nephews, Doug.

Lunch for 14!

Kathy cutting up middle section
of wedding cake for dessert

On the 5th, drove to San Diego with Kathy and Holley, and checked in to Ocean Villas Inn, where Julie, Doug, nephews, mom, and Elsa were also there. We went to beach for a couple hours and enjoyed the last of the sunshine on this trip. Took Kathy to Bungalow where we had an excellent Filet Mignon dinner.

Holley and sand castle

Holley boogy-boarding

Elsa, Kathy, Holley by our encampment

Julie, Elsa, Logan walking by

Bungalow Filet Mignon
2002 Murphy-Goode Cab

Bungalow gave us a complimentary dessert!

On the 6th, had breakfast at Old Townhouse Restaurant (Breakfast All Day), shopped, and saw X3 (pretty good). Kathy and I went on a 5 mile loop hike to top of Point Loma and then back along the coast. Had sushi with Stacey and Anna at Ki Kuya. Had more wine with relatives in back patio of hotel later that night.

Dropping down to coast

On the 7th, had breakfast at Old Townhouse Restaurant (Breakfast All Day) with Julie, Elsa, mom, nephews. After brief visit to tidepools and Lighthouse Ice Cream, saw The Devinci Code, (pretty good), and drove back to Borrego.

At the tidepools with Kathy and Holley

On the 8th, worked on wedding album, and started wedding thank-you notes.

On the 9th, continued wedding thank-you notes. Went to Fonts Point with belly-dancing fans, and Julie performed a couple dances after the pot-luck.


Holley on the edge

The stage and gallery

Linda taking picture
"in the moonlight"

Getting ready for 1st dance

2nd dance

Julie talking shop

On the 10th, worked on thankyou notes all day.

On the 11th, set up Stacey's old computer for Holley, continued on wedding thankyous. Visited the Diner's house for wine in the afternoon, and then went to TP party in Glorietta Canyon.

TP party

Holley subbing for angel

On the 12th, drove to SD and camped at Stacey's place.

On the 13th, Kathy and Jef flew off to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Checking into beachfront hotel in Kahului, Maui that night, after visiting Maui's only winery.


On the 27th, returned to SD and camped out at Stacey's apartment. Found dead battery and ticket on Ford.

On the 28th, got AAA to jumpstart Ford. Did some shopping and headed home to Borrego. About 30% of the way there, car started having problems, so pulled over and had AAA tow us home. Problem was that a tow truck was pulling away another tow truck when we pulled over, so had to wait 2 hours for tow. Arrived in Borrego by 9:30 p.m.

Waiting for tow near Alpine

On the 29th, Ramon was able to fix Ford: clogged filters, and started to resurrect grounds at Norm's from long absence. Also fixed Sewanee irrigation.

On the 30th, saw Superman Returns with Kathy and Holley -- way too long and slow, but good effects. Then won at tennis: 6-4, 6-4, and won 28 at poker.

May 2006

On the 1st, completed skylight project, finally installing fixture inside. Later that day, we sealed cracks in wall where bees had found a home.

On the 2nd, disconnected errant heating unit in smooth stovetop. After going to pool at neighbors, sealed cracks in other side of wall, where bees had found another home.

Stovetop out of counter

Vacuuming pool cover

Rushing after pool toy

On the 3rd, re-tiled part of upstairs bathroom. Then, Kathy and I started our first joint checking account, mostly with wedding gifts.

On the 4th, started getting irrigation system in shape at Norm's.

On Cinco de Mayo, We took a camp trip with Holley. We camped at the Imperial Spa for 2 nights, returning on the 7th. We had lunch at Ophelias in Mecca on way back.


On the 11th, found Bryan had removed the server I was using for this and other websites. Drove into San Diego with Kathy and Holley. We made final approval of wedding medallion design and then connected with Stacey. Stacey had gotten us a new air bed, and we spent the night at her apartment.

On the 12th, took Stacey to get her wisdom teeth removed. The dentist wound up taking out 5! Kathy and Holley remained with Stacey while Jef split at tennis with partner Fred against Hank and Craig. Then won 16 at poker. Returned to Stacey's apartment and spent the night.

