2Q 2006
Jef and Kathy's Activities 3Q 2006
4Q 2006
Sep 2006

On the 1st, after Kathy took me to lunch at El Nopal in Ramona (moderately good), we took care of final stage of Toyota title transfer. Then won at tennis, 6-3, 7-5. Then lost 21 at poker.

On the 2nd, added some irrigation line at Norm's. Late in afternoon, a T-storm went over our heads before dumping a deluge near the Borrego dump.

Irrigation line

At Kathy's house

On the 3rd, drove to Palm Springs area, where Kathy, Holley, and I saw World Trade Center. We then had dinner at Tsing Tao.

On the 6th, Kathy cooked a nice dinner, opened a great bottle of 2003 Estancia Merlot, and made a desert that Holley decorated and put on candles for my birthday.

On the 7th, started work on mom's trailer floor. Completed 2nd week of training with Marlene. Dropped off and picked up Holley at football game. Rams won easily.

Kathy, Darlis and Holley at football game

On the 8th, dug about 120' of trenches and installed a complete spur (about 47') of PVC irrigation line at Norm's. Redezvoused with Julianne and delivered her purse (she had left it in Borrego), after shopping. Split at tennis: 6-7, 6-3 and then lost 10 at poker.

On the 9th, trimmed along Norm's driveway. Added another 14 sq. ft. of flooring on mom's trailer. Got fireplace refractory in place for 1st time.

On the 11th, used up all mom's material for flooring her Airstream with laminate, nearly finishing.

Mom on new floor

On the 12th, completed irrigation to new plants at Norm's: 175' of new PVC and 3 dribblers for large cacti.

New irrigation extension

On the 13th, drove with Kathy to SD, after stopping at patient house in Warner. Picked up new cooktop for house, and with Stacey, picked up Holley's new (used) saxaphone. Took Stacey out for sushi at Shogun's.

Stacey checking out sax

Jef, Kathy, Stacey at lunch

Holley trying out her new sax

On the 14th, installed rest of flooring in mom's new trailer.

Final segment of flooring went in bathroom

On the 16th, started installing cooktop. Then went over to old Linkroum house where Kathy did final evaluation before agreeing to buy this used gym machine, the Bowflex Treadclimber.

Kathy testing new machine

On the 17th, helped move the Bowflex Treadclimber to BPT gym.

On the 18th, wired up new cooktop and tested. Saw snake in carport.

This bug made a standing wave in this water bowl

New cooktop with all burners on

Snake in carport

On the 19th, substituted for Marlene by running Kathy's office. Opened up a Shadow Mtn. cab and talked with mom on my hottub deck that evening.

On the 20th, took Kathy to doctor in San Diego. Had a nice lunch at Casa Machado with Kathy and Stacey.

On the 22nd, drove to SD to pick up some meds for Kathy, do some shopping, split at tennis with partner Gerry against Fred and Hank: 4-6, 7-6, and win 1 at poker, where Papa Don had some carrot cake for b'day #74.

This is white ocotillo transplanted this summer at Norm's

On the 23rd, Kathy picked up Holley's new Guinea pigs. Later that evening, attended TP party with Kathy, Holley, Gin, Jim, Grace, Eris, Rosemary at Paul and Marge's. Dinner was chicken, squash souffle, potato salad, and Kathy brought her apple / cream cheese / croissant desert. Afterwards, Jim and Grace came by and we gave them the knick-knacks we picked up for them in Hawaii, including the matching clothes, below.

Paul recycled this defective sign, made by prisoners, in his back yard

Holley checking out long arc swing

Grace and Jim with gifts and Holley's new Guinea pigs

On the 24th, stayed home all day, as Kathy wasn't up to hiking. Had bar-b-q with filet mignon and white corn for dinner.

Filet mignon and corn on grille

Kathy by a tiki lamp

Tarantula by door found while cleaning up dinner

On the 26th, completed automatic nursery irrigation system at Norm's.

Valve manifold for Norm's nursery

On the 27th, hiked 1 hour around neighborhood with Kathy.

On the 28th, completed replacing 50' of poly tubing with PVC at top of Norm's driveway.

Line extension at Norm's

Sunset at Kathy's

A real handyman

On the 29th, hiked 1 hour around neighborhood with Kathy. In SD, won at tennis with partner Gerry: 6-2, 1-6, 6-3. Won 6 at poker.

