1Q Jef and Kathy's Activities 2Q 2007 3Q
1Q Apr May Jun 3Q 4Q
Jan Feb Mar Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jun 2007

On the 1st, did some work at Norm's and started making the latest maps.

One of the new irrigation maps

On the 2nd, drove to SD with Holley and Kathy. Dropped Holley off to stay with Stacey, and checked into the La Quinta in Old Town. Met Julie, Logan, Thor at their OB hotel, and went to dinner at Miguel's in Point Loma.

On the 3rd, Kathy and Jef enjoyed their 1st anniversary by walking around the Old Town area, after which, Kathy bought Jef a "Yard of beer" at O'Hungrys. Then they had an awesome dinner at Thee Bungalow in OB - Kathy had the best scallops either had ever tasted, and Jef had a filet mignon. They had an excellent Alexander Valley cab, a 2003 De Lorimier at 46/bottle, and a complimentary dessert.

Bazaar del Mundo

Presideo Park looking towards Seaworld

Jef with a "Yard" of Corona

Kathy taking her turn

Dinner at Thee Bungalow

On the 4th, went out to lunch with Julie, Thor, Logan, after getting Holley's birthday ice cream cake at Baskin Robbins. Jenine met us at Anthony's on the harbor. Jef had to scramble a couple of times to find quarters to feed the parking meters.

Taking pix of Holley

Holley's cake

On the 5th, Jef started protecting deck and staircase at Herrlin residence.

Howling winds, but a nice sunset

On the 6th, after winds blew much of the trash away before it was picked up, Jef drove Kathy to doctor in SD (some aggravation when power was down in building during Kathy's visit) and they did some shopping.

On the 7th, Jef completed filling up dumpster at his house, after working an hour at Betty's Tubb Canyon house. He also started installation of hammock in Kathy's arbor, putting in a small one, temporarily.

Half dead mesquite in Tubb Canyon before...

...after trim

On the 8th, Jef worked at Norm's, installing a new section of irrigation. He found the main pool pump he installed 2 years prior has failed. Back at Kathy's house, he completed installation of a hammock in her arbor. Later that evening, Holley arrived back from a school trip to a water park. Kathy completed yet another grueling day at work.

New irrigation by paloblancos

On the 9th, Jef replaced a GFI by Kathy's spa, washed her red jeep in preparation for showing to a prospective buyer the next day. Kathy cooled cheeseburgers for dinner under the newly regained arbor lighting and tiki lamps. Holley decided to spend the night on the hammock beneath the arbor.

Holley in hammock

On the 10th, Holley woke up in a ball that morning. Kathy and Jef (and sometimes Holley) did a massive amount of yardwork this day. Jef cut deadwood off of citrus trees, cleared mesquite off of arbor roof, and guest house, where it was causing major roof damage by branches scraping it in the wind.

Holley the next morning

Cleared arbor area

Main damage area on guest house roof

Some of edge damage

Roofing scraped off to plywood

Pile of branches after clearing guesthouse roof

On the 11th, Jef started emptying Norm's pool, and ordered a new pump. Later he started spackling a new housing for main irrigation controller, and new planter boxes for Kathy's arbor area. Later that night, did a 3 mile walk, arriving home at midnight.

On the 12th, Jef did some painting and did some work on cleaning Norm's nearly empty pool.

On the 13th, cleaned Norm's sand filter, which was filled with a black muck which had a sulpher smell. Jef then installed the first of 2 or 3 planter boxes in Kathy's arbor area. Holley caught a milk snake in the back yard, but when Stacey declined it, Kathy drove out to Tubb Canyon and released it there.

Sand filter

Cleaning filter

Holley holding snake

Snake seemed hypnotized looking at it's image on computer

On the 14th, installed a 2nd smaller planter box in Kathy's arbor. Removed non-functioning pump from Norm's pool pumphouse, and disassembled to diagnose problem. When leaving, car wouldn't start, so I pushed it to point downhill, and started it by picking up speed going down Norm's driveway. After getting it home, battery was good, but apparently starter may be broken.

