3Q Jef and Kathy's Activities 4Q 2009 1Q'10
Dec 2009

On the 1st, went back to work after 5 day weekend.

On the 2nd, another day at the office.

On the 3rd, Jef finished prepping for 2 paint jobs. Another long day at the office.

On the 4th, Jef painted hallway outside bedroom and wall in which first replaced window resided in new guest room. That afternoon at office, Kathy felt sick and so cancelled last 2 patients. Jef did tennis draw, combining all players in same bracket.

Moonrise over tennis center

On the 5th, Jef injured his hamstring on last point of first match. Partner Ed got Fred D. as replacement and won once before being eliminated. Skipped potluck that night.

On the 6th, Jef attended finals and won the $50 drawing! Then immediately went to store and TP party at Rickards, which featured the gift exchange.

Isabel, Jim and Grace
Jim in his thrift store best
and Grace in her Xmas outfit

On the 7th, rain started falling, Borrego got about 1" this day. At the end of work, enormous winds came up and made Kathy's 45 minute hike difficult. Around midnight, the power on Weststar went out, and stayed off for about 15 hours!

On the 8th, we woke up to the after-effects of the storm: we had burned oil lamps containing tiki-fuel, and found that soot covered everything around our room, and so, a BIG MISTAKE! Holley was lost without electricity to run the many hair manipulating machines she used everyday. Much wind damage was noted. One lattice panel came off Kathy's veranda. At the Mall, many tree branches had broken off, and some trees were blown over. A moderately light day at work, however.

One mesquite tree is down at left, and paloverde lost a big branch

This big potted tree block access to BPT

On the 9th, another day at office.

On the 10th, picked up Mazda at Tito's, but it still stalled trying to leave, so Tito checked out a few things for about 20 minutes, just settling on a minor adjustment to timing. After returning home from office, did first hike since hamstring injury on 5th, going about 3 miles in 45 minutes with Kathy, Tiki, Gypsy.

On the 11th, a light day at the office, so took off early to go to SD to buy Xmas tree and other stuff. No tennis or poker. It drizzled most of the trip.

On the 12th, Stacey came to visit. Did some trimming in backyard, gathered 3 bags of kindling an dome firewood. We had a fire on this cloudy drizzly day. Later that evening, we decorated the Xmas tree. We had pizza delivered for dinner.

Decorating tree

The decorators

On the 13th, cut firewood (about 200#). Later that day, hiked Borrego Spur loop with Kathy, Gypsy and Tiki: 4 5/8 miles, 1.75 hours, 600' up/down. Scanned some more pix this day.

On the 14th, back to work at the office.

On the 15th, another day at the office. Drove Holley to xmas concert, but didn't attend, as Kathy worked late that night.

On the 16th, drove Kathy to SD to see doctor and get an MRI. We got Greek Chicken and did some shopping on way back.

On the 17th, Jef heard dogs barking in backyard and eventually went out to investigate: dogs were below Olive Tree and barking up. As I looked up, a wildcat jumped down (about 10') with a thud, and in a few seconds had jumped over 6' wall, and up mesquite tree outside wall. I got a picture of cat in mesquite on way out door. After 4 pix (last 2 were bad ones), before I could snap a 5th picture, wildcat was 100 yards away. Then another day at office. Kathy strung more xmas lights there.

30# wildcat in mesquite

Kathy decked Tiki in holiday fashion

On the 18th, worked at office until driving Holley in to SD. Did some shopping, went to Craig's and split 4 sets at pickle ball with Craig as my partner against Tim and Sid. Stacey picked up Holley there. Then won 24 at poker.

On the 19th, took it easy.

On the 20th, did 5.2 mile hike with Kathy, Tiki, and Gypsy, going up a new ridge. Loop hike went up/down about 800'.

On the 21st, drove to SD, picked up Holley and we went to dentist, where I got more bad news (need new crown and filling). Did some xmas shopping with Holley in OB, dropped off something for Kathy to be worked on by jeweler.

Jef shopping in OB - photos by Holley

On the 22nd, a gruelling day at office, catching up on work missed prior 2 work days.

On the 23rd, another day at the office. More preparation for upcoming holiday weekend.

On the 24th, worked at office and then came home to do some more preparation -- readying some more xmas lights in front of house. Stacey, Oscar and Marley showed up to spend a few days.

