4Q 2008 Jef and Kathy's Activities 1Q 2009 2Q 2009

4Q 2008 Jan Feb Mar 2Q 3Q
Oct Nov Dec Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Mar 2009

On the 1st, had a great breakfast. Went on a walk with Elsa before saying goodbye to Leny, and driving back to Borrego.

Leny and Elsa by flowers Jef brought

Elsa and dad planting one of flowers outside

2nd outdoor intercom installed prior day

Just before Jef left this day

On the 2nd, back to work for another gruelling day.

On the 3rd, another grueling day at work, got pix for this site processed.

On the 4th, Jef updated this website, as a virus brought down home computer.

On the 5th, Jef drove a loop just after sunrise and took pictures of wildflowers and statues.

Note Kathy's green "lawn"

Wildflowers near Pegleg

Rounding the curve on Henderson Canyon Road

New sculptures of Padre Font

These 2 pix demonstrate the size of the
Giant Ground Sloth sculptures

Note small verbena at base of this camel

On the 6th, drove up to L.A. with Kathy and Holley. We stopped in Cabazon for a late dinner, and arrived at dad's at 11pm.

Dinosaur at Burger King at Cabazon -- a windy night!

On the 7th, dad's neighbor dropped by and did a 2nd interview with terracing techniques for his terracing project. The neighbor was the inheritor of the house, whose owner sold dad and Ruth their property in L.A. After a shopping expedition, Jef removed dad and Leny's old oven and installed shelves, as part of Kathy's master plan to reorganize the back room.

1 of 2 filming locations

Moving to 2nd location

2nd location

View looking down on 2nd location

Looking to top of property

On the 8th, said goodbye to Leny and "hello and goodbye" to Julie and Thor, who arrived as we left. We drove back to Borrego, and had Jilberto's takeout for dinner.

On the 9th, back to work for another long day at BPT. Sent out tax package to CPA.

On the 10th, drove Kathy to SD to get an epidural. After that we had lunch with Stacey at Shogun's. Then we got the car washed and ordered another batch of tiles for back yard. Drove back to Borrego.

On the 11th, Kathy took it easy at home. Jef took some pix of desert dandelion fields near Kathy's house and did some weeding at his house.

Desert Dandelion field looking north

Desert Dandelion field looking south toward where BS Rd. crosses sand dune

Prickly pear flower

On the 12th, back to work for another long day at BPT.

On the 13th, went to tennis club to set up the draw.

On the 14th, participated in the mixed doubles tournament with partner Jan. Lost 8-6 to Sheldon and Joanne, and then 8-3 to Al L. and Roz.

On the 15th, attended finals to get newsletter info. Then made devilled eggs and went to TP party in Glorietta Canyon.

Borrego Sink and Fonts Point from Glorietta Canyon

TP party area

Camp circle

Sun go down

getting darker

and darker

..dark enuff to see the stars

Big Dipper that night -- note double star in handle kink

On the 16th, back to work.

On the 17th, took Kathy to SD for 2nd epidural. Afterwards, met Stacey at Hoolies for a St. Patty's Day lunch. While there, Cap'n Jack Sparrow dropped by, and when he heard of Kathy's getting a shot in the back, he pulled out his flintlock and promised to avenge her being shot in the back by this "Captain Epidural". Also he gave us all green necklasses. Then did some shopping and rushed back to Borrego.

Jef and Kathy at Hoolie's

Stacey at Hoolie's

On the 18th, Kathy took it easy, Jef did a little work, including installing trim on windows in room addition. Later that night, Oscar and Stacey dropped by with Oscar's ribs. We had a great dinner that night.

Took pic of desert dandelions near house near sunset that evening

Ocotillo Heights

Desert Lily

kathy and Stacey trimming Marley

On the 19th, Stacey grabbed Gypsy and Marley and drove Holley to school on way back to SD. Jef and Kathy went back to work, but Jef attended Sandi's clinic, and probably got sunburned -- no suntan lotion. Temperatures reached the 90s. The printer died at work, so Jef ordered an emergency replacement.

Loading up car

"Dogs in a box"
Oh, by the way, Stacey... Gypsy gets carsick

On the 20th, dad called to say Leny had passed away, so Jef got Sheldon to take his place in the tournament.

On the 21st, mostly took it easy. Jef started a TRIBUTE PAGE to LENY.

