3Q Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2007 1Q 2008
2Q 3Q Oct Nov Dec 1Q 2008
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Jan Feb Mar
Dec 2007

On the 1st, clouds from prior day rainstorm were blown away by gusty winds. Completed updating this journal complete with about 30 new pix from Thanksgiving. Put up mom's candles by her giant pumpkin.

On the 2nd, installed 2 new switches in Holley's room. Broke Iggy out of his cage, putting him out in the sun. Iggy is not long for this world. Kathy returned him to his cage -- probably to live out the last days of his life. Spent rest of day at my house. Installed chandalier in shed, put up X-mas candles, gathered and burned dead vegetation on my property for the rest of the day. Kathy was not happy I didn't come back home or call -- forgot my Cel.

On the 4th, Anita came in and announced she was going to clean the office on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays. She also pointed out she was short-changed. This was a problem with the departure of Marlene.

On the 5th, after a day of faxing a bunch of stuff at office, Holley started her science project (mouse maze -- which cheese is preferred?) by deciding size of pentagon sides. Jef started cutting them out, but stopped when his lines were far from straight.

On the 6th, finally reclaimed my Mazda. Apparently the distributor that was replaced last year was failing, so a new one was installed. After a nice sunset, rain seems inevitable. After calling dad to see if he'd buy any items from Holley's catalog to benefit the school's music department, we found out dad had a calcified heart valve, and his doctor had recommended surgery.

On the 7th, attended the 1st hour of the TP party. Kathy brought a huge 5-layer dip with chips. Then did the draw for the tennis tournament. There were 50 contestants.

On the 8th, played in the BSTC tournament, winning 2 matches with partner Barry F. We beat Harold Larson/Don Wilson and then Al Lieb/Brian Worthington. Skipped potluck that night. Brought Kon over as Holley and Tif "worked" on their science projects. Holley managed to get a couple a datapoints with 5 minutes of experiments with her mouse, "Bot", determining that he was most attracted to Bleu cheese. Later that afternoon, Gypsy killed the mouse while the kids were playing with it, and Kathy fixed us all some hamburgers.

Mouse at start

Mouse visited bleu cheese at 1st stop

Cheddar was one of other 4 cheeses

On the 9th, the rest of the tournament was rained out. Did play a couple of sets afterwards, tho. Later that afternoon, installed Xmas lights on Weststar. Then got Holley and Kathy to come over to my house. While I finished setting up the decorations -- slicing thru a fingernail trying to remove a cap on an extension cord -- Kathy gathered firewood, and Holley sought refuge from the cool weather in the house. After I scattered some of mom's ashes, we took pix of mom's decorations -- some in dis-repair, and some unfinished, but still beautiful.

After installing lights at Kathy's house

Clouds cleared to reveal snow in mountains - here is Toro Peak

Dawn Peak

Tribute to mom's holiday decorations

These pictures are with Kathy and Holley

Light patches of ground in area are mom's ashes, placed there this day

Kathy and Jef

Holley and Jef

Note presents from Elsa by Holley and Santa's feet

Holley writing "Holley was here" on dad's head

On the 12th, my Mazda, Amanda II, exceeded 200,000 miles.

On the 13th, removed Holiday decorations in front of my house -- made by mom. Disposed of Santa and one of the candles. Moved one candle and the giant pumpkin near the dumpster for later dismantling. Moved "NOEL" and "PEACE" letters to Kathy's house. Left just 1 candle burning -- plan to leave it burning until Jan. 4, the first anniversary of her death -- I miss her so much! Cut up some firewood, as lows this week were dipping into the 30s. Iggy might still be alive, but hasn't eaten or drunk in weeks (see October 25, 2007 entry). Holley left on a school field trip to San Diego, camping at Girl Scout camp in Balboa Park.

On the 14th, we determined Iggy was not among the living. Put him in a tree so that he could climb to Iguana heaven. Drove to SD with Holley and Kathy. They shopped while I played tennis, splitting sets with partner Hank against Sid and Gerry. Lost 3 at poker. Kathy picked me up and we spent the night at Stacey's new apt.