On the 25th, after sleeping late, we started opening gifts. Just before finishing, Steve F called that he needed a jump at a trailhead for Indianhead Peak. Got him going and invited him and his hiking friend, Fred, over for breakfast. This threw off Kathy's plans, as she needlessly cooked a larger brunch than she would have, so she missed trip to Glorietta to meet Rickards to see new statue there. Jef, Fred and Steve went there. While taking pictures of statue, Jef lost balance and fell off cliff, landing on his feet. After short walk and hearing Jim and Grace tell story of Pablo and his best-selling books, one of which mention installing a statue in Glorietta Canyon, stopped by and took a few pix of new statues. After getting home, Steve F and Fred took off for SD. Jef cut some wood. That night we had Shirley V over, and the 6 of us had a nice Christmas feast. Jef started having pain in his R ankle and retired early.

New statue in Glorietta Canyon

Steve's new friend

Ride 'em dino!

Look what I got...

..Oops, shouldn't have done that!!!

Steve with tiger by the tail

Fred with friend

On the 26th, slept late. Jef was still crippled, and couldn't hobble far, due to his right ankle injury. Oscar, Stacey, Holley went with Anahi and had a bonfire out in the desert this night.

On the 27th, Jef cut more firewood. Oscar, Stacey, and Marley left for SD. Jef was able to hike over a mile, as his ankle injury was almost gone.

On the 28th, back to work at the office.

On the 29th, after another day at the office, walked about 2 miles around our circle with Holley, Gypsy, Tiki, and Kathy. Kathy pushed our pace to about 4mph. Tried out new camera (Olympus) on our holiday lights.

Our statue in front yard under moonlight

Front of house

On the 30th, another day at the office. Weather threatened this day and temperatures cooled. Rain was observed in the mountains.

On the 31st, another day at office, doing end of year billing. That evening, stopped over at Shirley V's, and viewed Chilean NY fireworks (at 7pm) with Rickards. Then Kathy and Jef drove to Dawn's and did a little celebrating til after 10:30pm. Then dropped by actual NYE party at 10:45, but it was already over, so drove home and stayed up for New York NY fireworks.

At Shirley's

Chilean New Year and Bicentennial fireworks live

Nov 2009
On the 1st, Kathy cleaned the house, and Jef started on grout in tile behind new room, doing about 1/3 of grouting. Went on 4 mile hike that evening. Kathy took Gypsy, Jef took Tiki. Kathy's back was killing her this day, so she left message to arrange for ASAP appointment with doctor.

On the 2nd, Jef did more grouting. Kathy obtained appointment for next day to get another epidural, then back to work for a long day.

On the 3rd, Jef completed grouting, then drove to SD, where Kathy got her shot, drove back home to catch Holley's last volleyball game. Holley's team barely won in 3rd set: 25-22, 21-25, 17-15.

Ready position

Preparing to set ball coming in top left

About to bump

Prepping for another bump

About to spike (ball is in front of Ram's head, top left)


Readying for receiving ball

On the 4th, Jef detailed about half of grout job, before doing a half day at the office. Great sunset this evening.

Cool sunset this evening

Rabbit Peak

On the 5th, completed detail of grout, before a full day at the office.

Completed tile job

Saw this salamander while leaving work this day

On the 6th, after work, drove to SD, did some shopping, lost at tennis, 1-6, 6-4, 6-7 (6-8) with Sid against Gerry and Hank. Then lost 11 at poker.

On the 7th, started cooking platform tile project and brick-cover tile project. Did 5 mile hike with Kathy, Gypsy and Tiki to water tower.

Kathy says this flower of hers seldom blooms

On the 8th, continued on tile projects. Went to TP at Ginny's alone, as Kathy's back was ailing. Brought guacamole and chips.

3 tables outside

1 table inside

On the 9th, worked on tile, and then a very long day at work.

On the 10th, more tile work, and then drove Kathy to get her 2nd of 3 epidurals in SD. We had awesome burgers (and I also had a great taco, as it was "Taco Tuesday") at Cheers in Ramona. We were stopped going down Montezuma grade, as they were filming what appeared to be a car commercial:

On the 11th, Completed cutting tile for brick-top project, and then did a half day at work.

On the 12th, used up the rest of the mortar on the 2 tile projects. Then off to the office.

"Brick top cover project" using leftover tile scraps: Note one tile was scribbled on by dad for "Johnson Pentastar project"

BBQ top project. New top has side completed (leaning against BBQ tower), Note new bricks (between mortar tub and new top) and tile inside old top, including supports for new (removable) top.

On the 13th, after work drove to SD, shopped, lost 5 straight sets at pickleball -- not seeing too well at night. Lost 12 at poker.

On the 14th, completed mortaring tile on brick top project and did border on new BBQ top project. Did a little catch-up work at office and went on 4 mile fast hike with Kathy that evening.

On the 15th, did a 3 mile hike with Kathy, but mostly took it easy this day.

On the 16th, drove Kathy to SD for her 3rd in the series of epidurals. Had lunch at Kai's Sushi in Poway -- excellent and inexpensive. Did Thanksgiving shopping, including a 22# turkey.