Stacey icing both sides of face

On the 13th, stayed with Stacey until early afternoon, and then returned to Borrego. Found a flood in backyard. Somebody (PROBABLY someone that pretty closely resembled Holley) had apparently not turned off hose, and entire patio was under about 2" of water!

Stacey with head covered the morning after the wisdom teeth removal

Backyard flood

Kathy swept water into oleanders after this. Note mesquite flowers covering surface

On the 14th, purchased server space. Continued moving files from crippled computer to laptop.

On the 15th, started uploading files to new server.

On the 16th, burned some paper and cardboard in a bonfire outside. Also grilled some albacore for dinner.

Holley carving face in watermelon

Burning trash

Bar-B-Q ing on patio

On the 18th, discussed wedding with minister Jim over dinner.

On the 19th, picked up wedding medalion in San Diego. Split at tennis with partner Craig against Hank and Sid. Then lost 24 at poker.

On the 20th, cleaned up around house and picked up Holley.

Clear skies on way to pick up Holley

While checking out neighbor's house we found this King snake inside

Barbara Szabo had sent this wedding present, but it didn't survive the post office

Holley and Jef after a long day

On the 21st, hiked the PCT near Ranchita, going 4.5 miles with Kathy and Holley. Later that day attended TP party where we actually played a little Trivial Pursuit.

Lots of flowers on this stretch of PCT

Jef at turnaround break point of hike

Verdant area at seep spring

Holley floating boat with couple of dolls at Barrel Spring

Leaving TP party

On the 22nd, part for stovetop arrived and I fixed the stove.

On the 23rd, installed 200' of piping at Norm's. Made first fire in chiminea.

Chiminea fire

On the 24th, drove Kathy to doctor in San Diego. Got Holley her birthday present: the gecko she later named Liger. Later that night, Holley entertained a few hundred attendees during the all-school concert.

Holley in San Diego

On the 26th, drove to San Diego with Kathy and Holley. Won at tennis with partner Fred against Hank and Craig: 6-2, 6-4, 6-1. Won 16 at poker, where we had pizza at Craig's.

Holley drumming in concert

On the 27th, finished installing new toilet at Sewanee house, and cleaned up.

On the 28th, Kathy finished cleaning Sewanee house. Then had Holley's birthday party. She had 2 peers: Derek and Jessica, Karissa, Stacey, Jef, Kathy attend. We had hot dogs, watermelon, and cake. Main attraction was a scavenger hunt around neighborhood. By end of party, Julie had arrived, and stopped by.

On scavenger hunt at stranger's house

Before blowing out all candles

On the 29th, Julie, Thor, Logan, Kathy, Stacey, and Holley went on a 5 mile hike around Culp Valley. Last part of hike caused problems due to foxtails. We had dinner, swam in neighbors pool, and had a bonfire that night.

Burning boxes

On the 30th, after working on Norm's pool and irrigation, took Julie and Thor on 5 mile hike along the PCT. Later that night, we had a birthday party for Julie at the Rickards, with dinner.

On the 31st, completed the last of a 400' section of irrigation on Norm's hillside. Julie, Logan, and Thor came over for dinner later that night. We had spaghetti and burned remaining boxes. Also roasted marshmallows.

Apr 2006

On the 1st, caught up on some paperwork.

Holley testing wind

Holley and Kathy working in kitchen

On the 2nd, hiked around Ocotillo Heights, checking out how pristine area will be raped. Attended TP party with Kathy and Holley.

Finch eggs

Eggs are in lantern

Kathy in Ocotillo Heights

Holley charging on her bike

Cholla flower

Hedgehog flower

14 ate at TP party

On the 3rd, Kathy stayed home sick in bed. Jef did work on wedding invitations and did some home improvements.

On the 4th, Jef and Kathy went to the Sponsor Group (of Borrego Springs) meeting regarding a proposed development of the Ocotillo forest near Kathy's house. The developer got run out of town on a rail when about 40 irate homeowners complained.

On the 5th, Jef sanded and varnished various things all over the valley.

Norm's finished front doors

on the 6th, Jef broke one of Kathy's handpainted plates while putting up some new blinds in her living room.