Iggy ascending to Iguana heaven

On the 15th, we split up. Jef went shopping in the area, while Kathy, Stacey, and Holley shopped at the mall. As Jef got back earlier, he walked around Stacey's "block" -- about 2 miles. That nite, we did some special shopping in OB, splitting up so Jef and Stacey could take care of re-doing one of Kathy's rings for her Xmas present. Kathy shopped at her favourite clothes store. Then we had dinner at the Brigantine and then walked around Xmas decorations on Garrison Street in Point Loma. Then spent one last nite at Stacey's.

Posing by best decorated house on Garrison Street

Acting silly

On the 16th, did a final round of shopping before returning to Borrego.

On the 18th, my new spa cover finally arrived.

On the 19th, got up early to see Holley's hot air balloon ascension. This was a beautiful morning with a rainbow to the west.

Rainbow just after sunrise

Looking west from school

Launch site: the Middle School

Just before filling first baloons

Just befor release

Near the high point -- about 50'

Balloons coming down

Project was later recycled

Winning entry

On the 20th, test installed my new spa cover. Later that night the 42" plasma TV I ordered a week prior arrived.

View of Indianhead seen on way to pick up spa cover at office

Spider and web inside spa

Don't know what kind this is

New spa cover

On the 21st, installed the new TV, after moving old one to living room, and one in living room out to whoever wanted it. Later, drove to SD, did some shopping, played tennis, losing with partner Craig: 7-6, 6-3, 1-6 at Sid's club. Then got a Noble Fir Xmas tree. Won 7 at poker, as well as getting a "bad beat" bonus of 38.

On the 22nd, cut up some firewood, installed some solar lights, and we (Stacey, Holley, Kathy and Jef) all decorated the tree.

On the 23rd, did some local shopping, cut up some firewood, did the first cut of an Xmas card. Kathy, Holley, and Stacey went shopping in El Centro.

On the 24th, Holley and Stacey upgraded the decorations, having lights go clear out to the road! Cut and split some more wood, and did some more shopping. Dropped by Gages and had some drinks before returning home for dinner and opening cards.

Stacey and Holley put a couple thousand lights out front

Mom's NOEL decoration, just painted green

From road at nite

Completed Xmas tree

On the 25th, Santa was good to us. Holley got a bunch of stuff, including a new camera. Stacey got a subsidy for a new TV. Kathy will get a diamond ring re-done with another gem, and other stuff. Jef got a toolbox and some nice clothes.

During unwrapping ceremonies

On the 26th, took another day off of work and got Holiday cards and Xmas care packages sent out.

On the 27th went back to work.

On the 28th, after a frosty (high 20s) morning, shopped and then lost at tennis (2-6, 4-6, 5-7) with partner Craig against Sid and Hank. Lost 5 at poker.

On the 29th, did abortive hike to Whale Peak, hiking 3.4 miles, 500' vertical -- GPS was not functioning properly. Cut some more firewood, as it's still COLD.

Map of aborted Whale Peak hike

On the 30th, cleaned up the hot tub for weekend guests Bob and Suzie at my house. Cut some more firewood. Installed hand shower and curtain at Mobley's with Kathy.

On the 31st, cut more firewood, did year-end work at Kathy's office, giving myself a paycheck. Helped Kathy with putting on a NY eve party. About 10 people showed up, and we had a good time -- but lots of leftovers!

2Q 3Q Oct Nov Dec 1Q 2008
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Jan Feb Mar
Nov 2007

On the 1st, did some spackling at Herrlins, dropped Mazda off at Titos.

Kathy, working too hard, passes out at dinner again!

Gypsy hiding

On the 2nd, got a blue palm and olive tree at local nursery. Planted blue palm at Norm's, and olive in Tubb Canyon. Drove to SD, did shopping, won at tennis with partner Craig against Sid and Gerry: 6-4, 6-3, 3-6. Won 16 at poker.

Planted olive tree -- note the healthy brittle bushes sucking last tree's water!