Kathy testing arbor lights

Kathy testing arbor lights

Tarantual at Norm's

On the 15th, went to SD to start a major irrigation system at Norm's in La Jolla, using the white Jeep. After fiddling around there a while, got Sid to come out to help. Norm rented a trencher, which his son finally got working be taking it apart and finding where a lynch-pin was missing. He got it going, and Sid started digging trenches while Jef took Jeep to Lowes to get materials. Jef had a problem carrying the 800' of PVC, as it wouldn't fit inside the Jeep. After driving 1 block, some of the piping started falling out, so he pulled over and used the tow cable to prevent this. Unfortuneately, the tow cable fell out within half a mile (and was lost as it wound up on Friars Road -- too dangerous to reclaim, and no time anyway). So Jef pulled over (driving and holding 200' that was about to fall out) on the freeway onramp. Jef re-positioned load to be more stable and decided to "go for it", driving while holding pipe in a, probably, illegal manner with the hatch back wide open and piping marginally stable. It was 10 miles back to Norm's, but made it. As Sid continued digging trenches, Jef started glueing PVC, completing about 100' and 3 dribblers, before heading over to poker, where he wound up 15 that night.

On the 16th, worked all day cleaning up house in preparation for dinner guests Jill and Rusty Gage. They agreed to watch Kathy and Holley's animals while on vacation in August in exchange for Kathy and Holley watching their animals for a week in June. Dinner was filet mignon with all the trimmings.

On the 17th, started job watering at Chidester's.

On the 18th, installed new pump in Norm's pool, finished cleaning it, and started filling.

Bees swarming around pool filler

On the 19th, checked on Norm's pool and started prospecting to re-do an irrigation sub-system watering a few dozen plants.

On the 20th, Norm's pool was full, so started filtering system.

On the 21st, tried to find problem with Norm's swamp cooler not working. Determined that, probably, a duct was disconnected. Fixed Sonja's swamp cooler by replacing pump. Watered at Chidesters, and did periodic maintenance at Herrlin's.

On the 22nd, continued irrigation project in La Jolla, adding about 300' of piping and installing dribblers for 13 more trees, while Sid worked on trenching. Craig and Jef defeated Hank and Sid in a hotly contested tennis match: 7-6, 6-1, 4-6. Lost 2 at poker. Spent night at Sid's.

On the 23rd, after seeing how Spartan Sid's place was.... completed glueing PVC at Norm's. Total piping was over 60 dribblers and 1220'. Tested, but not much pressure. Did some shopping and arrived home at about 10 p.m.

Irrigation at Norm's

On the 24th, left for Julian. Visited 2 wineries and checked into Angels Landing. Walked to dinner at Julian Grille. Holley and Kathy brought Cuddles, setting up his cage in the room.

We stayed at the 'Celestial Suite #2' in this map of the 53 acre Angels Landing Country Inn

Eeeehh... What's up doc?

Feeding animals in rescue shelter

Kathy, Cuddles, Holley

Kathy with Mr. and Mrs. Cuddles

Holley at the dress shop

Kathy and Jef at Julian Grille

Holley with "Bailey", a dog who followed us from restaurant all the way to hotel

Holley and Kathy at Julian Cemetary. Official warned us "no dogs" when stray Bailey followed us in.

Saying hi to BIG horse on walk back to hotel

Cuddle's accomodations at hotel

On the 25th, checked out of hotel around noon, then walked around Julian, having lunch at Margaritas -- good food, ambiance, and hot salsa! Drove back to Borrego. Checked Norm's house, and found pool was clogged with diatomaceous earth, so got it going again.

Holley's bed after spending the night

Kathy and Holley in front of Lilac building

Kathy and Jef in front of their Celestial Suite 2

Holley took this picture of fountain near lobby

Kathy and Holley at Margaritas

On the 26th, did a little work over at Norm's.