On the 17th, hit for about an hour at the Borrego Ranch, with Mike, the tennis pro, who was getting ready for a USTA senior (40s) match in La Jolla at the end of the month. Did some catch-up work at office.

On the 18th, cut some tiles for BBQ top. Went to office for half a day of work.

On the 19th, completed cutting tiles for BBQ top, and glued all tiles into top. Went to office.

On the 20th, started clean-up of backyard. Did a half day at office, before driving to SD for shopping, and won 2 at poker.

On the 21st, hit with Mike for about an hour at Borrego Ranch. Went to Medical Center for follow-up for Jef and Holley. Grouted brick-top along house and new tile on brick bar-b-que platform.

Completed brick-top project

Completed bar-b-que project. Note that new table top is removeable

Supposed to be Jef and Kathy on mountaintop at sunset

On the 22nd, hiked about 4.5 miles with Kathy up to Tubb Canyon Berm with Tiki and Gypsy. Mostly took it easy this day, but did a lot of cleaning-up in prep of Thanksgiving visitors.

On the 23rd, Holley went with friends to shop and see a movie in town. Jef and Kathy had a light day at office.

On the 24th, no office patients. Went to med center and got Holley's x-ray results. Jef's hemoglobin was down to 12.9. Later that evening, Stacey, Alicia, and Marley arrived to spend the night.

On the 25th, another moderately busy day at the office.

On the 26th, brought out 22.5 pound turkey from fridge. Noticed a damaged area, and Jef sewed it up. Prepared the dressing, stuffed the bird, and covered it with bacon. Jef did major landscaping in backyard, and after cooking all day, we had 7 for dinner: Jef, Kathy, Holley, Stacey, Alicia, Dawn and Shirley V. Dawn brought a huge styrofoam box filled with ice and Champagne.

Sewing job on turkey

Completed stuffing

Turkey ready to cook (7 hours)

Waking up Stacey

Thanksgiving feast

On the 27th, Stacey, Alicia, and Marley left early with some leftovers.

On the 28th, Kathy drove Shirley V to Algodones, where they got some meds and spent the night in Yuma at a motel.

on the 29th, Kathy drove Shirley V to Casa Grande where they shopped and spent the night with Shirley's relatives. Jef cleaned up the garage for the first time in over a year.

On the 30th, Kathy went with Shirley to her doctor and then they drove back to Borrego.

Oct 2009
On the 1st, after cutting tile for the table, worked at the office.

On the 2nd, drove to SD, did some shopping, won 2 out of 3 pickleball games with partner Craig against Tim and Ken. Lost 18 at poker.

Craig's new lawn by his pool

Craig's new lawn

View from pickleball area

After play was done

Nice sunset

On the 3rd, installed 2 grab bars at the air ranch, put edge board on swamp cooler cover, glued on outside tiles on top of table. Later that night, Stacey made a nice dinner to celebrate Kathy's upcoming birthday. Jef got Kathy a pepper plant and card for b'day.

On the 4th, helped Dawn with a temporary dog run. After Stacey drove back to SD, we went over and visited Dawn so Kathy could see her new dog, Andy. Then we went over to Gage's to watch Chargers lose to Steelers and have pizza and see their new Xolo dog, Cooper. Kathy got a Spanish lavender plant for her birthday from Jill.

Kathy holding Coop

On the 5th, spackled door frame to Holley's old room, touched up spackle job by new window. Went to work for another long day. Went on 4+ mile walk with Kathy that evening.

On the 6th, put on primer coat on door frame, swamp cooler cover. Then off to the office for another long day at work.

On the 7th, cut most of the rest of the next to last layer of table top tile. Went to work, despite a normal day off, as we had to see 3 patients this day. Updated this website.

On the 8th, another long day at the office.

On the 9th, after work, drove to SD, did some shopping, then lost 4 at poker.

On the 10th, left for SD with Kathy, Gypsy and Tiki. Gypsy hurled twice on the trip. After arriving at Stacey's, Kathy and the girls went shopping, bringing home a new camping bed, which we used that night. Stacey cooked up a nice dinner for us, and then we caravaned to pick up a couple and after getting lost and driving around in circles, found them. We went to Balboa Park and got in line to the Haunted Trail, where we spent 1 hour in line, being surprised by zombies and werewolves, watching a horror movie, and seeing other scary stuff. Then we walked the trail in 20 minutes, being surprised by ghosts, werewolves, and other scary characters along the way.

Oscar and friend before leaving for Haunted Trail

Movie screen was visible during most of our wait in line

Stacey and Holley, just after the werewolf jumped up and surprised them

Kathy and her zombie friend

On the 11th, spent much of the day watching football at Stacey's and had a nice breakfast from the Hash House in Hillcrest. Then packed up and returned to Borrego with Holley and Tiki.

girls talking in kitchen

On the 12th, work on tiling table and then off to a long day at the office.