On the 3rd, took it easy. We had a nice sunset this evening:

Note the criss-crossing striations

On the 6th, did major trimming on Norm's hilltop.

After trimming burseras

On the 7th, completed paint job at Herrlin's, but still need to repair split stair.

On the 9th, lost at tennis with Craig against Hank and Sid: 5-7, 2-6, won 5 at poker.

On the 10th, installed 21 solar lights along Norm's driveway for guests coming that night. Helped Kathy clean up front yard and otherwise prepare for double party that night. Holley had 8 guests for her teenage party. Kathy cooked hot dogs and burgers for them. About that time our TP guests started arriving. At same time, Steve Fausset and 2 other gnarly hikers wandered in. Lots of food and drink was available for the approximately 2 dozen attendees. A fire was going on in backyard, and kids eventually made s'mores.

Cleaning up in preparation for partys

Kathy cooking kid's dinner

Kids around fire

Back row (L to R): Steve F, "the Dominator", Jack, Steve #2, Paul
Front row: Ginny and Marge

Dinner outside

On the 11th, mostly took it easy, recovering from overdoing last few days.

On the 14th, performed about half the trimming required to turn a large bursera bush into more of a tree at Norm's.

On the 16th, won at tennis with partner Gerry: 6-2, 6-3, 3-6. Lost 38 at poker. Craig was recovering from eye surgery, and so we celebrated with the Edelweiss cake that Hank brought in.

Craig's cake for #65

On the 17th, did some more work on rock landscaping in Kathy's rose garden. Went out to dinner at Arches. Not so great.

On the 18th, completed Chidester and Herrlin projects. Also used up river rock in Kathy's rose garden, falling 12 bags short of completion. Re-did Kathy's ad, and started a future ad:

Reeling 'em in with new massage therapist

Red highlight on small ad

On the 20th, did massive trimming of bursera atop Norm's hill.

Trimmed bursera

On the 21st, drove to L.A. with Holley and Kathy. We purchased food for next night's dinner.

On the 22nd, Kathy cooked a great turkey, covered in bacon, and we enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast. While turkey was cooking Kathy and Jef walked around the neighborhood.

Preparing to cook dinner

Baby gopher found on Fellowship, 100' from dad's driveway

One of neighbor houses

Kathy liked this "Lion face" fountain

New house on Landa St. Staircase

Landa staircase

"Astronaut" house, with mailbox with porthose and stainless steel front door!

Kathy by her creation

Holley entertained us with her musical prowess

Serving dinner

On the 23rd, dad drove us to Glendale, where we got Holley some shoes, and then to Chinatown, where Kathy looked for (unsuccessfully) some shoe inserts with accupressure points. Later that night we had leftovers.

Dad working on new terracing

Posing on new terracing

1964 LANDA
Home tour

On the 24th, after a nice breakfast, we drove back to Borrego. On the way, we got Holley a mouse for her science project:

Holley and her mouse

Torturing dad

On the 25th, Kathy made another Thanksgiving feast for us!

On the 26th, Holley was bedridden with a stomach flu, and skipped school.

On the 27th, Kathy was bedridden with a stomach flu, and skipped work. Jef bought an planted a blue palm at Norm's.

Grilled turkey sandwich made from turkey leftover from 2 days prior

On the 28th, Stacey and Oscar brought Stacey's old bed to Borrego, as she got a new one for her new apartment. She also brought her old desk. We put the desk and chair out on the street, along with Kathy's old lawn mower. All was picked up by a passerby within 15 minutes!

Oscar about to leave with Stacey

On the 30th, a big rainstorm hit the area. Jef drove to visit Kathy's accountant to discuss a retirement plan, and then drove to SD, getting some building materials at Lowes. Then went to Craig's for pizza and poker - lost 28. Adventure driving home in rain: rocks littered roads, but very few cars: 1 car seen at Descanso. 1 at Banner. 1 in Borrego. 30 miles with no car in sight from Descanso to Banner!