On the 27th, did final of 3 waterings at Chidesters. Also checked out Tubb Canyon house: something had nibbled on olive tree again. Noticed screen was coming out, and so will mend next time.

On the 28th, moved to new computer, bringing Kathy's laptop to her work. Later that day, found pool contents down about a third at Norm's, and water gushing out of filter. Determined gasket had failed, so cut filter out of loop to allow pool to fill again.

On the 29th, after replacing filter at Norm's, drove to San Diego to work on irrigation project at Norm's, but was late, and someone had taken over project, anyway. Did some mapping and fixing irrigation craters. Lost at tennis, with partner Craig against Hank and Sid. Think it was 1-6, 4-6. Lost a few at poker.

On the 30th, repaired Kathy's guesthouse roof, Built a large planter box under her trellis, and raked up the front yard: this time of year, hundreds of pounds of mesquite beans inundate the area. Later that night had Gage's over for a real sit-down dinner.

1Q Apr May Jun 3Q 4Q
Jan Feb Mar Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
May 2007

On the 1st, did some work at Norm's. Then did some yardwork at my house, filling some of dumpster with vegetation killed in last frost. Late that afternoon, cut into Kathy's irrigation and moved a dribbler closer to grapefruit and added a new dribbler midway between 2 grapefruit trees and planted a dwarf lemon tree. Also installed a sprinkler nearby and planted grass seed to make a little lawn for Holley to play on. Went over to new neighbors, the Gilloons, who are fixing up Herschel Larrick's former house. Noted the last killer frost had killed their 15' elephant trees to within 2' of ground.

Francis behind cirios

Kathy and Holley in Gilloon driveway

Francis watering plants

Jim with sunset in background

On the 2nd, installed an irrigation spur across driveway at Betty's house in Tubb Canyon to water mesquite on the island. Also installed a cabinet to hold irrigation information and bolted new hose bibb to wall.

On the 3rd, worked over at Norm's. Installed a few dribblers and started protecting PVC by slitting polyethylene tubing and wrapping it around PVC (to protect it from the sun). Kathy fixed porterhouse steaks this night. We bar-b-qued in the front, as wind was too strong in back.

On the 4th, picked up Stacey's fixed computer at Hank's. Went out to lunch with Hank and Frank at Hzu's and had Mongolian Bar-b-que. Shopped until tennis, where Craig and I lost to Sid and Jerry, 6-4, 6-4. Won 12 at poker.

On "Drinko-de-Mayo", we never got out, just worked at home. Kathy raked and Jef went over and sorted thru books. Earmarking a couple hundred pounds for thrift store.

On the 6th, went over to Julia's and got in her pool. Kathy and I got in and played around with the beachball in the 90°F water, while Holley sat around and pouted the water was too cold. Finally after much taunting and threats, taking nearly an hour, Holley reluctantly, and excruciatingly slowly, got in and finally conceded it kind of sort of wasn't too cold. That night we burned some stuff, including a big wicker basket. 15' flames from the burning basket went up into the nearby trees and licked against the house. Cranky Holley was mostly absent, using smoke, heat, or anything else she could think of so as to go in an watch TV.

Holley reluctantly getting in pool

Holley still getting in pool

Holley finally in pool

Wicker basket in flames

Kathy getting near red hot wicker basket after flames subsided

One of the local toads was intrigued by the fire

On the 7th, installed 15 dribblers on Norm's W hillside. Did some trimming at my house.

This cactus sends out "leaves" along with new sticker patches

On the 8th, Jef moved Kathy's rake piles to compost area in back of house. Then completed changes to Norm's W hillside and E hillside irrigation. Continued sorting thru books at my house, did some yardwork.

On the 9th, after doing some housecleaning, had Liz Carr over for dinner (Albondigas - meatball soup). The purpose was for Kathy to cut Liz's dog's hair with her new grooming tool.

