Palm Canyon Hike
Kathy and Jef, May 25, 2008

Starting out on hike - note palm logs scattered around

Other hikers found some bighorn

Kathy observing bighorns

Kathy noticed this bighorn had cut into this barrel cactus with his horn, and proceded to eat it!!!

Kathy with 3 of 4 bighorns in this group behind her

This is a "Sweat house" we found along the trail -- believed by some to be used by indians

Kathy and Jef by waterfall in midst of 1st grove -- normal turn-around point of most hikers. The pictures at right show Kathy getting something from her pack just above 1st grove

Double waterfall just before a level stretch of the creek (at left). They had lunch shortly after this.

Above and to right is a waterfall near start of 2nd grove.

Getting into 2nd grove

By this slanted wall of reddish rock (see Kathy at left) is a nice waterfall with maidenhair ferns and a couple of stumps of washed out palms.

Note the invasive grass that we found taking over the canyon bottom!

Another flat area of canyon

In this stretch, the creek is about 20' wide!

And just beyond is the start of 3rd grove

At left is campsite, where Kathy chose to add or remove clothes -- something she did several times on this hike.

In the middle of 3rd grove Kathy found a nice reclining seat to make herself comfortable

At this point we are on our way back. We noticed this deep pool (3' or more) with these plants completely submerged, but doing well

Watercress flowers

While Kathy took a break, Jef took some flower pix

Nice light

Note Kathy passing the flat area at top end of 2nd grove

Kathy thinks this is more like somewhere in Arizona, with the red rock

Here's the waterfall we took pix of on way up with maidenhair ferns

Kathy negotiated this obstacle on her own, walking across this log

Nice light

Note burned out palm tree in 2nd grove (at right) -- this was from one of several fires in the early 2000s.

Kathy tasted the fruit of this nightshade, and sure enough, it tasted exactly like tomato

Kathy negotiating a boulder obstacle

This algael community looks like "The Blob"

Arriving at 1st grove in the late afternoon

Total time was about 5 hours, distance about 6 miles, elevation gain/loss about 1000'.