On the 13th, worked on tiling table, getting close to finishing. Then a worked at office. That night, walked 4+ miles with Kathy on lower reaches of Country Club area.

Kathy pointed out this great sunset this evening

On the 14th, completed tiling top of table, and then applied grout. After work, put 1st coat of varnish on table legs. Then the usual 4+ mile loop walk around the neighborhood.

On the 15th, after putting on 2nd coat of varnish on table, a long day at work.

Finished tile before grouting

Finished table top after grouting

After 1st coat of varnish on legs

On the 16th, packed up and drove to Mojave cannon party, but wound up simulating Apollo 13 by breaking down, and barely making it home without reaching the cannon party: Gassed up in Kramer Junction at the Pilot, but with someone waiting, pulled out and parked Jeep. Jeep failed to start for the rest of the weekend. After 2.5 hours of waiting, we got a tow by AAA to Barstow, where we checked into the fleabag Plaza Motel.

Waiting for tow at Pilot station

Modifying bed at fleabag motel

On the 17th, got diagnosis from Barstow Tire and Brake that problem was broken fuel pump. Called AAA and got tow, but only to Barstow Towing, as driver was only one in area, and couldn't take us to Palm Springs at that time. We camped in the CHP impound lot for about 5 more hours. Then we got a tow to Tony's Automotive Service in Palm Springs, where we transferred camping gear to Maxima (that Stacey brought to pick us up). We got Popeye's chicken and drove back to Borrego.

Kathy and Tiki at Barstow Tire and Brake about to be towed to Barstow Towing

Our campsite at Barstow Towing

inside CHP impound lot

Had to stop and help change wheel on this Maxima on I-15 on tow to Palm Springs

On the 18th, took it easy at home.

On the 19th, a busy day at the office.

Holley found this scorpion in her old room this morning

On the 20th, before going to office, Jef used up the rest of the mortar and extended the broken stair on side of house.

Mortared step

On the 21st, drove to SD with Kathy, doing some shopping and then both of us went to different doctors. Afterwards, we stopped in Ramona for dinner at Rubios and did a little more shopping before returning home.

On the 22nd, marked tiles to be cut to fill in step extension, and then off to the office.

On the 23rd, after work, did the draw for the tennis club.

On the 24th, stopped by parade area to see Laughlins, Rickards, Holley, and Kathy in line to get in the parade. Saw about 10 minutes of the parade before going to tennis tournament. With partner Ursula, won 3 straight matches to reach the finals the following day. Went cruising around town with Hank, meeting Kathy, Stacey and Holley at the Circle. Had a taco with Hank at Jilbertos. Later that night, Stacey, Holley, Kathy and I met Anahi for dinner at the Krazy Koyote.

Laughlins, Rickards in ABNHA parade entry

First plane signifying start of parade

Waiting to start parade

Tish and local cheerleaders

Tish and Holley

Kathy and Gypsy

"DDD" banner

Early in the parade

Stacey watching parade

Ram cheerleaders

Start of parade


at the Krazy Koyote


Ghostly figures under the pool

Palms at Indianhead lobby

On the 25th, barely won finals with partner Ursula against Sheldon and Penny. Went on a 5 mile hike with Kathy and Gypsy up to Borrego Spur that evening.

Winners of upper division tournament!

Gypsy and Kathy with Mall in background

On the 26th, back to work at office, after doing touch-up painting in new guest room. Kathy and Jef hiked up to the top of the Spur after work, leaving just before sunset and arriving back in the moonlight -- perfect hiking conditions!

On the 27th, cut tiles for front step, and then off to the office.

Unusual clouds this evening

Gopher snake patient found on steps when leaving this evening

On the 28th, installed tiles in front step after tweeking one of the cuts. Then did a short day at work. Temperatures never reached 70°F this day, as a cold spell hit the valley. After work, hiked to top of nearby hill with Kathy, Gypsy, and an aged Desi -- not a mountain climbing dog -- about 4 miles.

Kathy freezing on top of hill with Gypsy and Desi -- Desi was somewhat lame long after this mountain climbing expedition

Hurrying down soon after

On the 29th, grouted new step in front of house, before doing a long day at work.

Finished step

On the 30th, after working at office, drove to SD, did some shopping, split at tennis with partner Sid against Hank and Gerry: 5-7, 6-4. Lost 15 at poker. Wore my "Instant Pirate: Just add rum" T-shirt.

The poker pirate

Cannon shooting

Pirate fighting

On the 31st, took it easy. No trick-or-treaters. Took Holley to dance, where she dressed up as a fairy.

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