2Q 3Q Oct Nov Dec 1Q 2008
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Jan Feb Mar
Oct 2007

On the 1st, started installing W line at Chidesters, then continued training at BPT.

On the 2nd, did more work at Chidesters and continued at BPT.

On the 3rd, quickly checked out at Norm's and then continued BPT training.

On the 4th, did some more irrigation line at Chidesters and continued BPT training.

On the 5th, completed 1st half of irrigation project at Chidesters after starting before sunrise on a blustery morning. Completed training at BPT. Drove to SD with Kathy and Holley for Kathy's 50th birthday celebration. We checked into the Hilton in Mission Valley. We had sushi next door at the Fuji Steakhouse -- it was only so-so, however. Stacey came over that night with Oscar, dropping off her birday gift, a bottle of perfume. They took Holley to Stacey's to spend the night.

Clouds over the mountains mean wind in Borrego. It was windy this morning

Laying out piping for next time

On the 6th, we picked up Holley, at Stacey's, and drove to OB, where Kathy dropped off some jewelry to repair. We had lunch at Nati's. After shopping for this night's dinner, we visited the mall (Mission Center) where Holley picked out some ear rings and socks for Kathy's birthday. Kathy bought herself a new purse. The only movie we had time to see while there was "Across the Universe", and not knowing how good a movie it is, Kathy vetoed that idea. We returned to the Hilton and prepared for the night. We met Stacey and Oscar at Stacey's, where we prepared a nice meal based around seared Ahi. Jeanine showed up for dinner, dropping off a gift for Kathy -- a helical mobile. Afterwards, Kathy, Jeanine, Stacey, and Jef drove downtown. We arrived too late to go dancing (too much of a crowd), so we just had a drink at a downtown bar, Osetra, where we lounged on a sofa for about half an hour.

Dressed up ready to go clubbing at Stacey's -- Kathy holding Jenine's birthday gift

The 4 of us at a downtown bar, Osetra

On the 7th, we checked out of the Hilton, and while loading luggage, Kathy forgot her big orchid, Jef had bought for her the previous day, her perfume, and a few other things. Fortuneatly the Hilton saved the items and Stacey picked them up later that night. We did some shopping and drove back to Borrego.

On the 8th, added another 80' of piping to Chidester irrigation project before going to work. This was Jef's first day as office manager at BPT. Jef and Kathy worked til about 8 that night.

On the 9th, did necessary maintenance at Norm's before going to work at BPT working beyond 7 that night.

On the 10th, added another 60' of piping at Chidesters, watering the 6 remaining trees not covered by the irrigation. Then worked at BPT.

On the 11th, completed installing and burying piping at Chidesters. Then off to work at BPT.

On the 12th, worked at BPT until 1:30, and then drove to SD to shop. Won at tennis with partner Gerry against Craig and Hank: 6-4, 6-4, 3-0. Lost 6 at poker.

On the 13th, spent much of the day catching up on paperwork, including this journal which was 2 weeks behind.

On the 14th, did some work at Chidesters. Later that day, cleaned up, showed and sold the Jeep.

Jeep leaving the property

On the 15th, pretty much completed work at Chidesters, creating map of work done. Another long day at BPT.

Chidester irrigation map

On the 16th, left map at Chidesters and found a fix I made on irrigation leak worked. At Norm's found major irrigation leak, so fixed that. Then another long day at BPT.

On the 17th, slit some poly tubing to protect PVC irrigation, continued at BPT.

On the 18th, moved willow table back to Norm's, removed lots of debris from recent windstorm out of his pool, and armored about 80' of poly tubing around some of the PVC irrigation system I put in on his rocky hillside. Dropped Holley off at the pep rally -- picked her up near the smoldering bonfire that was part of the festivities.

On the 19th, drove to San Diego, did some shopping. Since I forgot my tennis racquet, borrowed Hank's spare. Sid and I beat Craig and Hank 6-4, 4-2 -- at which point Craig broke a string, and we had no more backup racquets. Won 50 at poker (everyone else -- 6 in total -- lost!).