On the 22nd, Jef drove to LA, hitting some rain on the way. He spent the day helping sort thru some of Leny's things, and scanning in a few more pix for Leny's tribute page. He took back a carload of old magazines, clothes, and other stuff to be either stored for others to look thru later, used by Kathy or Holley, or given to thrift store.

Took picture of this rainbow over Lake Elsinor while driving by at 80mph.

Elsa's company sent these flowers instead of making a donation as Elsa had requested

Leny's flowers had turned from white to purple!

Gomer and Festus chewing fat on front porch

Jef found this while going thru stuff this day - he made this in junior high school about 41 years prior

PICTURE MADE circa 1968

On the 23rd, while at work, managed to finish next round of improvements to Leny's tribute page. Also, the printer came in to work this day.

On the 24th, rushed off to take a few pix near the Hellhole trailhead before sunset.

The pool had blown (even weighted down with 100# of bricks) over the orange tree a couple days before this!

Front yard this morning

Photos at start of Hellhole hike

Looking back to town

On the 26th, after work, packed and drove to SD with Kathy, Holley, and Tiki. Arrived at Stacey's apartment and spent the night.

At Stacey's apartment

On the 27th, after apartment key vanished and we arranged for manager to lock up for us, we met Stacey at the "Portfolio Show" where the graduates were showing off their portfolios. Then after lunch at Subway, attended Stacey's graduation (with honors) from the Art Institute at the Marriot. Afterwards we had dinner at Thee Bungalow with the 4 of us, Oscar, Patric, Lorne and Alicia. Tab was $681!

Stacey's booth at Portfolio Show

The graduate

Fiddle farting around before ceremony

The graduating class milling outside before ceremony

Stacey in above photo

Proud mom

Other proud parents

Culinary artists

More graduates

Web Design group walking to stage


Stacey passing us on way to stage


End of graduates arriving at staging area

Someone getting an award

Bri giving speech for graduates

"Getting diploma" ceremony

Stacey about to get degree in her stupid heels

Stacey being congratulated

The graduating class

Keynote speaker was some bigshot in Hong Kong rag trade

Dinner for 8 at Thee Bungalow

Alicia, Lorne, Jef, Kathy
Stacey, Oscar, Holley, Patrick

On the 28th, we took the doggies to Dog Beach, where we spent the afternoon. Afterwards we got materials to make Shish-ka-bobs (Ahi, scallops, chicken, 'shrooms, peppers, onion). But with not having propane handy, wound up eating dinner after midnite.

Oscar had to eat standing up due to "beggar dogs"

On the 29th, Stacey, Holley and Oscar went to church in RB while Jef and Kathy got car washed and picked up a load of tiles. Then Kathy, Holley, Jef and Tiki drove back to Borrego after having some Crave yogurt -- Kathy left her purse there, and so we had to backtrack to pick it up. Water was off at house when we got back, but figured it was turned off by Ramon, as one of automatic valves was stuck on.

On the 30th, after Jef disconnected 3 valves actually connected to house water. Then back to work.

4Q 2008 Jan Feb Mar 2Q 3Q
Oct Nov Dec Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Feb 2009

On the 1st, mostly took it easy, but started cutting out bottom of drywall in room addition, and spackling underneath - to help prevent flooding problems later. Also did some yardwork.

On the 2nd, returned to work.

On the 3rd, another long day at work.

View of Fonts Point from work near sunset

On the 4th, completed the last of a 3 day stretch of long hours at work. Holley noticed this "moonbow" this night:

On the 5th, Kathy drove Dawn to Palm Desert for a doctor visit. Jef completed the water-proofing of the new outside wall, by putting 1/2" of spackle under drywall.

Newly painted baby mammoth

On the 6th, after work, packed and drove to L.A. to visit dad and Leny. Stopped for some Mexican takeout in Salton City. Elsa was still awake when we arrived in L.A.

On the 7th, got wireless internet working, installed intercom, and installed wireless deadbolt in outside gate. However, determined wireless deadbolt could not be opened from house. Got dad to write his first email from his new computer.

Views from upstairs bedroom
on a rainy night

Kathy cooking on new rug that Doug installed a few days before

On the 8th, while Elsa, Kathy and Holley did a massive shopping trip which included the procurement of a clothes dryer, made hole for dryer outlet in glass block wall and set up microwave for Elsa.