Aug 2006

On the 1st, started replacement of 200' of irrigation along Norm's slanted driveway.

On the 2nd, completed installation of 200' of irrigation along Norm's slanted driveway.

On the 3rd, with the aid of Chuck B, worked on installing D/W and new sink at my house. Then went with Kathy and Holley for Holley's organizational meeting for the summer play, "Toy Box". Holley is tentatively, the stage manager.

On the 4th, drove solo to SD. Saw 'My Super Ex Girlfriend'. Pretty good. Lost 4-6, 6-7 with partner Fred (ailing with knee problem) to Hank and Fred. Won 21 at poker.

On the 6th, hiked the Kelly Ditch trail with Kathy. Found it was unmaintained due to fire - turn sign was burned, so made a rock detour indicator. Wound up walking about 8.2 miles. Picked wild blackberries along the way.

Near start of Kelly ditch -- where Kathy lost her shirt, and Jef had to hike back 1/2 mile to find it.

Devastation on Middle Peak as seen from trail

Kathy said this tree could be in 'Sleepy Hollow'

Fern meadow at turn-around point of hike

Tiger lily

Walking back toward lake in late afternoon

Delicious blackberries found on road

Returning to trailhead at sunset

On the 8th, picture frame fell down in hall -- Kathy used a tiny nail for a huge picture. As it fell, it knocked down another frame. The glass in one frame shattered when it hit the floor.

Shattered glass

On the 9th, picked up Holley in SD after she flew back from NY. Meanwhile, Chuck completed kitchen improvements (sink, garbage disposal).

Having lunch at Anthonies after picking up Holley

On the 10th, Chuck installed new toilet at my house. Installed about 200' of irrigation on Norm's hillside. Randy balked at installing cruise ctl. on Kathy's new car. After about 2 weeks of ideal dry weather, the humidity returned this day.

Completed kitchen changes

Humidity -- while looking after Julia's house

On the 11th, went to SD to work on Craig and Nancy's fence extension -- completing about 80%. Split at tennis: 6-4, 3-6. Lost 8 at poker.

Kathy played around with Jef's hair after getting back from SD

On the 15th, installed 120' of PVC on Norm's E slope.

New PVC line

On the 16th, went with Kathy to Brawley to get her new licence. After lunch next door at Christine's, we did some shopping in El Centro, getting new tiki lamps, among other things.

On the 18th, after helping Craig extend his front fence, won at tennis 6-3, 6-4, and lost 5 at poker.

Fence project at Craig's

On the 19th, helped move a couple dozen plants, including some very large cacti from Terry's to Norm's.

New PVC line for new cacti

On the 21st, the last of the humidity gave us a nice sunset.

On the 24th, attended Holley's "dress rehearsal" for the place she was in: Toy School. Kathy and Jef helped with make-up.


Opening scene

"The Meeting"

The witch

Fixing Jack

On the 25th, attended the Opening day of Toy School, after Kathy, Jef, and Stacey helped with make-up.

On the 26th, attended the last performance of Toy School, after Kathy, Jef, and Stacey helped with make-up. We participated in the kid's pizza party on stage after the show.

Stacey making-up Holley

Fixing Jack

Cast at closing

Holley afterwards

Pizza party

On the 27th, bought Kathy, Holley, and Stacey lunch at Carlee's. Later that day, helped move mesquite furniture at Norm's.

Sandy at new table

During the week of the 28th thru 31st, spent afternoons learning insurance billing at BPT, with Marlene as my teacher. Also did some painting at my house and maintenance at Norm's. During the week we were treated to some nice sunsets due to scattered T-storms of Baja hurricane weather passing over.

Sunset at the mall on 29th

Sunset at the mall on 31st

Moon over Borrego churches
July 2006

On the 1st to the 3rd, worked at cleaning Kathy's front and back yards, and on the honeymoon pics.

On the 3rd, had a nice sunset.

Kathy, Holley in backyard

On the 4th, we had some T-storms in the area.

Note mtn. boulders glittering in sun

Flag cult alive and well in Borrego

On the 5th, drove Mazda to Ocotillo Wells so that Randy could evaluate car, to see if it could be fixed. Kathy followed me, in case I didn't make it, and drove me home.

On the 7th, drove to SD. Lost at tennis: 4-6, 6-1, 1-2 (pretty much broke even, actually). Lost 3 at poker.