On the 10th, protected about 100' of exposed PVC piping at Norm's by slitting some old polyethylene (black) piping and over-wrapping it onto other piping.

On the 11th, drove to SD, did some spackling and caulking for Gerry and Brenda in del Mar. Split at tennis with partner Craig against HH and Gerry, 4-6, 7-6. Won 11 at poker.

On the 12th, cleaned up the back yard with Kathy. Then set up a tent and Holley had some (4 or 5) friends over for a sleepover. We had Calico deliver pizza for dinner. Stacey showed up late that night.

Area of yard never before cleaned due to old swamp cooler being there

Holley with friends

Sleepover (6 man) tent

On the 13th, did some trimming in front. Kathy was treated to a nice lunch at the Arches. After visiting Julia's pool, Stacey headed back to SD.

On the 14th, calibrated 2 hillside lines at Norm's.

On the 15th, started disassembling desk/bed at my house. Started periodic maintenance at Herrlin's and in Tubb Canyon, where I placed irrigation information, including a map.

Was proud of this game score at time

Placed irrigation info

Tubb Canyon map

On the 17th, installed 3 grab bars in bathtub area of one of Kathy's patients.

2 grab bars installed into plastic siding

On the 18th, installed window rollers on gate at Norm's in La Jolla, and looked at how to install new irrigation system there. After shopping, won at tennis with partner Craig against Hank and Gerry: 7-5, 4-7, 3-2 (after 2-2 tiebreaker 10-8). Great match! Won 12 at poker before leaving early after a frantic call from Kathy regarding Holley not coming home from school. Turns out she had gone to the Girls and Boys Club.

Installed roller

On the 19th, cleaned up garage and around house. Then had Sandy and Norm over for steak and chicken dinner.

On the 20th, had a picnic with Kathy and Holley at the circle. Holley brought Desi.

Holley and Desi at Circle

Kathy and Holley

Kathy egging local boys to more death-defying heights

Holley getting into act

On the 21st, disassembled my "desk-bed" and stored pieces in the shed. Also did some landscaping and filled dumpster about 2/3 full.

Bed-desk in pieces in shed

Kathy/Holley guinea pig, Cuddles

On the 22nd, started preparation for future planting of new citrus at Norm's and the protective structure. Later that night, attended the "all school" music concert, where Holley was first-chair saxaphonist in beginning band. Ms. Perrin recently announced her retirement as music teacher. A very good concert, and the high school jazz band was excellent.

Best Spider game up to this point

Holley playing sax, 2nd row center

On the 23rd, helped Kathy pack for camping trip. Then planted a "pink lemonade" tree, and protected it with a triangular screen enclosure. Later that night, hiked about 4 miles around neighborhood with Kathy and Holley (on her bike).

Pink lemonade tree

Holley by this interesting flower-shaped light near end of our walk

On the 24th, enhanced irrigation at Norm's.

Hummingbirds around Norm's feeder

On the 25th, packed up and left for camping trip at Imperial Spa near Niland. We got our usual spot, and set up the 6 man tent. Jef started reading The Dosadi Experiment, and would finish it by the end of the holiday weekend. Dinner this night was hamburgers.

Checking in at office

After setting up tent

Holley awaiting dinner

On the 26th, ventured to the pool area for a good part of the day. The area was pretty rowdy due to a family reunion from Victorville. Holley made a couple new friends. Had a steak dinner at the campsite, after watching a nice sunset. Biting horseflies plagued everybody on this weekend, and kathy got bit good.