Dad checking internet in bed

Holley and Elsa with dad on new computer

Leny with her TPN system, and not feeling well

Leny talking on phone

Holley showing her flexability

On the 9th, as Elsa was sick, went with her to hospital so Leny could get her abdomen drained -- whole process took about 4 hours. While there, Kathy arranged for Elsa to visit doctor, so dropped Elsa off at another medical center, and went back to pick up Leny. We stopped and picked up Elsa on way back. Kathy worked all day, cleaning up laundry room, among other things. We departed and left for Borrego late that afternoon.

Interesting weather abounded on drive home

Steam from power plant in glow of setting sun

Snow on surrounding mountains dipped down below 3000'

On the 10th, Jef and Kathy came down with a bug we got in L.A., so cancelled all patients for the day.

Note snow on mountains, and size of newly completed bird statue

On the 11th, Jef was better, but Kathy worse, so cancelled all patients. Jef did some work at office.

On the 12th, Kathy was still sick, so cancelled all patients.

On the 13th, Kathy took another day off, so all patients were cancelled. Jef did the draw for the straight doubles tennis tournament.

On the 14th, Jef was eliminated 8-9, 6-8 with partner Brad Nash against Gary and Barry, and then Sheldon and Arne. Stayed home rest of the day with Kathy. We ordered pizza for dinner that night.

On the 15th, attended finals for the newsletter.

On the 16th, we had a cold, gray rainy day. Took day off -- just doing some office work.

On the 17th, Kathy, despite feeling very fatigued, started working, completing a fairly full day. Stacey was rear-ended by a hit-and-run driver, and had her car towed to a nearby Toyota dealer.

On the 18th, Jef did the chore of defrosting the freezer, after Holley left the door open all night. Kathy did some homecare, and Jef did a little at the office. Stacey had her car partially fixed, so she had transportation.

On the 20th, won at tennis with partner Sid against Hank and Gerry, 6-4, 6-1, 3-2. Lost 18 at poker.

On the 21st, started weeding at my house, and also started finishing drywall.

On the 22nd, continued weeding and used up the balance of the drywall mud on new room.

On the 23rd, back to work.

On the 25th, did some more weeding and completed final mud coat on drywall.

On the 27th, attended the Woolcott dinner/auction. Our table won many of the bids, including the 2 sculptures by Carlos Breceda (a giant dragonfly and a large tortoise with a golf club in it's jaws). We won a 1 week vacation in Canada's wine country. After dinner we were invited to the Palms by the owner, along with others at our table. She opened the bar, and we had a drink outside.

at the silent auction

waiting for the doors to open

our table, selected by Kathy

business neighbors, Jack and Bunny

auctioneer under Braceda sculpture as it was auctioned

Carlos Breceda thanking winning bidders of his sculptures

Krazy Coyote bar

Hoberg Resort while under construction

Old days when you could drive up to Fonts Point

Kathy at bar

Kristine and her doppelganger

Having a drink outdoors

Kathy talking with one of resort owners

On the 28th, Jef drove to L.A., met dad, Leny, Marleen and Elsa. Gave Leny a couple of flower pots, each with about 100 blooms. Had a nice lunch, set up 2 new intercoms, making a total of 4 in the system. Cut down a dead branch from guava tree, and cut it up into firewood. Marleen made a nice dinner.

Yummy dinner cooked by Marleen

4Q 2008 Jan Feb Mar 2Q 3Q
Oct Nov Dec Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Jan 2009

On the 1st, got up in the afternoon, and rushed over to see the demonstration and participate in Sandi's clinic with Gretchen Majors and Luke Jensen.

Hiking up to Spur from Tilting T

Near high point of Spur

Kathy at high point

Kathy on trail with Mall in background

Noticed these birds in an Ocotillo at dusk

On the 2nd, went on work, doing year end stuff. Dropped off calendars at club to be sold. Then, with Kathy, hiked to town, getting Kathy something at the pharmacy, and walking home in the dark along the pole-line road.

On the 3rd, hiked to town, had a nice lunch at Carmelita's, and went up Borrego Spur, but found a shorted path to loop back to Tilting T.

Stacey gave us some bedding for Xmas, including this comforter -- Kathy is here experiencing the difficulty in installing removeable covering for the comforter, however

On the 4th, caught up with this website after over 1 week, helped Kathy prune and do all sorts of things with her roses -- into the night!

On the 5th, went back to work.