On the 8th, drove to Ocotillo Wells with Kathy to drop off auto parts for Randy to fix Mazda. While there, we stopped and had a Corona at the Iron Door. Kathy and I stapled a $1 under pool rack.

Jef pointing out our $1 at Iron Door

On the 10th, after getting new pad, got Kathy's main swamper working.

On the 11th, replaced about 50' of irrigation at Norm's. Later, drove a couple of miles and used the Corolla (wimpy) jack to change front tire on Ford, after Kathy had a blow-out on Borrego Springs Road.

On the 12th, got 2 tires replaced on Ford. Harvested most of grapes above jacuzzi -- trimmed mesquite at same time. Holley wants the roof over hot tub as her treehouse now. Went with Kathy and Holley to pool.

On the 14th, went on 3 day trip to SD with Kathy, Holley. Split at tennis with partner Hank against Craig and Fred: 6-7, 7-6. Lost 14 at poker.

On the 15th, walked with Stacey, Holley, Kathy to OTL bus-stop and caught bus. Stayed at OTL for 2 hours, saw 3 games, got T-shirts. Had problem getting back on bus: bus filled up and OTL security morons told people at front of line, including us, who were beyond line boundary to go to end of line, so we bugged out and walked off island. Since Holley was getting a blister due to her stupidity of wearing thongs despite her parent's (us) telling her to wear real shoes earlier in the day, we caught a taxi. Then we drove to OB and brought sandwiches from Chris's Liquor to Santa Cruz cove, and stayed at beach for a couple of hours. Jef did some body surfing, and it was great! Kathy cooked dinner that night for the 4 of us and Kim.

Riding the bus to OTL

Camped out at court 14

Watching game at court 14

Camping at Santa Cruz Cove

On the 16th, did some shopping on way back to Borrego.

Liger walking on Kathy

On the 17th, noticed tire on new toyota was on borrowed time. Later, ripped out my kitchen counter and sink, in preparation to replacing both.

One of 2 major rips in tread

Native coachwhip blooming at Ed Perry Tire

Old sink and counter being removed

On the 19th, went with Kathy to Brawley and El Centro - tasks included trying to change her name (partially succeeded by changing with Social Security), and getting Desi clipped. Kathy also bought us a nice Mexican breakfast.

On the 20th, we all cooled down at the neighbor's pool. Holley, who had been trying to peddle aquatic snails from the edge of our driveway, had to run back when the junk collector almost took all our stuff that Holley had used for her sales stand.

Holley at her stand

On the 21st, completed prep work for new kitchen countertop. Then drove to SD and lost at tennis: 4-6, 6-7 with partner Craig (against Sid and Fred). Then won 17 at poker.

Prepped counter

On the 22nd, tiled the top of new kitchen counter. Helped Norm move a couple of fairly large plants: a white ocotillo and 12' cirio. When we met Terry the previous year, he had told us this cirio was going to be at the top of Norm's driveway when he died. Well he died on the 19th, so we wound up transplanting these plants on the hottest day of the year -- about 117°F! -- not the best of conditions for traumatized plants.

Tiled countertop

Cirio arriving

Readying spot for cirio

On the 23rd, tiled the wall behind the new sink, and on the 24th, completed setting the tiles, after helping Kathy at the office.

Holley's reflection in window with large grasshopper

On the 25th, took Kathy to doctor in SD. Holley came along.

On the 26th, mom suggesting picking up swamp cooler, dishwasher I ordered from La Quinta prior night. I had to drive, as she didn't want to break down. It took 2 hours after we got there to get the stuff.

Coyote Canyon fire sent up this smoke on this day

Kathy got this new haircut this day

On the 27th, started tearing out top of swamp cooler stand, as it was 3" too high. Took a while, as John overbuilt it.

Tearing out top of swamp cooler stand

On the 28th, lost 6-7, 4-6 at tennis with partner Fred against Hank and Craig. Then lost 5 at poker. Spent the night at Stacey's new apartment.

On the 29th, helped Stacey move one load from old to new apartment. Then got most of materials for Craig's new fence project.

On the 30th, completed remaking swamp cooler platform to accomodate new swamper.

Readying swamp cooler for install

On the 31st, installed new swamp cooler, completed tiling job in kitchen. Went with Holley to summer play organization meeting.

Swamper in place

Completed tiling job

4Q 2006
3Q 2006
2Q 2006
1Q 2006
4Q 2005

Journal Index