Holley and Kathy by our shady area at cool pool

Warm pool


Holley by saturday fire (mostly burning trash)

On the 27th, Holley discovered a few roaches in the tent, and after we killed them, we closed the possible entryway. Part of the problem was locating the tent in a low (sometimes swampy -- but not this time) area rught up against a bushy date palm, so as to get no sun until 10 a.m. Again a trip to the rowdy pool, but this day we spent more time in the quiet hot pool. Late in the afternoon, after eating a nice dinner at the "Leaping Lizard" (Jef had a great Reuben and watermelon shake), Kathy and Jef went exploring and found a great palm oasis that Kathy had discovered a few years earlier. Holley was out partying with her friends, but finally made it back to roast marshmallows over a fire we made from some local debris.

One of several palm oases in area -- note low sun and moon over grove

Kathy had never seen blue fish like these in the wild

The first pool we found at the oasis complex

The sun was getting low

We found this larger pool in a nearby palm grove

Kathy roasting a marshmallow

On the 28th, we packed up, then after one final visit to the now quiet pool areas, we got shakes at the Leaping Lizard, and headed for Brawley. We had lunch at Christines there, and got a few supplies. We made it home and unpacked.

Altho hazy all weekend, it was clear enough on Sunday morning to see the Salton Sea from our campsite

On the 29th, 30th, 31st, did some work at Norm's, my house, and Kathy's house. Hiked 2.5 miles on the 31st, after dropping off Kathy's lemon Ford at Chuck's. Hiked about same on night of 30th.

1Q Apr May Jun 3Q 4Q
Jan Feb Mar Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Apr 2007

On the 1st, at about 1 a.m., Jef and Kathy returned Stacey to hotel room after going to night club in Palm Springs, Zeldaz. Everyone crashed at that point. After waking up in the morning the family played in the small pool and jacuzzi before heading out for the breakfast that was included with the hotel room. After checking out, we all played in the pool for another couple of hours before heading back to Borrego. Stacey headed back to San Diego shortly after returning to Borrego.

Kathy and Jef returning to hotel room with their matching tie-dye outfits

Playing with beachball in pool

On the 2nd, installed 1st half of new irrigation at Rich's. Started address post for Dawn.

On the 3rd, installed 2nd half of new irrigation at Rich's. Completed address post and installed at Dawn's house.

Sign at Dawn's

On the 4th, installed doorbell at Dawn's. Completed irrigation extension at Rich's. Re-did valve area for irrigation installed at Betty's Tubb Canyon house.

Re-did irrigation

On the 5th, re-did some irrigation at Norm's. Stabilized irrigation at Betty's.

Stabilized irrigation

On the 6th, after shopping, won at tennis: 2-6, 6-3, 7-6. Hank played in first set with Jerry, but was replaced by Sid in last 2 sets. Lost 15 at poker.

On the 7th, Stacey came out for the weekend. Jim, Grace and Jim's mother, Isabel, came for Easter dinner. We had turkey with all the trimmings. Decorated eggs after dinner.

Holley holding Stacey's egg

Some of eggs

On the 8th, the "Hare Club for Men" hid various Easter eggs, and Holley found them all. Jef printed up tennis newsletter and fixed up various websites.

Holley and Stacey fooling around

Holley made this easter present for Kathy

On the 9th, prepared 4 dribblers for planting at Norm's.

Garambulo flower at Norm's

On the 10th, planted 4 cacti along Norm's driveway. Built a screen enclosure around a recently planted thornless Mexican lime at Norm's.

Screened-in citrus

Holley screwing around in a "Gypsy hole"

Marley pays a visit

On the 11th, armored Norm's garage valves with bricks to prevent rodents from chewing up wiring. Stacey's replacement boot disk arrived from Dell, but was shattered in shipment.

Broken Dell DVD

A sandstorm passed thru Borrego this day

Sand heading toward school

Ribbon of sand just before it struck photographer

Jef replaced a tire this day at Ed Perry Tire

On the 12th, planted 5 cacti and 1 cirio in Norm's front yard, burying lots of piping at same time.