On the 7th, Jennifer came to work in office, temporarily, for training so that she could help out when Jef went to L.A. the following week for his dad's surgery.

On the 9th, drove to SD and sat in dentist chair for 3 hours, as 2 back teeth were prepped for crowns and temporary crowns installed. Holley came with me and waited in lobby all this time. Holley was supposed to hook up with Stacey, but Stacey was unavailable for the entire day. We did some shopping and just before leaving, stopped by Craig and Nancy's and played a little pickle ball. After arriving back in Borrego, went to tennis club and did the draw for the tournament the next day.

On the 10th, played in tournament (ZB handicap format) with Jan. We survived to the following day. Dropped Holley off at club, but did not attend potluck. Kathy and I had a small dinner at home. When we went to pick up Holley, she was AWOL with Kan. After searching about everywhere, the pair turned up at the club at about 11 that night with a lame excuse of going for a walk and getting lost.

On the 11th, Jef and Jan were eliminated right away by the eventual winners. Went to work for a while before returning to see the finals.

Top players in tennis club: Ken, Ursala, Penny, Tom

Contrails at dusk

On the 12th, after completing a full day at work, Jef drove to L.A. and met Julie at dad's house. Leny and Bob had just gone to bed.

On the 13th, dad drove us all to the hospital. Leny was sick and, altho released from hospital recently, needed to be re-admitted. Dad went off to surgery. Jef and Julie bounced around between floors visiting Leny and trying to get info on dad's open-heart surgery. Finally, after about 12 hours at the hospital, they were able to visit dad in the intensive care ward. The surgeon reported the operation was a success. Dad had lots of things connected to him, including a tube down his throat connected to a respirator. This would cause him to have a sore throat for a while afterwards.

Dad just after surgery at dusk

On the 14th, Jef and Julie visited dad, and he was able to speak. He was under lots of medication, and seemed to be doing okay, so Jef drove back to Borrego.

Dad with Julie the following day

On the 15th, Jef returned to work and had a lighter load, as Jennifer was still helping in the office.

On the 16th, Kathy was not up to working, and so the few morning patients were cancelled. Jef, Kathy, and Holley drove to Palm Desert and checked into the Embassy Suites. Shortly after, Jef and Kathy visited Dawn just after her surgery was completed.

On the 17th, after the usual awesome breakfast at Embassy Suites, we visited Dawn at the hospital. Afterwards we shopped for Holley, and visited Dawn before returning to the hotel.

Kathy attending to Dawn at Eisenhower

Kathy and Holley by duck pond just outside Dawn's room

Duck pond with hospital in background

Some wierd bird, resembling a kingfisher

On the 18th, after breakfast, visited Dawn for the last time and then went to see a movie at the River: Gran Torino, which was pretty good, and appropos to recent experiences.

at the Embassy Suites

Holley stayed in living room

Kathy finishing breakfast in bed

at the duck pond on Sunday

Sunset at shopping mall while leaving Palm Desert area

Note the snow still on San Jacintos

On the 19th, returned to work.

On the 20th, ordered a camera for Morgan. Here I am demonstrating the self-timer:

On the 23rd, drove to SD, did some shopping after picking up an RX for Kathy, dropped off some stuff with Stacey at her work, and drove up to San Marcos. Won 4 at poker.

Stacey at work at the Men's Wearhouse

Early Valentine bouquet given to Kathy this night

On the 24th, did some chores at home, helping to remove Xmas tree, and starting to excavate leaking irrigation valves.

Dark area around the manifold is Eucalypus roots

Excess dirt was used to smooth carport

Note green in front yard

Started trimming palm on left (looked just like one on right before starting)

On the 25th, continued excavating irrigation mess.

On the 26th, returned to work.

On the 27th, another long day at work. Rusty came by, and we arranged to go to the Crazy Coyote for dinner.

Test photo at Crazy Coyote

The entire dinner party

On the 28th, continued excavating around leaking irrigation valves (at Kathy's) to be replaced.

On the 29th, another long day at work.

On the 30th, drove to SD, did some shopping, tied at tennis with partner Sid against Hank and Gerry: 1-6, 7-5, 3-2. Won 4 at poker.

View looking towards El Centro from Crawford Overlook that night

On the 31st, took it easy, after a long week.

4Q 2008 Jan Feb Mar 2Q 3Q
Oct Nov Dec Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
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