On the 7th, Jef and Kathy took off for the Mojave on a camping trip. Kathy didn't get her prescription before leaving, so had to pick it up in Palm Springs. This added another couple hours to trip. We made it to cannon party about 11 p.m., after going thru Yucca Valley.


On the 8th, at the cannon party, helped Mark install his new 500 pound target. Thru this weekend, the quality of the wine we got in Palm Springs wasn't that good.

On the 9th, Kathy took us on a road trip to Burro Schmidt tunnel, Last Chance Canyon, a borax mine, and Jawbone Canyon store with McD and Tom H.

On the 10th, after breaking camp and recovering my flashlight (had placed it in front of target prior night for night shooting), and drove back to Borrego. We stopped at Astroburger and found it had been closed for past 6 months, and was now for sale. We again went thru Yucca Valley, but this time encountered massive traffic in Adelanto.

On the 11th, Holley and Kathy and I tested lunch fare at Arches in preparation for wedding. Met with Alicia. Food was so-so, wine was good.

Hunting polywogs at Arches Restaurant

Looking at haul

Part of the haul

Contrail at twilight looks like flame coming out of mountains

On the 12th, started on recovery of Norm's pool and carpetted main stairs at Quimby's.

On the 13th, tested dinner at Palm Canyon resort for possible wedding reception. Met with Mike. Food was excellent, wine bad.

On the 14th, mailed taxes, shopped in San Diego, going thru some rain -- tennis was rained out. Saw John at Palomar -- still in bad shape from stroke. Won 0.30 at poker.

On the 15th, did a bunch of yardwork at Kathy's and made a lot of progress towards catching up.

On the 16th, led Holley on a easter egg linked-clue hunt, and she did the same to us. We were too tired to go on a hike.

Holley with 1st clue

After finding 5th egg

On the 17th, started draining Norm's pool, and cleaned filter, finding 2 in need of replacement.

On the 19th, Kathy helped me finish the Quimby stairs. Then Kathy made her famous posole.

On the 21st, led tennis club hike (Peg and Kathy being the only others) on a loop hike from Kathy's house into the Ocotillo Forest. Later that day, had the Romeos over for posole, and then helped Gary with the draw.

Kathy bending down agave for Peg to examine

On the 22nd, lost both sets with partner Borden, 1-8, 2-8. Later that night, attended annual club banquet and then saw Judy Taylor entertain the tennis club. Did token dance with Kathy.

On the 23rd, hiked 2.8 miles with Denny to Surprise Canyon and Borrego Spur from tennis club. During the award ceremony, the Dows surprised us with a "Money Tree" as a wedding gift from the club. It had $570 of bills folded into flowers and hearts on a fake cereus cactus. Later that day, we went over to Barry and Eileen's condo in de Anza and had wine, appetizers, and played croquet.

The Dows won

on the 24th, did some work and then crashed early after such a busy weekend.

On the 25th, started finish work on Kathy's new skylight, starting to install new light fixture.

On the 26th, took Kathy to her doctor in San Diego. While there, got a marriage license, visited a jeweler, and had lunch in O.B.

Getting wedding license with view of the Star of India thru window

On the 28th, visited jeweler in O.B., played tennis. My partner was Sid, and we beat Craig and Hank 6-2, 6-4. Won 16.70 at poker.

On the 29th, did some yardwork, but was interrupted in the afternoon by a visit from dad, Leny, Hein, and Marleen who were on the way to the Grand Canyon. Hein and Marleen gave us a nice wedding present.

Holley wearing box wedding present came in

On the 30th, took Holley hiking along Coyote Creek from 1st Crossing (last time was 2nd crossing) to 2nd crossing and back. Noticed a swarm of bees in mesquite in backyard. Kathy burned a collection of paper and boxes saved for inside fire, but summer has arrived, so this paper was not needed. Then ordered a few web names.

Coyote Creek

Holley sinking in quicksand

Hiding in the reeds

Fair amount of flowers

Jef and Kathy

Oco van Gogh

Kathy burning boxes

Swarm in mesquite

4Q 2006
3Q 2006
2Q 2006
1Q 2006
4Q 2005

Journal Index