Planted cirio at Norm's

2 pitayas and cirio at Norm's

Wind was not yet done from prior day - this is just after sand blew by PO in terrific gust

On Friday the 13th, packed and drove to cannon party near Mojave. Just past Randsburg, Jef remembered he had forgot the tent. At cannon party, however, several people brought extra tents. We borrowed a 4 man pop-up tent from Mara.


On the 14th, drove on adventure with McD, Tom C, and Mark over Rand Mountain and over to Cal City where we got supplies and gas. Shot mom's ashes from Paco's old cannon barrel - one that mom may have fired when she visited cannon party in 2000. She steered cannon ball just to left of target. Kathy cooked steaks that night and we saw some nice fireworks. Paco sang up a storm.

At crest, Rand Mtn

On the 15th, it rained on us for about 20 minutes, before Kathy was done sleeping. We packed up and drove back to Borrego, stopping for lunch in Lucerne Valley and shopping in Yucca Valley.

Altho sun shown in morning,
we got a deluge a bit later
Jef had taken rainfly off
after this pic

On the 16th, did some work at Norm's.

On the 17th, re-did wiring and armoring of Norm's garage valves.

After digging up around garage valves

After protecting valves (and new wiring) with bricks

On the 18th, while picking up Jeep at Gary's, Kathy found big turtle in road -- she scooped it up and Jef put flyer at Center Market. After working at Norm's, attended a retirement party for Kathy's former colleague, Lorry. We had a nice dinner, and brought all party balloons back for Holley.

Kathy almost ran this turtle over right here

Jef saw this huge dustdevil from 2 miles away - winds were still common after April 11 duststorm

Jef planted this 100 pound barrel at Norm's

Kathy at end of Lorry's retirement party with Lorry

Kathy and Holley

On the 19th, re-did some irrigation on steep hillside at Norm's.

On the 20th, heard there was no interest on a hike, and day was looking like rain was coming. That night, did the draw for a ladder tournament with Gary at the tennis club.

Gypsy snuck in and slept in bed this morning

On the 21st, competed in the ladder tournament, winning 3 of 5 mini-sets and 20 of 35 games with 5 partners. Qualified for semifinals next day. Attended tennis club banquet with Kathy and Holley that night. We had steak, salmon, and trimmings.

On the 22nd, won semi-finals with partner Fred Dow against David Figg and Ken Shallahamer, 8-6. Then won finals against Gary Edwards and Curt Hawkins in a tie-breaker.

Winners Fred and Jef

On the 23rd, did some PVC modification at Norm's.

On the 24th, worked at my house, replacing a 20' section of PVC, Armoring and installing 2 valve covers. Used recycled tile and cementboard to prevent gophers from getting in.

On the 25th, took Kathy to doctor in San Diego and did a number of errands. Had lunch with Hank at Phos.

On the 26th, built the control housing for Tubb Canyon project. Installed a section of PVC at Norm's. Replaced swamp cooler pads on Kathy's back-up evaporative cooler. Also adjusted float so as not overflow.

On the 27th, went to San Diego, had minor tweaking by dentist on new filling. Dropped off a couple of boxes and bags of quilting / knitting stuff that belonged to mom. Gave them to Linda Fox, who volunteered to share the materials with her quilting and craft group. Mom had called Linda a few days before her death to find a good fabric store in the area. Then saw movie, 300, which was really good. Won at tennis with partner Craig against Hank and Sid in tie-breaker, and then against Hank and Jerry, 7-5. Won 15 at poker.

On the 28th, met Herrlins, who wanted me to take care of their house over summer. This turned out to be a hot day for April, with the mercury reaching 105°F! We got both swamp coolers going. Later that evening went to American Legion pig roast.

Holley and Kathy at pig roast

On the 29th, did some heavy-duty trimming in Kathy's backyard. Most especially trimmed mostly dead bougainvillea. Holley commented that she could again see out of her back window! Kathy used her new trimmer to trim Marley.

Marley after trim

On the 30th, did some work at Norm's.

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Jan Feb Mar Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
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