Rockhouse Canyon / Dawn Peak Hike, March 1, 2008
Jef, Steve F, Fred

Gravel pit at edge of Clark Lake in in full swing

This area just up-wash from Clark Lake was filled with Brown-eyed Primrose

Steve and Fred in field of flowers

More wildflowers

Poppy field

Jeep on road to Hidden Springs with Dawn Peak in distance

Hiking up the tributary (causing a 1 hour detour later)
This was about 5 miles into hike

Fred and Steve starting up ridge
about 7.5 miles into hike

High point of Jef's hike, elev. 5070'
7.8 miles

Looking WSW to San Ysidros

After dropping down to base of final ascent, Jef left a note at Steve and Fred's caching point (big rock at bottom), and took off down wash

Pictograph rock is one with overhang pictured here

First stopped to check out nearby "Borrego Backcountry Linked Geocache"

Pictograph Rock in fading light


Jef by pictographs

Dawn Peak still in sun

Dawn Peak hike

Yucca sending up flower near pictograph with sunset in background

Finishing up swapping in spare tire

After getting back to Jeeps, met Fred and Steve there (at 7:45 - in full dark). Jef did about 15 miles, 3600' elevation gain/loss. Steve and Fred did an extra mile and 1500' extra elevation gain/loss. Jef was in the lead Jeep when hitting the right front tire hard against a large boulder while avoiding another. He noticed something was very wrong, but kept on going, trying to get past the 2-3 miles of really nasty terraine. Made it, but then heard "thump, thump, thump". Turned out the tire was completely trashed, off the rim, and wrapped around the axle. Steve and Fred stopped and helped him replace the wheel with a spare.