Sunrise on the 19th

On the 20th, planted 2 trees at Norm's (a seedless tangerine and a naval orange), transplanted 2 cirios and did a few other chores. Worked on replacing Kathy's newspaper ad, including re-doing logo:

Latest newspaper ad

Improved logo

Kathy making tostadas had tortillas balloon while cooking them

On the 21st, a number fires started springing up in SD county and went out of control due to strong Santa Annas. Jef re-did kludge to carport, burying the sloppily made cement ramps in preparation for tiling, but wound up just putting sand there. Washed Mazda. Half cleaned out garage.

Holley grabbed this snake that had wandered into the garage. Jef found it while cleaning

On the 22nd, many communities in the county were being evacuated as fires continued to rage out of control.

On the 23rd, Julian was evacuated. Kathy's friend, Rebecca came to Borrego, and we put her family and another family up in my house for a few days. Holley started helping out at the high school, the evacuation center for Julian refugees.

On the 24th, because Kathy's doctor did not open due to the fires, we went shopping in La Quinta. Lunch at Rubios.

On the 25th, the fires started flickering out. The wind started going back to its normal W to E flow, and Borrego started getting smoke. Iggy escaped and did not want to return to his cage, but was returned. Iggy was determined not to go back, and tried jumping out, just as Jef closed the door. When his head wound up between the door and door jam while it was being slammed, a serious injury occurred. He seemed okay for another month, but started going downhill fast at that time. He hung on for a 2nd month, but this proved to be a fatal injury. Jef washed Ford and Jeep, which had gotten pretty bad.

Iggy perched by a window -- strawberries on his lips -- his last escape before the accident sealed his fate

On the 26th, the smoky haze had set up home in Borrego, and some ash started falling out.

Sun dulled in haze

On the 27th, smoke in the valley hit a maximum, reducing visibility to about 5 miles in the morning, but thinned out during the afternoon. Jef did tennis draw -- difficulties for the mixed doubles were great due to 19 men and 12 women signed up. Drafting 3 other women and having 4 play twice solved the immediate problem.

On the 28th, the smoke was pretty much gone, and the tournament went on. Jef and partner Susan Flores Dow won the first 2 (8-6, 9-8), but lost against the ultimate champions, Tom and Eileen (3-8). Kathy won 2 of her 3 matches that day, as well. She treated one or two ailing players, also. While Holley went to a party, Jef and Kathy attended the potluck, winning an Amarylis on first doorprize drawing. Kathy made a great enchilada casserole. Holley was injured at the party, which got a little out of control.

Tom and Eileen, the champs, gave Jef and Susan their first loss

On the 29th, both Kathy and partner Brian Worthington, and Jef and Susan were eliminated on their first match. They stayed for the finals, as Kathy treated aches and pains of a couple more players. Jef stayed and played a match with Barry against Fred Dow and Borden, losing 7-5, 3-6, 4-6.

On the 30th, Jef set up his mom's pumpkin decoration in front of the house. Then installed a spur in irrigation system in Tubb Canyon to water a manzanita. At end of work day, Jef ran over to Chuck's Auto to pick up Mazda -- finding it still has problems. Then Jef and Kathy saw another nice sunset. Later that night, Holley carved the Halloween pumpkin.

Kathy just outside office

View from Mall looking west

Carving Mr. Pumpkin

Evil Holley!

On the 31st, drove Kathy to doctor in San Diego. We saw about 20 burned down houses on the way in. We had problems with traffic on way back -- roads to Ramona were jammed 5 miles back. When we got there, we found out why -- we saw over 1,000 trick or treaters just on the main drag. After getting home, Kathy helped Holley with her costume -- a Playboy bunny. We were late going trick-or-treating, but after a half hour and 6 houses, Holley connected with her friends, and managed for 20 minutes before being kicked out of the Roadrunner. We got to Christian Center carnival just as it was closing down.

Holley in her bunny costume

Holley's Jack O'Lantern protecting house

Mom's Jack O'Lantern after set-up

Holley with her treats

Holley's tooth fell out this nite!!
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